I am doing exercises every Day and eating healthy but I am not losing wieght

diana_dndnb Posts: 1
edited January 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
I am not that fat though but I still want to be in shape


  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    You're not eating at a deficit. You can work your butt off for hours in the gym but it gets you nowhere if you're not at a deficit.

    Also you may be over exerting yourself if you went from no exercise to exercising everyday.

  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    And it's entirely possible you don't need to lose weight. You don't look like you do from your picture
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    We really need more information to be able to make any suggestions... "Not that fat" isn't very helpful.

    What is your current weight and goal weight?
    How many calories are you eating?
    What exercises are you doing?
    Do you have any fitness related goals (beyond losing weight)?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am not that fat though but I still want to be in shape

    There's a difference between getting in shape and losing weight. What are your stats and goal?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I see from your profile you want to lose 20 lbs and you may just be starting out. In my situation I was not eating at enough deficit.

    MFP plan over estimated my calories and I was eating too much. I had to find my BMR number and TDEE number and create an adequate deficit and it is now working.

    Try putting in your stats here http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/. If your MFP comparable to the stats? I had to tweak MFP and use a custom setup..

  • f1ying_v
    How long have you been “doing exercises and eating healthy”. If it’s been less than 2 weeks then stick with it for a little while longer. If you don’t have much weight to lose then it’s probably going to come off slowly. If it’s been more than a month then you might want to change something. Your workouts might not be intense enough or you might be overeating healthy foods so ramp up the intensity your workouts and be diligent about tracking your calorie intake. You might also want to put away the scale for a while, take your measurements and concentrate more on losing “inches” or set a fitness goal if you’re already at a weight that’s healthy for you.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2015
    Or are you not eating enough? Dieting can be tricky if you have slowed you metabolism down. Or if you are pushing it too hard, its not going to let go of anything. Might change your focus from the scale moving to dynamically changing your shape. That means mix it up. Add weight/resistant training. I know that's hard as a woman (for me it is). But the pay off is bigger than the calorie burn your missing by skipping cardio.

    My suggestions

    1. Get a kitchen scale
    2. Cut out sugar and refined foods. They are just empty calories. About as useful as bank fees.
    3. Eat more lean protein, maybe a suppliment
    4. Get plenty of rest
    5. Drink plenty of water.
    6. Eat more veggies. They are like surprise checks in the mail to your body.
    7. Focus on good fats

    Good luck!
  • pokegurl
    Have you tried group exercise classes? About a year ago I joined the gym to get in shape, taking classes like ripped, bodypump, and cardiokick. They are intense workouts and for once I'm toned as well as having lost a few pounds and easily maintain ing my weight. I wasn't losing or maintaining weight by doing my own thing in the gym. I agree with also tracking calories.
  • Cacheola
    Cacheola Posts: 50 Member
    You could be building muscle countering any fat losses
  • BabyWeight821
    BabyWeight821 Posts: 24 Member
    Look at what you are eating, maybe you are under calorie goal but consuming a lot of sugar or perhaps not enough protein? Try eating clean of course and if you tend to eat the same amount of calories every day, change it up-- increase your calorie intake for a day then lower it back down. You need to keep your body guessing in order to overcome and prevent a plateau. Do the same with your work out routine. Also remember if you do a lot of strength training that it weighs more than fat so that may be a reason for not seeing loss on the scale. Cardio is important as well.