Size Issues.



  • kourtneywitt1
    Clothes are not a motivater for me because with my body type only my stomach is a problem i have to get a size that fits my butt because if i get a size that fits my belly they fall off my butt... idk how to explain it but ive been up and down in wieght so much that its caused a flab to overhang my pants so even at 205 im in a 14 but they tend to slide down alot too
  • Tabithas_Transformation
    I've seen posts before about not going down in sizes despite 20-40lb lost because the fat is coming off from around our vital organs. I don't know how true that is but it's helped to motivate me if I'm not seeing a big difference in clothes sizes.

    That said, I'm not sure about the US, but in the UK I can comfortably fit into our size 18 in some places and barely squeeze into our size 28 in others. Plus most of the size guides online will tell me I'm a size 32-34 according to my measurements. So I don't really go by clothes size as a motivator.
  • Smaravetz
    Smaravetz Posts: 2 Member
    I'm grateful to hear other women talk about the discomfort of their weight loss being commented on. I think a big reason I let myself stay heavy to begin with was discomfort with the male gaze- there's a degree of invisibility from being heavy,and that becomes comfortable (Especially if you've had anything traumatic happen.) Maybe even knowing that's a trigger for you can help you block out some of those comments intended as compliments and rationalize your gut response.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    As other people have said, clothing sizes are not consistent, so are not a great metric for weight loss.

  • PurdueBoilerFan
    PurdueBoilerFan Posts: 21
    edited January 2015
    Guys always cringe when ladies bring up size issues.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    Guys always cringe when ladies bring up size issues.

    You know, I DID almost title this discussion "size matters" lmao.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    Smaravetz wrote: »
    I'm grateful to hear other women talk about the discomfort of their weight loss being commented on. I think a big reason I let myself stay heavy to begin with was discomfort with the male gaze- there's a degree of invisibility from being heavy,and that becomes comfortable (Especially if you've had anything traumatic happen.) Maybe even knowing that's a trigger for you can help you block out some of those comments intended as compliments and rationalize your gut response.

    I agree with this 100%. I did have a bit of a traumatic childhood in general, and I don't really like being looked at too long by anyone because it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will admit part of why I didn't mind being overweight was to keep people from noticing me that much. I also don't know how to take compliments from people when they notice how much weight I've lost.

    At my most recent smallest I weighed 210lbs back in 2013. I remember being at my grandmother's (who had a huge hand in raising me) funeral and I had people come up to me and say "Oh my Gosh, you've lost so much weight!" and it drove me insane because here I was faced with a devastating loss of my grandmother and they wanted to pay attention to something as unimportant as my weight. I think that's partially why I gave up last time. I couldn't handle grieving and dieting at the same time.

  • trying4real
    trying4real Posts: 113 Member
    "When I take pictures, I take them on my phone, email them to myself, transfer them to a super-secret hard-to-find folder on my desktop, and then delete them from my phone and my email so I don't have to see them by accident. But I have them, and they're making a big difference this time around. " lol this was awesome and a good idea.