do you count strength training for calories burned?



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    totally count...I do jumping jacks or high knees, just things in between my sets to keep my heart rate up.

    Exactly. I have no down time between sets and I wear a HRM to montior my calories burned.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I look at it like this, they have house cleaning and yard mowing (now thats a little extreme to me) but strength training should definatly count as part of cardio

    House cleaning, maybe extreme, lawn mowing...not so much...I pushed mowed my lawn today and according to my HRM, I burned 683 calories in 90 minutes...Those are calories worth counting...

    Tell you what, come ANY Saturday and do my weekly big cleaning (house with a husband 4 kids & 3 dogs) TRUST ME, you wont wonder why I COUNT those calories. LOL

    Amen sister! I have 2 dogs and 3 kids. It IS a workout! I wish doing laundry and grocery shopping counted here. Loading bags in and out of the van and putting them away sometimes makes me sweat! LOL
  • feliciapeters
    feliciapeters Posts: 525
    it's the moving the furniture to vacumn that gets me. PLUS every week I steam clean at least one room. (One of the dogs REFUSES to potty train lol)
  • feliciapeters
    feliciapeters Posts: 525

    Amen sister! I have 2 dogs and 3 kids. It IS a workout! I wish doing laundry and grocery shopping counted here. Loading bags in and out of the van and putting them away sometimes makes me sweat! LOL

    The kids unload & put away.
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    I do, I use a HRM and with having little rest inbetween sets, I find this works out calories and especially fat burn very well!
  • harmonydubois
    I look at it like this, they have house cleaning and yard mowing (now thats a little extreme to me) but strength training should definatly count as part of cardio

    I don't think this is extreme at all. Maybe you feel this way because it's what is done on a regular to maintain our way of living...but if you put on a HRM and get going, you;ll be surprise at how many calories are burned doing 2 hrs of house work. :smile:

    as for counting strength, I do it under cardiovascular because it gets the heart pumping just like cardio /aerobics does. I do Chalean Extreme, and I document my workouts under that.
  • decu68
    decu68 Posts: 78
    Every daily activity that people do will burn calories that is a fact of life. Any movement a person does needs energy to move and the more movement the more calories are required. The problem is that people take in too much calories and take them in too high of dosages in one sitting instead of broken up over 5 to 6 meals a day where one's body is able to use them more efficiently.

    Now the questions it seems is what should one record?

    If one wants to get nit picky then they can record everything and anything. For recording house hold chores or loading groceries or shoveling snow or mowing the lawn or mundane daily activities I would personally say no. These are things that are done repetitively by yourself and your body has already adapted to these. Some people may find these strenuous but that is due to being out of shape.

    Actual cardio for sure should be recorded. Strength training where you heart rate is continually at its peak for sure should be recorded. There may be a few other activities that can be included but unless your heart rate is up over 20 minutes continually I would no record. Daily chores; not in my opinion. Nobody keeps their heart rate up that high doing those types of activities; no way. If they did then they wouldn't need exercise programs and we wouldn't have an obese society. Our doctors would then be prescribing daily chores instead of getting our fat a$$es to the gym and such. Exercise gimmicks wouldn't be a billion dollar industry.

    If those are recorded then perhaps anybody under stress should record that as well. People who are under high stress will have an increased heart rate. Are they burning calories? No but they are working towards an earlier grave.

    Sometimes common sense needs to be applied to this.