I binged....again.

I don't know why it is happening STILL! It started in October when I restricted my calories to 1200 a day. I binged all over the Christmas holidays too. At the start of January I switched to a plant based diet and it is the most amazing feeling in the world - I also upped my calorie intake to 1400. However, yesterday I binged, again. It wasn't as bad as previous binges, but I feel so awful now. I have woken up with a headache and my whole body aches so badly, especially my shoulders. When I went to the toilet it was kinda loose (sorry if tmi) and I just feel so sick. My throat also hurts as well. I can't even think about eating right now. What is happening? I suppose my body is reacting really negatively since I have been eating unprocessed foods and no animal-based products. I don't have B.E.D but sometimes I feel like I cannot control the urge to binge. I tried to eat milk chocolate, which i usually devour, however it gave me a headache and tasted super too sweet. How can I just stop the binges? And how can I stop associating the weekends with 'eating badly'? Thank you so much for your help!!!!


  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Ok. Trust me when I say that you are not alone....
    The loose bowel movements are from the chocolate
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    There are many reasons people binge unfortunately you will have to figure out why you did for yourself. Start by asking yourself questions like, what was going on that day? Were you stressed? Were you lonely? What was it you binged on and is it something you have been depriving yourself of? I find that I can not eliminate any food totally from my diet. If I do, then when I do taste it, I go crazy with it. Often times people start out by having a bad moment and say to themselves..Oh well, I have already messed up this day, so why not just totally blow it and start again tomorrow.

    So my thought is this....Figure out what was going on in your life and with that you may be able to figure out a way to stop it from happening again. For now, forgive yourself and move forward. This is a journey not a race. It is a learning processes we all have to go through. We all have speedbumps along the way but what matters is the over all trend to a healthy you.

    You are not alone in this. Get a good support group, here or at home or both. Come to the boards and read when you are having weak moments. It will help pass the time.

    You can do this...You are worth the effort it takes
  • TheBattleAxe
    TheBattleAxe Posts: 54 Member
    Hey get over it and get yourself back on the wagon. Look up and smile, you're alive and able to make choices. Make today/tomorrow a new start. Hopefully you'll last longer until the next urge and you can be prepared with some healthier options to binge on.
    (I just had a 2 day binge eating dates and nuts and felt really cross with myself for loosing control, but some how, I now feel stronger that I didn't totally give up, but got myself back on track, plus there are no more dates because I ate them all and won't be buying any more)
  • mstephens613
    mstephens613 Posts: 4 Member
    I just "binged" too (I'm putting t in quotes bc it wasn't true binge eating, but what I would call binge eating). It was chocolate chip cookies- I ate 3 and then had a spoonful of Nutella. I'm feeling awful right now and I don't know why I did it. I just finished lunch and the cookies were sitting on the counter (I have a 5 year old and we made them together last night).

    How do you even begin to figure out why you have reactions like that to food? I know I'm a snacker, so having better choices available for a quick grab makes it easier to actually make the better choice but I don't know why I get in moods like that where I just want to eat everything. I definitely feel full now. I'm just mad at myself.
  • forcebewu
    Don't feel bad, I ate a whole box of candy that was left over from the holidays, I was so mad at my self that I got on my exercise bike and rode those calories off, man it took me 6 hours and a very sore behind. Now I set the empty box of candy on the shelf next to the bike, with a big sign 6 hours, do you really want that. :)

    Hopefully that will be the end of wanting candy. Good luck, chocolate is my down fall!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Why are you eating so few calories?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I just "binged" too (I'm putting t in quotes bc it wasn't true binge eating, but what I would call binge eating). It was chocolate chip cookies- I ate 3 and then had a spoonful of Nutella. I'm feeling awful right now and I don't know why I did it. I just finished lunch and the cookies were sitting on the counter (I have a 5 year old and we made them together last night).

    How do you even begin to figure out why you have reactions like that to food? I know I'm a snacker, so having better choices available for a quick grab makes it easier to actually make the better choice but I don't know why I get in moods like that where I just want to eat everything. I definitely feel full now. I'm just mad at myself.

    Yeah, that's not a binge. I, personally, think you should NOT call eating three cookies and a spoonful of nutella a binge (even in your definition). You ate some calories. Not even a lot.