has this happened to you? if so, please respond...

HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
yesterday was my 120th day on mfp! how did i celebrate??? i ate! and ate! and ate....ugh! it was one of those days where i couldn't get full. and then, i started thinking. i thought about how i have been doing during the 120 days and how much i have lost and i became really disappointed in myself. i have taken so many off days because it was valentines day, and easter, and birthdays, and st. Patrick's day, and i had done so good for the week and last weight on my weigh in day so i HAD to reward myself, etc. basically...i found every excuse i could to have a cheat day. THAT is why my weight loss at this point has not been as successful as it could have been. 32 pounds is what i have lost and while i do believe that is a great accomplishment, i know others that have been at this a lot less time and have lost that or less. and it has been said that people that have a lot of weight to lose, will typically lose it pretty quickly but not me. why not? because i don't care anymore. i have lost the motivation that i had when i first started! i went at it cold turkey and i did great for a long time and then i just thought one day...who cares if I'm fat? not me! (i do, but i cant motivate myself to get back at it). i thought about it last night and decided i hate counting calories! how annoying is it to go to prepare dinner for your family and say "they can eat this and i guess i will have a sandwich because it is easier to break down". my kids love casseroles and we haven't had them in so long because after i put everything into it and break it down to start counting the calories and determine how much of each ingredient in consumed i get frustrated and pop a lean cuisine in the microwave. i had decided last night that i was done. i don't want to do this anymore...there has got to be an easier way! then i woke up this morning, and started counting my calories again. i thought...but i don't want to drive thru a McDonald's and get a sausage biscuit and hash browns or have fast food for lunch...it makes me feel gross. but, i hate calorie counting too. anyway, I'm sorry for this long read and rant but, has this happened to anyone else? at what point did it happen and how did you get back to it? i really don't want to give up...but I'm just so burnt out!! thanks for your help :smile:


  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    I have had this many times since starting in June. I'm down 75 lbs since but it has NOT been easy. I have quit so many times I can't count but I get so upset with myself I have to start up again. My weight has gone up and down like crazy. I have had those days where I eat and eat but the next day when I get on the scale and see that number go up I am so disappointed that I work extra hard the next day. When I first started I went into it full go but then I have had my "slacking" moments. I can't avoid life so I still enjoy dinners with family and cook-outs with friends I just push myself a bit harder at the gym and no matter what you can't give up. This is a life long journey not a quick fix. Good luck and if you need a friend feel free to add me. Keep your head up and keep plugging along and things will happen for the better!
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    Also if I get into a "funk" and don't want to work out I still make myself go to the gym even if I just sit in the hot tub or the sauna i am still there and I need that routine. I have taken as much as 2 weeks off no exercise and not watching what I ate but in the end my health was more important and I just had to kick myself in the butt and get back at it!
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    thank you for that! i did send you a friend request. it is good to know that you have been in this situation and have still lost a HUGE amount of weight! (congrats, by the way) it is inspiring. i know it isnt going to be easy and isnt going to happen overnight...i just want to get motivated to keep with it. i hate that having to go off and be dissapointed in myself is the only way to get me back on track :(
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    I am dealing with that now its like I have lost it why am I killing my self at the gym why am i not eating what I want why be think if you cant be happy grrrrrrrr but I know I want to be thin and shop in whatever store I want to and have things that fit so I am just going to have to get back on the wagon and go if I fall then I will have to do all over untill I get it
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    The important thing to realize about counting calories is that it opens your awareness to how many calories are in a lot of foods. So once you get the hang of it and start eating a lot of the same things, you'll know how many calories are in the foods you eat regularly. Make that casserole and try to use the same things each time then the next time you make it, you already know the caloric intake. Don't panic and take it one day at a time. It's hard but in the end, it's worth it.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I think it happens to everyone. That is why each day is a new day to start over. I did it last Saturday. My boys wanted Wendy's so we stopped and I was good, ordered the grilled chicken wrap for 260 cals. Then they didn't finish their burgers, so what did I do, I ATE THEM! What was I thinking? Not sure I was thinking anything, but just mindlessly eating. Worst part I wasn't even hungry!

    I counted the calories and went on with the day. That's all you can do sometimes.

    Keep going, don't quit! Take this and learn from it.
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    There are times when one will get frustrated, annoyed, discouraged and just plain pist off. Everyone makes mistakes because we're only human. There is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to indulge in sweets, or that oh so fattening hamburger once in awhile. There is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to have a cheat day. And most importantly there is nothing wrong with falling off the wagon. If losing weight is important to you then keep on trucking. Everyone has ups and downs but as long as we stay strong and determined we will overcome obstacles that stand in our way. I have been at this for over a year and I still find myself making excuses why I shouldn't exercise. Then I tell myself you want this that bad then get up and just do it! I actually feel extremely guilty if I don't exercise. And if it just so happens that I ate too many calories, I workout a little harder to burn a little more. You're not alone a lot of people get like this so please don't let it get you down. Keep on trucking my friend because if you want this bad enough you will make it happen. :)

    PS.. You know MFP makes it extremely easy to track calories in casseroles ect??? You can plug all the ingredients in and it will calculate it for you. I use it all the time. If you have some favorite recipes then enter them in ahead of time.
  • cowropingirl
    cowropingirl Posts: 4 Member
    Something that has helped me is to make sure that I am not so hard on myself to be 100% accurate with all my entries. There is no way possible that I can know exactly what is in something I make from scratch. I will find something 'like' it and use that, you start to get a 'gut' feeling when have entered enough calories if it is close. If I am not sure, then I just dont enter all my exercise or go on the side of conservative to make sure i dont go over. I still eat the things I like, I dont deny myself anything, I just make sure its in small doses or only every now and then. I also allow myself to have days (but not more than once a week) where I dont care if I go over. Also, my family eats what I eat or cook...I just dont have such a large portion or if I make a casserole, I add a side salad to it. If you are cooking something for them and something for yourself you are doing too much work! No wonder you are burned out on that, who wants to do that much?, not me! I weigh myself only once a week, first thing in the morning, naked, right after I go to the bathroom...my dr says thats way more accurate. I'm happy with 1-2 pounds a week coming off (more would be nice but...) and fluctuation up and down is to be expected, dont lose sight of your goal because you gained a pound or two. I'd go crazy if I weighed myself every day...its depressing. Dont be too hard on yourself and dont use myfitness pal as a punishment to have to count calories. Find creative ways to cut calories in one place so you can have them in another. Also, periodically check the calories of the items you are entering to make sure they are right. I had a salad at one restaurant that said a lot lower number of calories (by 300) than their website said...so be careful with that.

    I look at MFP as a tool to help guide me and keep me honest about what I am eating and dont stress over the 'exactness' of it all...and I eat out a lot less than i used to because they pack way too many calories in that stuff...I can do better at home. Hang in there and dont be so hard on yourself...you've come too far to give up now. Good luck!!! :)
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I'm posting here because we seem to be going through a lot of the same things at the moment. I too have been on this site for about 120 days (reached that 3 days ago) and I have lost 31 pounds in that time. I started off being obese and even after losing over 30 pounds I'm still obese. But I couldn't be happier with the results I've seen and I think you should be proud of your accomplishments too. If you calculate your loss, 2 pounds a week for 16 weeks (120 days) then you are doing absolutely perfect. Sure some people might lose at a faster pace but honestly who cares? This is about you, not them. Don't think of this as a competition because you have no outside contestants. This is all about you!

    After saying that though, I have to admit that I've hit a wall this week. For some reason I've been incredibly hungry all week and it's the first time I've felt that way since joining. I don't know if it's because I'm starting to get complacent with how I look now that I've lost some weight or what. But I can tell you that I never want to go back to eating like I was before and it doesn't sound like you do either. So my advice to you is this: think about your goals and what they mean to you. If you would be upset with yourself for giving up now then use those thoughts to refocus your motivation. Don't beat yourself up because you didn't eat perfectly one day. Pick yourself back up and put your goals first. You will thank yourself in the end.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Ok, this isn't meant to be critical in a bad way, but maybe take a step back and really think about what you want to achieve and how to make it happen for yourself. By that I mean, weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all sort of thing. Some people can hit the ground running and make major changes that last right away. I'm very much a gradual change kind of person. I'd have given up long ago if I tried to be "perfect" from the beginning.

    From just what you've written, it seems you are a bit hard on yourself. Remember that this is a lifestyle change and you have to live it one day at a time. You can't go from sitting on the couch one week to running a marathon the next week. Well, it's the same with foods for some of us. You can't go from eating whatever you want to automatically making the best calorie and nutrition choices overnight. It's a learning process. If you make a choice that you later regret, learn from it and make a better choice next time. Don't beat yourself up about it.

    Also, it sounds like casseroles are something your family really enjoys. So it doesn't seem to fit very well to not make them or to make them for the rest of the family and not eat them yourself. The recipe tool on here works quite well to give an overall calorie count and then you can estimate how many serving and it will give you that breakdown too. If your current casseroles don't fit into your calorie budget very well, maybe it's a good time to go looking for new recipes. (I'm always happy of an excuse to look for new recipes.)

    And know that you aren't alone in dealing with the stresses of making better choices. For me the hardest part is the mental gymnastics of figuring out what to eat and when to eat it. Sometimes I think that I just spend way too much time thinking about it and would really like for it to just be simple. Some days are definitely better than others, but what helps me most is just planning ahead more. If I try to make decisions about food when I'm hungry or when I'm rushed for time I'm much more likely to make choices I regret later. So I try to spend a little time on the weekend figuring out what dinners for the week will be and what I want to have on hand to take for lunches.

    Best wishes on finding renewed motivation to continue your journey toward better health.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I find planned cheat days work for me. If I plan in advance and look forward to it, then I'm not cheating out of a moment of weakness. Losing weight is definitely not easy. But try not to compare yourself to others. I have never lost weight quickly like some people. But if I focus too much on that, it would discourage me.
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    thank you all SO much! i think this is exactly what i needed to hear! (or i hope anyway) i know i am not alone in this because i have all of you. my kids are very young still and while most days, we all eat the same thing...some days i will make them a special dinner that isnt unhealthy but that i know i would over eat because it is so good! lol i AM doing this because i want them to learn the healthy habits that i wasnt taught when i was younger and teach them to not just eat whatever is easiest because that is usually unhealthy. i am going to keep going with this and try to live a healthier life. i told myself last week when i started feeling this way, that i would keep with it even if it took several years to reach my goal and i am going to do that! but, as many of you pointed out...i am very hard on myself and that is another lifestyle change that i am trying to make! thank you all so much for your help and i hope you all have a wonderful day and good luck with your journey! :bigsmile:
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Oh this was today for me. I have eaten SO much..prolly over 3500 calories ..i was just sulking around..this is the first time i have gone over my calorie limit in three months. But i don't feel like a piece of crap. It'd a done deal ..I have a plan..the next six days i will be under my calorie limit.. 400 calories under and i'd cover the damage :) . You can't change what's done.. You can change what's to be done. If you fall off the wagon get right back up !
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    While this IS supportive it may not sound like it on the surface because I take a different view point (more of a tough love approach) on this type of topic than most otters. So if a tougher response is not something you are prepared to hear, then you should stop reading this now.

    That being said; who ever said anything about it being easy? Because it’s not, and the sooner you realize and accept that the greater your success fill be. If you think counting calories and planning meals is tedious, I bet you wouldn’t be too happy with checking your blood sugar before every meal, giving yourself daily insulin injections or taking daily heart and cholesterol medications. So you can put the hard work and dedication into medicating yourself down the road as a result of your inaction, or you can put the hard work and dedication into avoiding those circumstances. You must suffer one of two pains, the pain of decline or the pain of regret, because you can either have excuses or you can have results, you can’t have both.

    In the words or Frederick Douglass “Without a struggle, there can be no progress.”
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    that is very true! i agree with the tough love concept too and i know i'd rather be eating healthy than taking medications for several reasons. i feel so much better on so many levels when im eating healthier...but that doesnt make it easy to stick with it. lol and i know it isnt supposed to be easy, its just something i have to do. thank you for your words!
  • smc2376
    smc2376 Posts: 1
    I used to celebrate weight loss milestones by eating also. I've had to re-train myself to not pig out as a reward. I try to give myself something that isn't food related, like a new article of clothing.
  • Rebeccamoore
    Rebeccamoore Posts: 21 Member
    This has happened to me too and sometimes I reward myself with an edible treat or a nice bath. I try and think what treat I'd like for my next weigh in day and I look forward to it all week and that usually keeps me on track. I also write on a piece of paper a thought of the week (this week it's your jeans dig into your tummy!) And that thought keeps me going until my next weigh in. I keep a photo of when I started up in my kitchen too. I hope this help. U know u can do it. Set yourself little challenges and take one day at a time. Good luck and keep it up
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