Best Calorie burn in the gym for 30min?



  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Do the big 3! Squats, deads and overhead press.

    I'd say wait until you plateau until you start doing hiit cardio

    Given it is an 8 week comp, it is not very likely he will plateau... nor would the big 3 burn a ton of cals in a 30 minute workout.

    Walk in at 9 -- walk to squat rack
    9:01-9:05 - Set up barbell for Squat
    9:05-9:06 - Do set - rest 1 minute
    9:07-9:08 - Do set - rest 1 minute
    9:09-9:10 - Do set - rest 1 minute
    9:11-9:12 - Do set - rest 1 minute
    9:13-9:14 - Do set - rest 1 minute

    9:14-9:17 - Set up barbell for Benchpress
    9:17-9:18 - Do set - rest 1 minute
    9:19-9:20 - Do set - rest 1 minute
    9:21-9:22 - Do set - rest 1 minute
    9:23-9:24 - Do set - rest 1 minute
    9:25-9:26 - Do set - rest 1 minute

    9:26-9:29 - Set up barbell for Deadlift
    9:29-9:30 - Do set - Do not rest -- Do not re rack weights
    Walk out door wishing you had more time

    That gets you about 15 minutes of moving weights, and 15 minutes of resting.
    And while a pound of muscle burns more cals than a pound of fat, he is not going to add a lot of muscle on in 8 weeks while he is trying his hardest to lose weight.
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Type Ketosis into your searches.
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    skullshank wrote: »
    30 min of burpees. nonstop.

    Oh dear god yes!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Gosh I hate biggest loser competitions they go against everything sensible in terms of weight loss and maintenance

  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    First off, the amount of weight you lose will largely be dictated by the kitchen. You can't outtrain a bad diet....doesn't matter what you do. With that in mind, as far as the gym goes, I recommend full body exercises that burn a lot of calories and/or HIIT. The reason for HIIT isn't simply for the calorie burn while you're at the gym....its to create something known as EPOC which is needed for the "afterburn" effect (burning calories for hours after the workout while your body recovers during EPOC). In order to successfully trigger EPOC, you need to be able to work at near max HR. Anyway, here's an idea for a workout. five intervals of: 2 minutes on cardio machine and 1 minute of bodyweight lower body exercises like air squats, lunges, split squats, Bulgarian split squats, step ups, etc. In each interval, increase your speed and/or incline. That's your first 15 minutes. For the next 10 minutes, do five intervals of: 1 minute on cardio machine and 1 minute of bodyweight upper body exercises like different variations of push-ups, burpees, etc. Increase your speed and/or incline for each interval. For the final 5 minutes of your workout, you're going to do 5 intervals of: 30 second sprint and 30 second rest.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    As far as calorie burn....I push myself hard either with a home workout or at a boot camp at a gym and I burn about 500 calories per half hour (according to my HRM) when I push hard (I'm talking averaging 85-90% of your max HR for the entire half hour). Most folks can't burn 500 calories per half hour. This is why your nutrition is most important in determining whether you're going to burn fat.
  • nicolejo143
    nicolejo143 Posts: 214 Member
    Skip the gym and go on a run.
  • Burpees!! haha!
  • MrsBennefield
    MrsBennefield Posts: 36 Member
    CoolDad67 wrote: »
    You'll want to use some sort of cardio exercises for the most calorie burn. Use whatever machine(s) get your heart pumping the best and can help you hold the heart rate up there for the 30 minutes.

    I find that the Arc Trainer or Elliptical work best for me. They tend to be easy to maintain a pace that keeps my heart rate where it is supposed to be.

    I try to keep my heart rate around the 140-150 mark. That's around 80-85% of my max heart rate. At that heart rate I would burn around 475 Calories in 30 minutes. This is, of course, based on my age, weight, and gender. Yours would be different.

    Good Luck!!

    How do you figure calorie burn based on height, weight and gender?
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    the elliptical with a high resistance and holding the arm bars the whole time will burn more than most anything else. Sure burpees are killer but youre not going to be able to do them for 30 mins straight
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I used to go as hard as possible at highest incline I could keep up with on the treadmill for 10 min--burned about 100calories. Take 30sec walk breaks, repeat 3x, should be a good burn:)
  • The best is hiit but after work and for only 30 minutes I hate looking at the steps of what I'm doing or thinking about it... This machine by precor, by far burns the most calories per minute if set to level 10 or higher. bwpi2ynnfcvr.jpg
  • Krueger92
    Krueger92 Posts: 109 Member
    lift weights
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    The elliptical is my go to if I want to burn energy fast.
  • Speed interval training
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Use an HRM for the best indication. Most 30 minute cardio workouts burn a maximum of about 300 calories if you are not in shape and less if you are.
  • I would say strict diet... Lots of running and kick boxing