Tall women 5'9 or taller



  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    I am 5'9 and at 170 now.
    Exercise every day, eat healthy and log your food/calories.
    My goal is 160(or less) It is a long and never ending journey but goals and healthy lifestyles can be reached!
  • lennykat
    lennykat Posts: 89
    "Yeah...but it's because you're tall." Talk about making someone want to shrink into the floor! I'm currently 39 years old, 5'9" and weigh in at 195lbs wearing a tight 12 or comfy 14. I have a medium frame and carry my weight in my legs!

    I come from a family where "no woman should ever weigh over 125lbs" so much like many of you, I thought I was fat in high school at 135-140 lbs. Didn't help when my mom was bribing me with no clothes if "I would just lose 10lbs". Wow- talk about a mind game!!

    Anyway, I lost 63 some odd pounds after I got married (shoulda done it before but oh well...) in 1996/97 and was at my lowest since high school at 132lbs and wearing a size 6 with people asking me if I had a stomach virus. My goal? I have no clue I'm thinking around 160lbs. I was 150lbs before the birth of my daughter 11 years ago, that would be nice but wondering if it is too far a stretch at this age.

    I can't tell you just how thrilled I am to see this forum of tall ladies. I'm glad I'm not alone in this...

    Thanks for being so inspiring!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    "Yeah...but it's because you're tall." Talk about making someone want to shrink into the floor! I'm currently 39 years old, 5'9" and weigh in at 195lbs wearing a tight 12 or comfy 14. I have a medium frame and carry my weight in my legs!

    I come from a family where "no woman should ever weigh over 125lbs" so much like many of you, I thought I was fat in high school at 135-140 lbs. Didn't help when my mom was bribing me with no clothes if "I would just lose 10lbs". Wow- talk about a mind game!!

    Anyway, I lost 63 some odd pounds after I got married (shoulda done it before but oh well...) in 1996/97 and was at my lowest since high school at 132lbs and wearing a size 6 with people asking me if I had a stomach virus. My goal? I have no clue I'm thinking around 160lbs. I was 150lbs before the birth of my daughter 11 years ago, that would be nice but wondering if it is too far a stretch at this age.

    I can't tell you just how thrilled I am to see this forum of tall ladies. I'm glad I'm not alone in this...

    Thanks for being so inspiring!


    I was really stuck at trying to get back to 140 BK (before kids) But now I am thinking that is unrealistic at 43. I would love to get to 150. I am comfortable at 160 because I've lost tons of inches...thanks to running. So right now I don't sweat the last 10lbs too much.

    When i was in my teens and early 20s I was 121 model thin. My husbands friends used to tease him and say that I was a pretty girl he just need to fatten me up!! :laugh: So I know I won't go down there LOL
  • Celeste79
    Celeste79 Posts: 21
    Argh - you small footed ladies! I WISH I were a size 11 - it would be soooo much easier to find shoes since they are more widely available than my size 12 clodhoppers.

    For my weight-loss journey, I'm just tracking calories, running, spinning, and sporadically weight training. Need to be more consistent with the WT and had joined a JM 30 DS challenge group but not so sure that I'm going to be able to do that on a daily basis seeing as how 2 days a week I both run and spin and when I come home from spin; I'm completely done. I should, however, make the effort to do 30 DS on my non-spin days. I also have JM Yoga that I bought back in February I think… and it's still in the plastic wrapper. Need to break that out and start using it for over-all toning and flexibility.

    I might be off my food game this weekend when celebrating both my birthday and Mother's Day. I will try, however, to make fairly smart choices and not go off the deep end and just be sure to get back on track on Monday.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. I'm 5'9, and weigh around 195. I have a medium bone structure. A month ago, I went from an almost sedentary life to working with a personal trainer 2x a week and doing cardio 3x a week. My scale is hovering between 193 and 196.5. I am not losing any weight, but after a month of this exercise plan, I have lost 10". 10" lost is a win, however, why am I not seeing ANY weight loss? Five years ago, I was at my lowest weight - 135. That was too low for me, and I am comfortable getting to and staying at 150. Any ideas?

    I'm 5'8 weigh 165 and want to get to 150. I started at 180 back in january.. and honestly, all I've done is eat things in moderation, exercise. I see my trainer twice a month and that has helped a lot.. I take the exercises we do and do them on my own. You'll also lose inches before you start losing any weight.. so don't get to caught up on the scale. If your clothes are fitting better and your feeling better, then thats all that matters.

    Feel free to add me if you want a new tall friend!
  • pipinan24
    pipinan24 Posts: 14
    Finally! I've been keeping my eye out for a thread regarding tall women. I'm 5'10" and weigh 160lbs. I originally thought I'd like to be 135 but I don't think I really took my height into account so I'm thinking now I'd like 145/150 and to tone up! Still trying to figure out the best calorie intake and exercise plan but I'm picking up a few ideas here. Any help would be appreciated!
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    Finally! I've been keeping my eye out for a thread regarding tall women. I'm 5'10" and weigh 160lbs. I originally thought I'd like to be 135 but I don't think I really took my height into account so I'm thinking now I'd like 145/150 and to tone up! Still trying to figure out the best calorie intake and exercise plan but I'm picking up a few ideas here. Any help would be appreciated!

    Hello and welcome! Yes, the message I'm consistently reading from ladies 5'9" + is that at one point when they were in the 130s (usually in teen/adolescent period), they were considered way too thin. It seems like 150-160 seems to be the most common goal range I'm seeing for gals at our height, with the number shifting up about 10 lbs for every inch over that. Sounds reasonable to me.
  • MsWizzo
    MsWizzo Posts: 6 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone! I'm 5'9.5", and weigh 158 lbs. My goal is to get to 145, and I've only seen that number once before. I'm all legs...seems like they're just naturally muscular. I absolutely love this thread; it's great to hear what other tall ladies are doing!

    13 years ago, I hit my highest weight: 235 lbs. I spent a couple years working it off, through eating a strict diet, running and weight training, and got down to 155lbs. A few years ago, I worked nights, and could never sync up my appetite...I kept exercising, but didn't eat that much, and got down to 145 lbs.

    Now, I'm 33, and decided to get serious about reaching my goal weight. During the past 2 months, I've lost almost 10 lbs. I've found MFP to be a great tool. I eat mostly fruits & veggies, tuna & chicken. On the weekends, I allow myself one cheat meal, and enjoy a great dinner out, with bread (a no-no for me during the week!), and a drink or two. Seems to be working so far. For exercise, I run 5 miles 5-6 days per week, and about 3 hours of weights weekly. Once in a while, I'll also do a Zumba class with a friend...but that's just an extra bonus.

    BTW, not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but I've found luck with tall slacks at Express. Also their jeans come in tall sizes; it doesn't seem like Express has gotten too carried away with the vanity sizing either.

    Good luck to everyone! :smile:
  • KathyEarhart
    KathyEarhart Posts: 94 Member
    It is very interesting how we all wear such varied sizes at similar heights and weight. I was in a 4 or 6 before becoming pregnant and that was at 155lbs and 5'9". I think the lowest weight for me would be 140, any less I have no curves and am too skinny. I was 120 in high school (and of course thought I was fat) but was super skinny, used to get teased about my bird legs. I lucked out on foot size, only an 8.5, which is nice as it does suck sometimes to be the huge one around all the petite women.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    It is very interesting how we all wear such varied sizes at similar heights and weight. I was in a 4 or 6 before becoming pregnant and that was at 155lbs and 5'9". I think the lowest weight for me would be 140, any less I have no curves and am too skinny. I was 120 in high school (and of course thought I was fat) but was super skinny, used to get teased about my bird legs. I lucked out on foot size, only an 8.5, which is nice as it does suck sometimes to be the huge one around all the petite women.

    Wow that is sooooo interesting! I am 5'9" I wear a size 10 at 155 lbs. A size 4 or 6 would put me less than 130lbs to get in that size.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Couldn't get any exercise in today. Spent all day moving my son back home from college.

    I am definitely going for a nice run tomorrow. I hope to get a good 7 miles in.
  • beccaannabell
    beccaannabell Posts: 2 Member
    Im 5'10" and weighing in between 170-175.
    I joined a gym in April and only went about 10 times. I felt great when I did go. When I don't go I regret it.

    I mostly do the elliptical and the weight machines.

    My stomach and thighs are where I would like to lose the weight and tone.

    My goal weight is 150. We will see how I feel when I get there!

    I am excited to stick with MFP and get inspiration from the community!
  • beccaannabell
    beccaannabell Posts: 2 Member
    Couldn't get any exercise in today. Spent all day moving my son back home from college.

    I am definitely going for a nice run tomorrow. I hope to get a good 7 miles in.

    moving is great exercise! As long as you are moving your body you are getting exercise!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Got in a good 7 mile run with my son! He was pissing me off because he was pushing me to run faster, It did help but I felt like I wanted to puke!!! LOL!!! :laugh:

    I hate working out with him. He is like a drill sargent!!!
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    It's really interesting hearing about everyone's different sizes with height/weight combinations! I'm 5'10" and currently 157, and I'm in a 6 or 8. I had gotten down to a 4 when I was in the 135-140 range, which was unmaintainable. I'd like to just be a solid 6, especially in jeans. My shoe size is the worst though -- 10.5, which, if you've ever looked for a 10.5, they don't make them. They jump right from 10 to 11 =( such a bummer. I'm so envious of all you small footed tall people!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,552 Member
    Wanted to wish all my tall friends a Happy Mother's Day (if it fits and it seems to fit alot of us!). I will not be on the computer tomorrow or Sunday, logging from my phone so hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Got in a good 7 mile run with my son! He was pissing me off because he was pushing me to run faster, It did help but I felt like I wanted to puke!!! LOL!!! :laugh:

    I hate working out with him. He is like a drill sargent!!!

    Does he take after his mother? :wink:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Got in a good 7 mile run with my son! He was pissing me off because he was pushing me to run faster, It did help but I felt like I wanted to puke!!! LOL!!! :laugh:

    I hate working out with him. He is like a drill sargent!!!

    Does he take after his mother? :wink:

    LOL!!! Yeah could be!! :wink:
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    My shoe size is the worst though -- 10.5, which, if you've ever looked for a 10.5, they don't make them. They jump right from 10 to 11 =( such a bummer. I'm so envious of all you small footed tall people!!

    I wear an 11, but my left foot is actually a 10.5. I have a feeling that when I reach my goal, I may go down a half a shoe size or more, and I HAVE noticed that 10.5 is an extremely elusive size to find--even worse than 11! On a related note, I went to college with a gal who played basketball for our school and she was 6' tall and wore a size 6 shoe. It was, for lack of a better word, WEIRD! I look at my big ol' feet and think, "Well, at least they're proportionate 'cause I'm tall."
  • Celeste79
    Celeste79 Posts: 21
    My shoe size is the worst though -- 10.5, which, if you've ever looked for a 10.5, they don't make them. They jump right from 10 to 11 =( such a bummer. I'm so envious of all you small footed tall people!!

    I wear an 11, but my left foot is actually a 10.5. I have a feeling that when I reach my goal, I may go down a half a shoe size or more, and I HAVE noticed that 10.5 is an extremely elusive size to find--even worse than 11! On a related note, I went to college with a gal who played basketball for our school and she was 6' tall and wore a size 6 shoe. It was, for lack of a better word, WEIRD! I look at my big ol' feet and think, "Well, at least they're proportionate 'cause I'm tall."

    There is that! I couldn't imagine being so small-footed at my height. It's amazing she had any balance at all!! I don't envy people needing a half size past size 10 - it is insane that they don't manufacture more shoes in half sizes.
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