I'm new and I need help

Erica1965 Posts: 36
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I have no idea how to eat right. I have lived my life eating for taste and comfort. I don't exercise either. I'm 45 and I won't live long at this rate. I started a change 2 weeks ago and I'm thrilled to find this website. I'm learning how to change my life!


  • Daddy_Jacob
    Daddy_Jacob Posts: 34
    welcome every one here gives crazy support feel free to add me for some extra motivation
  • lisa46219
    lisa46219 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Erica. I just started this today. I've been heavy all my life, and know what I need to do to change, but can't seem to stick to anything. Let's just try to focus on what we will feel like... going up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing, letting people take your picture without standing in the back trying to hide behind everyone else, wearing clothes that didn't come from a plus-sized shop. Try to remember to eat those veggies... but stay away from the starchy ones like peas, corn, and potatoes. And when you need to "cheat", try to have just a bite of something. Remember, it won't be easy but it will be worth it!
  • keba25
    keba25 Posts: 4
    I just started counting calories this week. I did the sacred heart diet last week as a jump start but it was not as fun as this. You can eat what you want but in moderation. The diary is a great help, it allows you to SEE what you are eating. You become more consciene of your intake.~good luck
  • precious71701
    precious71701 Posts: 105
    Welcome to mfp...You are so right, it is a lifechanging event...It takes time to learn everything you need to know and it's a wonderful journey...There are a lot of nice people on this site and if you need help, just ask...I'm still learning as well...having fun with it too...You are in the right place...Feel free to add me as a friend and good luck on your journey...
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    Welcome. I think it is fantastic you are here. Just a hint. Exercise is necessary even if it is walking. Think of everything you do as burning calories.
  • inchik
    inchik Posts: 35 Member
    Erica, congrats on taking the first step. MFP is great, you will love it, and sticking to it is super easy. Best of luck.
  • jaylyn2004
    jaylyn2004 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi just keep on this program stay with in your calories and exercise you will be amazed at the change in your life within 1 month. Good luck to you. You have taken the first step to the rest of your life.
  • kialhe1972
    kialhe1972 Posts: 2
    I my name is Kim and a cleint told me about this website today and already I see my problem. Breakfast alone was almost 600 calories soo not good. But let the NEW journey began.
  • rachielyon
    rachielyon Posts: 56
    I think of it as a budget, just like with money. Every time I feel hungry I think about what I want to eat and how much it's going to "cost". Then I decide what is more worth it. Some foods are more filling than others and won't leave you feeling hungry til your next meal. I try to chose those filling foods, which coincidentally usually have less calories too! That way, when I want a piece of banana bread or 2 scoops of ice cream as a treat, I can!!!! Just remember that what you is is like how much $$ you can spend. That helps me :o)
  • kjosey1
    kjosey1 Posts: 36
    I can give you a few tips for eating right....I've spent my life studying health and nutrition. I know how to be healthy but actually applying it is the hard part.

    Lean meats: chicken, tuna, lean beef, turkey, fish, EGG WHITES.....obviously grilled, smoked, poached is the best option. Fried food is not good.

    Vegetables: try a variety of veggies, taste every color of the rainbow. I enjoy salads with low fat or fat free dressings or vinegar.

    Starches: Eat carbs that are good for you such as sweet potatoes, whole grain products, brown rice and pasta, light breads and buns. I love Thomas's light english muffins. 100 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 8 grams of fiber per muffin.

    Fats: keep this category limited but include healthy options such as avocado, almonds, extra virgin olive oil

    Try to avoid butter and heavy cream condiments......start looking at nutrition facts of your favorite foods and try to find a healthy alternative. For instance, I use fat free cream cheese, sour cream and ranch. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a little flavor, but you save HUGE in calories. I also use fat free syrup which is 20 calories per 1/4 a cup as compared to 200 for the regular kind. It's best to eat healthy proteins and vegetables as your staple food.

    My typical breakfast is a light english muffin with two eggs whites and 2 strips of turkey bacon....the whole sandwich is under 200 calories and it beats most fast food places in taste! Sometimes I add fat free syrup to it if I'm having a sweet tooth, otherwise I'll add fat free miracle whip or mustard. Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions! I love nutrition so I'm always up for researching or discussing it.
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    We're all in the same boat. Anyone who would like to add me as friend, I'm willing to support cause I know I'm gonna need alot of support myself. It's all about life changes and I've had to make a lot. I want to thrive not just survive. If you feel this way to friend me.
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome! I've been on my journey since Dec/Jan 2009/2010. I've lost 59 lbs to date and found MFP through a friend about a month or so ago. I love it here! Everyone is very supportive and you can learn a lot. I still have about 20 lbs to go before my goal weight, but I've come a long way. I hope you find the support and motivation that you need! Feel free to send me a friends request if you like! Good luck on your journey!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Welcome to the site :) Make sure you search the forums for advise on eating healthy and exercise. Try to add more lean meats (chicken) and veggies and you'll slowly stop craving the comfort foods as much. If you really need the unhealthy food, just try to stick with small portions.

    Good luck!
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this group too and have lost 5 lbs so far. I stopped drinking any soda and juice (any drinks with soda). Several years ago, i lost 20 lbs. in about a year without exercising by simply cutting out all soda (Coca cola was my drink of choice back then). Now, i drink unsweetened green tea (which i've read helps burn extra calories just by drinking it!) or water.

    What helped me was seeing a small loss rather quickly. I lost 5 lbs. in about 10 days. I do some kind of exercise everyday and I also made a super huge stockpot of vegetable beef soup and eating that for 2 meals a day, along with 2 healthy snacks, and a decent dinner. Drinking lots of water will help you shed water weight. You will lose the water weight fast, but it just helped me to see ANY kind of result. Helped me move in the right direction. If you are interested, i logged the recipe for Homemade Vegetable Beef Diet Soup on my page under my recipes, and it's also now in the database. I also did a diet chili, but i saved that for week 2 of my journey. Not sure yet what week 3 will hold, but i think i'm going to stick with the soups because they fill me up and are low cal.

    Good luck to you and you can add me as a friend too if you want! I can always use the extra support!
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    Also, BMR is really important. Find out what your BMR is and then you will know how many calories you need to eat everyday. Once you start logging your foods, you will see how much you typically eat and figure out how to make better choices. It's a process!

    You can find the BMR tab under Tools!
  • aliakat
    aliakat Posts: 16
    Hi -- If you are looking for a wholesome, nutritious and tasty diet; the first place I would go is your local health food store. Ask if they have any recipes or suggestions. Next, try the Weight Watchers cookbook -- it has some good recipes that are pretty healthy :)
    Otherwise: fresh is always best!! Use natural sweeteners (like pineapple, date syrup, honey...) rather than sugar. Watch your salt intake. Using basic herbs and spices make your foods more filling and tasteful -- you can often get inexpensive fresh herbs at your local grocer. Watch sauces and dressings -- they can kill a good thing fast! Try flavoring meat with jelly, salsa (so easy to make! a mango salsa is esp tasty on chicken or fish and is very simple: you can google recipes to find which one you like best!), or a homemade, olive oil based marinate rather than store bought marinates. Portion size is crucial: Look up the recommended portions and slowly work your way into them -- if it is a gradual change, your stomach will begin to feel fuller on less food. Also, put smaller amounts on your plate to begin with, and don't keep unhealthy snacks around the house or within view: if you see the food, your brain will convince you it needs to be eaten :) Finally, do everything in balance: don't completely go cold turkey on your favorites, especially if your are having a lousy day (not diet related) and just want some comfort food. If you don't, you will begin to resent your diet and dietary changes which will make the transition harder!
    I hope this was in some small way helpful!!!
    Best of luck to you!! :D
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    kjosey1 did a really good job in explaining how you should be eating! :)

    So often on here i see people who have no knowledge of nutrition & exercise giving dangerous advise to new people who don't know. I also have a background in nutrition & am a personal trainer. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me...feel free to add me if you'd like.

    I just wanted to add, Try & stay away from processed foods as much as possible, ie. if it comes in a bag or a box chances are it's not good for you. Eat as much whole food in it's natural or original state as you can. Learn proper portion control. Watch your sodium intake. & make sure you are drinking your 8-10 glasses of water a day.

    Good luck in your journey! You've definitely come to the right place for motivation & support!
  • smvamp
    smvamp Posts: 32

    You're going to LOVE it here. A friend told me about MFP...and I've been HOOKED ever since. There is so much support and encouragement here. Tracking my food has REALLY been the key in my learning to eat better and make better choices.

    As for exercise...start slow. How about just 15mins...3-4 days a week. I have a "Walking" DVD that's great by Leslie Sansone. You can walk in 15min increments. Do the entire session...and you will have walked for 45mins. It has helped me ALOT.

    Again...welcome. Look forward to watching your success!

  • smvamp
    smvamp Posts: 32
    Great advice Aliakat!!:wink:
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    Hello and welcome.
    You have come to the perfect place to get motivation and support.
    First step is knowing that you must change your lifestyle.
    It's not something you can do for a short amount of time.
    This is something you need to do for the rest of your life, hince LIFESTYLE change.
    It will be well worth it.
    You can to this.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
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