Looking for Friends to Stay Motivated!



  • shellssz
    shellssz Posts: 23 Member
    Hey! I'm trying to lose some more weight too. I'm at 154 currently 5'8. Just lost the 62 lbs I gained while pregnant!!! But now I'm looking to lose about 15-20! Good luck! I'm gonna add you! :)
  • tanuscorpio
    tanuscorpio Posts: 5 Member
    rayniekate wrote: »
    I am 5'2" I weight 188 lbs. I used to weight 120 before kids. I got back down to 130 after having them...then I let myself go. I have lots of problems with myself. I hate looking at me. I have tried many times to lose the weight but always hit a wall and then quit. Looking to find people who will help me keep going this time...and lose my goal weight of 40 lbs!!

    Hi there. Add me to ur friends list. I am also looking to loose 40 pounds hopefully by my 10th wedding anniversary which is this July
  • slf1983
    slf1983 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I'm 31 5ft 8 and currently 160lbs. I have lost about 32lbs so far following the birth of my son. Wanting to share motivation xx
  • Bobbibooth
    Bobbibooth Posts: 10 Member
    Hello looking for friends to keep me motivated. Had an arm injury and not trained for 6 month's and the pounds have crept on!! Not s happy bunny!!
  • WJDK
    WJDK Posts: 15 Member
    I'm looking for motivating and encouraging friends as well. I have 70 pounds to lose and need support. I also feel disgusting. I lost 30 pounds a few years ago and have gained it all back. Feel free to add me!
  • I am with y'all. I lost quite a bit a few years ago, but then got pregnant... She is now 3 and I need to get back in shape for health reasons. Add me! I would love some feedback and encouragement. It would also be nice to help encourage others.
  • Hi guys! I'm 5'8 I've gotten down to 163 but I can't get the scale to move! I want to be 135-140. I have hard time staying motivated when I don't see the scale move for a few weeks. I am looking for friends that we can help keep each other motived. I'm hoping the more people I have checking in with me everyday and the more I check in on them more I will stay motived. I am open for any help I can get with diet/exercise/motivation. I am trying to eat clean and my goal is to start working out 6 days a week. I would love to get back to my old weight of 138 by summer! Please help!!! ;)
  • Hi, I know the feeling. I can totally relate. I'm also in the 170's, hoping to be in the 160's by next week!! I'm also not feeling my best self at the moment!
    feel free to add me. Hopefully we can all spread a little motivation! :)
  • LovelyPersona
    LovelyPersona Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I'm looking for a support system!!! I have a LONG JOURNEY ahead of me and I'm NOT going to quit this time!
  • scupit
    scupit Posts: 32 Member
    feel free to add me. I need all the support I can get too:)
  • Feel free to add me as well! I have gained about 30ish pounds and so far I have lost 5 lbs using this app!
  • tanuscorpio
    tanuscorpio Posts: 5 Member
    bmoore5683 wrote: »
    I am with y'all. I lost quite a bit a few years ago, but then got pregnant... She is now 3 and I need to get back in shape for health reasons. Add me! I would love some feedback and encouragement. It would also be nice to help encourage others.

    Hi. I am in the same boat. Add me to ur friends list