P90X & myfitnesspal exercise tracker

mrsait Posts: 5 Member
Hello P90X'ers! I recently downloaded this app to my phone and I LOVE it! My biggest complaint though, is that I can't specifically log my P90X workouts intot the cardio and strength training areas. I want to be able to specifically log my workout...so if I did Plyometrics...I want to log plyo and get a result on my phone. Can someone help me with this? Or are there certain key words I need to search for? I am not going to sit on my phone and literally enter step by step, exercise by exercise what I did in any given P90X workout...not a good use of my time! Help!


  • hippo421
    hippo421 Posts: 45 Member
    I would recommend getting a heart rate monitor and seeing how many calories it shows you burned during the workout. I enter my p90x workouts in the "Cardio" section and name the video so it can show a customized calorie loss. I usually log 300-350 calories for each video since I don't have a heart rate monitor. Often times, I'm sure I'm burning more, but I'd rather underestimate than overestimate. It's a great workout and you WILL see results even if your tracking isn't 100% accurate. Just make sure you are getting enough nutrients and protien to help rebuild your muscles. Good luck and don't give up! You will not be dissappointed!
  • mrsait
    mrsait Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks! I'm starting week 4 and i am absolutely seeing results...but I am looking for more accurate tracking. I guess we won't ever know for sure. The heartrate monitor is a very good idea, I'll probably go that route. My biggest issue is that P90X/Beachbody says that we should be eating like 2500-3000 calories...ummmmm....I eat that much when I'm being BAD! I simply cannot imagine that p90x is actually burning enough calories for me to justify that kind of daily intake. I would say right now my biggest challenge is eating enough in balance with my workouts.
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    The reason it isn't posted is that all these exercises vary in intensity by workout. You also won't find weight training, because it varies so much.

    I would second getting a HRM. Not only for this, but for all exercise. I cycle on a really nice bike at about 18 miles per hour. I log it in at 14-16 thinking that was better calorie count. In reality, it is even less than that. You can get a HRM at Wal-Mart for $30, I am told. I have a Nike one that I paid $70 three years ago. Mine is also a watch, so I wear it every day, and simply put on the chest strap when I exercise.

    Good luck.
  • hippo421
    hippo421 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't fully agree with needing that many calories. Are you aiming towards gaining weight/size or getting lean? If you are worried about sustaining muscle- the body can only store for protien between 20-30 grams of protien at a time. The key is to eat several small meals each containing protien, but there is no need to overdo it. Now, I will suggest that you probably still can get lean eating those high calorie meals and doing such an intesnse workout IF you are eating well (no junk), the majority of those calories would be eating like an athlete rich in carbohydrates. Personally, one of the things I dislike about the fitness pal is that it allows you extra calories when you excersize. I wait until the end of the day to log my workouts and then if I'm hungry, I'll eat something small even though it says I have 500 calories left in the day . If you are hungry- eat up until you have those calories. If you are not, then your body probably doesn't need it. If you are looking to increase size (not only lean muscle mass), that's a whole nother story. I can eat about 4000 calories a day which is albout 3 times my basal metabolic rate and I still achieved results with p90x, so either way, I would'nt be too concerned. If you are looking to lean up though, your results will be drastically excellerated when combined with a balanced protien, high fiber, & whole grain diet around 1800-2000 calories per day.
  • mrsait
    mrsait Posts: 5 Member
    I agree, it really depends on what your goal is. My goal is to be SMALL....not to bulk up. I gained wieght with pregnancy. I have 45 lbs to lose and of course...inches. Right now I eat about 1200 calories per day...and it's all good stuff...no junk. Veggies, lean meat, 80 calorie low sugar yogurt, fruit and light on the carbs. I eat 3x a day with usually at least 1 snack, sometimes 2. I like to have a cup of sugar free chocolate pudding in the evening...it's my dessert and my daily indulgence. So I feel like I'm eating healthy and getting enough protein...but myfitnesspal end of day message is basically telling me that I'm not eating enough calories in combo with my workouts to sustain "life" LOL!

    Soooo...should I try and maybe add more calories to my day? Am I really starving myself? Cause people...I LOVE food and I could never be considered an anorexic....
  • hippo421
    hippo421 Posts: 45 Member
    As long as your body is getting all the right nutrients than you are good. People eating 4000 calories a day in McDonalds are technically starving themselves since there is no nutritional value in the food they are eating. I would keep doing what you are doing if you want to be small. Your body will "eat" your excess fat when you are "Starving". If you start having unusal fatigue or are feeling "burnt out" then you may want to start eating more. May I also suggest to pick two days out of the week(Seperated) to go about 200-500 calories over your 1200 calorie allowance? Doing that helps your metabolism and will let your body know you are not starving. For example, If I want to be real strict, I will stay on a 1200 calorie diet most of the week, but on Wednesday's allow myself to eat 1500 calories, and then on Sunday's I'd have 1800 calories. It was crazy, because the monday after those sunday's was when I saw my weight drop. Good luck and keep up the good work. I'm sure you will lose that wieght in no time!
  • stefnid
    stefnid Posts: 3
    Thanks for this super helpful advice!! I also eat around 1200 calories a day, but i like the idea of picking 2 days a week to go over, it makes sense, tricking the body. I am on week 1 day 4 of p90x as well. I am so sore, but going to stick with it. I hope to see results soon!!!

    CW 137
    GW 125
  • mrsait
    mrsait Posts: 5 Member
    Great advice...it's kind of like muscle confusion only I guess this would be metabolism confusion. This way your body knows that food is coming and that it doesn't have to go into starvation mode. I did something similar last week, but not on purpose (I had a dinner with friends and also the Easter holiday). I noticed 2 days later on my weigh in day that the scale had dropped.
  • hippo421
    hippo421 Posts: 45 Member
    Exactly! Good luck!
  • wanderingpilgrim
    wanderingpilgrim Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks for this super helpful advice!! I also eat around 1200 calories a day, but i like the idea of picking 2 days a week to go over, it makes sense, tricking the body. I am on week 1 day 4 of p90x as well. I am so sore, but going to stick with it. I hope to see results soon!!!

    CW 137
    GW 125

    I just started week 1, day 2...and I`m hurtin! Thanks for the super motivation though! If you see results after 2 weeks, that`s enough to keep me keepin`on!
  • Doing_me
    Doing_me Posts: 91 Member
    I would recommend getting a heart rate monitor and seeing how many calories it shows you burned during the workout. I enter my p90x workouts in the "Cardio" section and name the video so it can show a customized calorie loss. I usually log 300-350 calories for each video since I don't have a heart rate monitor. Often times, I'm sure I'm burning more, but I'd rather underestimate than overestimate. It's a great workout and you WILL see results even if your tracking isn't 100% accurate. Just make sure you are getting enough nutrients and protien to help rebuild your muscles. Good luck and don't give up! You will not be dissappointed!

    how exactly are you tracking them? I just started P90X today but I cannot find the videos in the cardio section :ohwell: