Skipping breakfast



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Science. What a concept. Let's see what the research says.

    "Breakfast is associated with lower body weight ..."

    This study compared eating a small breakfast, medium lunch, and large dinner, [200, 500, 700 cal]
    with eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner [700, 500, 200 cal].
    "The [large breakfast] group showed greater weight loss and waist circumference reduction ... fasting glucose, insulin [&] triglycerides ... decreased significantly to a greater extent in the [large breakfast] group."
    In addition, hunger was less and satiety was greater.
    Full text:

    "subjects assigned to high caloric intake during breakfast lost significantly more weight than those assigned to high caloric intake during the dinner"
    Full text:

    "data suggest that a low-calorie Mediterranean diet with a higher amount of calories in the first part of the day could establish a greater reduction in fat mass and improved insulin sensitivity than a typical daily diet."

    So eating breakfast is good, and eating a large breakfast is good.
    Both help lose more weight than other eating patterns.

  • Phoenix_Down
    Phoenix_Down Posts: 530 Member
    edited January 2015
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Science. What a concept. Let's see what the research says.

    "Breakfast is associated with lower body weight ..."

    This study compared eating a small breakfast, medium lunch, and large dinner, [200, 500, 700 cal]
    with eating a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner [700, 500, 200 cal].
    "The [large breakfast] group showed greater weight loss and waist circumference reduction ... fasting glucose, insulin [&] triglycerides ... decreased significantly to a greater extent in the [large breakfast] group."
    In addition, hunger was less and satiety was greater.
    Full text:

    "subjects assigned to high caloric intake during breakfast lost significantly more weight than those assigned to high caloric intake during the dinner"
    Full text:

    "data suggest that a low-calorie Mediterranean diet with a higher amount of calories in the first part of the day could establish a greater reduction in fat mass and improved insulin sensitivity than a typical daily diet."

    So eating breakfast is good, and eating a large breakfast is good.
    Both help lose more weight than other eating patterns.



    I'm pretty satisfied with my results by not eating breakfast :shrugs:

    and no it really doesn't. You know, I would think that keeping hunger at bay keeps people more likely to stick to their calorie goal....just possibly..

  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Novus175 wrote: »
    My theory is that by morning I have been fasting for 12+ hours so I need fuel to function and get through my day.

    I don't know that I eat to fuel any specific activity.

    That is what food is - fuel. Calories are a unit of energy. You need calories to have energy. Without calories, you're like a car without're not going anywhere.

    And to take that car analogy further - for me, not eating breakfast is like attempting a long roadtrip without stopping at the gas station to fill up the tank. And eating a huge dinner is like filling up the gas tank and then parking the car in the garage. Why put gas in the car if you're not going anywhere?

    BUT ... Your car doesn't really care if you filled the tank a 4:00 AM or at noon, does it? Or even last night.

    As long as there is fuel in the tank when it's needed, right?

    The fuel gets consumed when needed, regardless of when it was deposited.

    *When* you eat is not important, folks, it's just a personal preference.

    How much you eat is all that matters for weight loss.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Was this a Steve098 thread?

    I miss the anti-breakfast passion. Cannot think of another thing that every single person does (like break their fast) and is as totally innocuous as breakfast that someone could passionately denounce and crack me up.

    Kinda miss The Man Who Couldn't Bear The Existence Of Breakfast. RIP, Steve. :)
  • jared00
    jared00 Posts: 27 Member
    i never eat breakfast anymore.. i am intermittent fasting so my eating window is around 2ish through 10pm.. breakfast is important.. but eating breakfast in the morning isn't.. i eat breakfast in the afternoon;) i feel better than ever..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with skipping breakfast and it is not 'the most important meal of the day' for many.

    If eating breakfast is beneficial to adherence, satiety and energy levels, then eat it.

    If not eating breakfast is beneficial to adherence, satiety and energy levels, then do not eat it.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Crap - necrothread.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    jared00 wrote: »
    i never eat breakfast anymore.. i am intermittent fasting so my eating window is around 2ish through 10pm.. breakfast is important.. but eating breakfast in the morning isn't.. i eat breakfast in the afternoon;) i feel better than ever..

    sane same jared. Except my window closes at 6pm and I try and aim for 18ish hours

  • kaylaleigh19
    kaylaleigh19 Posts: 3 Member
    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. On days where I am up early and out the door early I don't bother. I actually find if I skip breakfast I can last much longer until I am next hungry, even if I have something filling like porridge. I also like having more calories to play with for my other meals and snacks.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    pozili wrote: »
    I know that eating breakfast is important, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, skipping it is bad and so on, but I skipped breakfast every day this week and it made me want to eat less in the afternoon, plus it's great seeing that I'm consuming less calories without feeling hungry.

    What about you? Is breakfast an absolute must for you or do you sometimes skip it?

    Not true
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    skipping breakfast is bad - that is an old myth! much like - women should only do aerobics lol

    eat when you are hungry, don't when you are not - no one has to follow the same schedule - we are allll different!

    Ive been skipping lunch for about 15 years lol!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    2014 thread, they probably had breakfast by now.

    I think urban_phase was searching the forums for similar topics to what she wanted to discuss, instead of making a whole new one - cause that aggravates everyone when people constantly post new threads about the same stuff. :)

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    pozili wrote: »
    I know that eating breakfast is important, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, skipping it is bad and so on, but I skipped breakfast every day this week and it made me want to eat less in the afternoon, plus it's great seeing that I'm consuming less calories without feeling hungry.

    What about you? Is breakfast an absolute must for you or do you sometimes skip it?

    I almost always skip it. I don't make a habit of eating when I'm not hungry and I'm rarely hungry before afternoon. This is true whether I'm losing weight or not.
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    If you think about it, the first meal of the day you eat is breakfast. Breakfast= breaking the fast, so breakfast could equal dinner if it's the first meal you eat all day.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    _Zardoz_ wrote: »
    I know that eating breakfast is important, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, skipping it is bad and so on, but I skipped breakfast every day this week and it made me want to eat less in the afternoon, plus it's great seeing that I'm consuming less calories without feeling hungry.

    What about you? Is breakfast an absolute must for you or do you sometimes skip it?
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day is a myth. It's just a meal like any other. Many people don't have breakfast and lose weight and are very healthy. Meal timing makes absolutely no difference. Personally I like a breakfast but that's a personal choice and works well for me. Just to add though if your consuming less calories because of this make sure you are still eating enough. If you have a meal called breakfast or not you still need to consume a certain amount of calories a day

    This. I eat between 10 and 6. Sometimes I never eat in the morning at all.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I honestly don't get the statistics about breakfast. When I eat breakfast, I feel hungrier and eat more during the day. So I always skip it. I know I'm not the only one. Seems to me to be over emphasized.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    PearlAng wrote: »
    If you think about it, the first meal of the day you eat is breakfast. Breakfast= breaking the fast, so breakfast could equal dinner if it's the first meal you eat all day.

    If you really think about it, you can only skip breakfast once.