Slimming World- members?

I am joining slimming world today, more for support of my parents, but for myself too. I'm looking for members who I can add for support and ideas :smile:

Thanks so much in advance!


  • Bumping :)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    You're joining Slimming World? I am sorry to hear it.
  • Ok I should have known to expect that sort of low response.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Why low? Did you just not like it then?
  • Darkladyv
    Darkladyv Posts: 17 Member
    I joined them last night after seeing my friend lose 4.5 stone in 10 months! The group was fantastic, the food is great on Extra Easy. I started today and I can't wait to get properly stuck in
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    I'm a slimming world member and was one of the slimming world men of the year semi finalists this year. All slimming world members are welcome to add me to their friends list. Here is a photograph of me at the awards :-)

    Its an awful photograph of me as i was doing my best to smile but not enjoying being the subject of the camera lol :)

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Uh, how is it supposed to work?
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    My hubby has just started slimming world it's a bit tricky getting my head around the free foods etc... As I am just used to plain old cal counting lol
  • YummymummyGina
    YummymummyGina Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone ive been on slimming world for a little while now and have lost almost a stone. The last few weeks I've really struggled due to going on holiday just got back from weigh in and I've gained 4lbs :o .

    So as of today I have deided to follow the Slimming world plan but also count calories. Please feel free to add me as a friend the more support you have the better your success will be (or so I've been told ) :D
  • newemmajayne123
    newemmajayne123 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on my second week of slimming world and so far i'm loving it <3 . I know most people on here don't really see the point of slimming clubs but I find I really need that extra support of a group and the thought of being publicly weighed really keeps me on plan! lol. I also find that when I've just been counting calories I really don't do well, I think that I need some kind of structure to my eating otherwise i'll want to eat all my calories in chocolate! :)
  • NikkiLouise15
    NikkiLouise15 Posts: 67 Member
    HI is there anybody who could work out the syns in my Graze Rough Blend Peanut Butter punnet please

    131 kcals
    11g carbs
    7g fat
    6g protein
    2g fibre
  • kirstieannlittle
    kirstieannlittle Posts: 34 Member
    Slimming world is amazing. I swear by it! Anyone from the SW world aha feel free to add me. Swap tips/recipes etc.. Im very new to this fitness pal dont know how to add people yet :( xx
  • Hi there - I am doing slimming world too and I would love some friends for support :) I am new to here so I would love some friends xx
  • Im a member too x