Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?



  • sunforme3
    sunforme3 Posts: 57 Member
    I start, I stop, and never seem to reach my goal, hoping this time I stay the course. Would love to lose 40 pounds!!!! Come on, let's do this!!!!!!

    Fingers crossed,
  • Me too, just joined, Im 195lb and was 205, target is 140 for my wedding at end of June
  • Hi, I'd love to join you too! I'm 196lbs and my target is 140lbs. My plan is to go slow and steady and hopefully keep it off so my goal is my wedding which (although not confirmed) will be summer 2016 :smile:
  • gagecolt5
    gagecolt5 Posts: 1 Member
    Me also. I just ed started my new weight loss adventure yesterday 1/10th. I am currently at 200 lbs my goal weight is between 130-150. The 130lb is really stretching it. Haven't been that small since 2002. I just had my 3rd son 7 most ago and need to get rid of all the extra weight I put on. I have too many aches and pains and tired of all the clothing I can't wear anymore.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    50lbs to lose here until end of May. Started well this year with proper diet and gym.Good luck to everybody!
  • I am currently 220, SW was 227.6 - my end goal is 140-150, but 2015 goal is to start with 30 lbs. Trying to eat a proper diet and go to the gym 3-5 times/week.
    Good luck on your journey, everyone!
  • Hi all...I am in the same boat as well. Starting at 205. Would love to get to 145. Today is my first day.
    I would love to add friends that have the same goals! Going to need all the help I can get! Good luck to us all!
  • ADD ME PLZ!!!! I'm 197 and need to be 150 due to health concerns..we can do this!
  • Used to be my top weight was 238 (9 months pregnant). In December 2014, I topped the scales at 255 (YIKES!) Been going since New Year's and my goal is 175.
  • Annefmb
    Annefmb Posts: 1 Member
    I just started and am very excited and nervous. I really want to stick to this and it's great to see so many others in the same boat. It's nice to be able to share the ups and downs as well as tips and encouragement - I'M ALL IN!!
  • HI Im Cindy I have around 80lbs to loose I am in great need of support I find it very hard to lose weight since I hit my 50s . I am afraid becomimg bigger, I use to be a active person but in the past 5 years I have stopped and have been gaining like crazy . I find myself not doing anything when Im home dont even feel like cleaning, I have a lady where I work and she is over I would say 300lbs I watch her walk move and it makes me so sad she scares me because I see me in the near future being like her! I need HELP!
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    does it count if i want to lose more than that? im at 250, my goal on here is 150 (Which i would be ECSTATIC about) but in a perfect world, id love to weigh around 120 LOLOLOL
  • Re-Starting, I'm trying to lose about 190lbs. Whew! I have been on my fitness pal for awhile but not really serious UNTIL NOW!
  • dent5499
    dent5499 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me as well!!
  • Me too. I'm starting today at about 208 and need to get to around 155.
  • theresar719
    theresar719 Posts: 14 Member
    My current goal is to lose about 40lbs then after that I'll create another goal. I'm recently engaged and am planning on getting married in May 2016 so I have awhile but I have a lot to lose. Feel free to add me especially any brides-to-be so we can sweat for our wedding together!
  • Hi I just started today(1/12/15) 260lbs and over 50!!! I don't have much of a support group, so if anyone would like to help a girl out. I really need some way to be accountable.
  • dholloway130
    dholloway130 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning all. I'm hoping that this monday has started well for all of you. Maybe some of us even made it to the gym? I didn't make it myself. I'll go this afternoon. I use fitbit to help me get the exercise I need daily. But anyhow...

    I started at 201. I'm trying to get down to 180, or maybe even 175 prior to march. Going well thus far. I lost 5 lbs last week...don't really know how but I suppose the weight loss will plateau as I get further along. I'd love to share this journey with some/all of you if you like.
  • paulasuscas01
    paulasuscas01 Posts: 73 Member
    I am!! I'm currently 180 but would love to get down to 130.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    New group called 3 for 3 Day Challenge. We started today. Join us if it looks like a good fit for you. It's 3 goals you maintain for 3 days. That's it. Then we take a one day break, and back at it for only 3 days again. You can DO this!