Thinking of joining my local Curves

I am starting a free week trial at Curves next week and might join after that week is up. Have any of you tried Curves recently? Is it good and worth it? I'm afraid I may get bored doing the same thing each time I go, so wanted to get some opinions before I sign up. Does it actually work?



  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    It'll work if you put the effort in.
    That said, I've never been to a Curves but I haven't heard muchgood about it. It seems as if it'd get boring fast and be difficult to make adequate strength gains. But if that's all you have available and/or all you can afford, its better than nothing
  • Likensassafras
    Likensassafras Posts: 6 Member
    I'm there 4x week for 30 minutes and I love it. I just restarted though. I've had many friends who've experienced 20+ pounds of weight loss with regular use. I supplement my curves membership with one at my local Y so I can vary up my workouts and have use of pool and sauna. What I appreciate about Curves is the simplicity of the layout -- in a regular gym, it would take additional time to walk around to the different machines and in some cases you might have to wait or them to be free to use.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I just joined 9Rounds. It's basically the same concept as Curves--different stations for different exercises. It's based on kickboxing so there were no machines. There were weights, different bags for punching & kicking, & some of those heavy weighted balls. I like that I can go as often as I like & will always have a personal trainer walking me through everything. I just really need something fast & someone to direct me. I tend to just wander from one activity to another at the YMCA without someone to tell me what to do & a personal trainer is just too expensive for me to keep buying sessions. I think something like Curves or 9Rounds will work as long as you go in & make the effort.
  • nellysen
    nellysen Posts: 49 Member
    I Love Curves. With the 'Curves Smart' where you tag into each machine as you start it and it accesses your previous performance on that machine and then pushes you harder when you need it. That way you are always progressing and no workout is the same.

    I am not great at explaining. Hope you enjoy the week free trial and then you'll see what I am talking about.

    The coaches at Curves are also amazing and I found them to be so much more friendly and kind than the huge big Virgin Active gym I have down the road. At Curves, the ladies took an interest in me and my goals. It helps. For me anyway.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Use the free trial, then decide. It's not for me (no efficient progression) but it might be just what you're looking for. Where value is concerned, it's a lot cheaper to join a gym.
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    It might be a good place to start. I went until the one in our town closed.
    Make it one of your fitness activities not your only one.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    My cousin's been going for years ..... she thinks it's fine .... and she looks good (*)
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Personally, I like more variety...
  • BrownsFan19
    BrownsFan19 Posts: 117 Member
    We don't have any gyms where I live. Small town. We have curves and the YMCA. Curves is WAY cheaper. We also have a studio that has different classes and curves members get 50% off, so that might help with my variety of workouts. I also have a TRX at home I plan on starting to use again. I had to reschedule my free week because I wasn't feeling well, but tomorrow is when I go in to start it. I'm hoping that I like it!
  • 505n8v
    505n8v Posts: 20 Member
    I've had great success with Curves. I did the 90 day program and lost 32lbs. I was with them for about 2 years and lost about 80lbs. Like a previous post said, you get what you put into it. I am no longer with them now, but continue to workout and watch my diet.