Calling all Celiac sufferers!

Sorry for the duel post- but this is my first day on the site & I am not sure which category to post, so here goes again:
- Hello everyone, I'm brand new to the site & also newly diagnosed with Celiac disease. Going 100% gluten free for 2015 & just wondering if anyone here has noticed a significant reduction in bloat after going gluten free. And if so, how long before you noticed a significant difference in your physical and emotional wellbeing?

Thanks guys


  • juliacatherine1
    juliacatherine1 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello there! Going gluten free and being very strict about it is the best thing you can do if you have recently been diagnosed with celiac. I was diagnosed in june and never really have a problem with bloating now. Also many other issues like headaches and extreme fatigue have subsided. I also had MAJOR anxiety previously, which seemed to disappear after about 2 weeks gluten free, my aches and pains are still bad, but i am still in recovery and trying to get my antibody levels down to 'normal' range. Like i said, the best thing you can do is adhere to your gluten free diet and be very strict!
  • lapbuddymustgo
    lapbuddymustgo Posts: 4 Member
    I was diagnosed 8 months ago and have been gluten free ever since. My severe acid reflux has disappeared but not the head fog, aches, chronic soft tissue injuries...etc. I only developed bloating since going gluten free. Watch for "hidden" gluten it's gotten to me a couple times... ;)

    good luck and feel better soon