work/desk workouts

sometimes with my busy schedule it is hard to get to the gym in the evening. I try to go in the early AM about 3 times a week. During the work week I try to do a 20 min run/walk during my lunch. What other ideas would be good when its really cold/rainy (as it has been lately) to do at work?

FYI: I work by myself and I am able to go to work in my workout clothes. So there is no restrictions on the clothes I am wearing.


  • roxielu0422
    roxielu0422 Posts: 102 Member
    push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, tabata workouts.
  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    Do a search on this topic within the forum. There have been quite a few threads about workouts whilst at work and there has been some good feedback.