Any other moms out there having trouble breaking the evening cocktail/treat habit?



  • Kittens08
    Kittens08 Posts: 51 Member
    I drink a hot mint tea.
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    My occasional glass of wine and treat had turned into a near nightly habit and my weight was creeping up over the last 6 months. I am not drinking in January (except for a ski trip weekend with friends) to sort of break the habit. I have been substituting herbal tea or sparkling water with fruit in its place. I will definitely go back to having my wine etc. but this feels good, that I don't feel like I have to have it so often.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    At first, I ate less so that i could have 3-4 glasses of wine. As my calories dropped and I got closer to my goal, I chose to eat more food and cut a lot of the wine. I still drink on weekends, but 1 day, not 3.
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    I was just thinking about this, as I really love having a glass of wine while I am cooking dinner, but sometimes it would turn into two or three. I decided to go alcohol free for a few months and started Jan 1st. I don't miss it as much as I thought I would, but I do find I need some kind of "reward" so I switched to a cup of tea. This is not nearly as rewarding as wine or a cocktail, but the whole thing has raised my awareness as to why I drink. I guess time will tell if the calories made a big difference, but I have to say I feel a lot more energetic in the morning and can put more into my workouts.
  • Have you considered taking on a daily exercise to counteract those calories. I do this specifically for those treats i just MUST have! Lol
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    Yeah... my local liquor store knows me and my hubby pretty well at this point. No good. I know some people "save" for their treat at the end of the day. I know that each rum and coke I have is 220 calories. A bottle of Arrogant B*stard is 348 calories. And while I feel that my "treats" are worth every darn calorie... It was just becoming to big of a habit.

    My hubs was drinking too much. One would turn into two, then three. And by cutting back on food, I was finding my self more effected by the alcohol. Then my moods were getting bad.

    The problem is that alcohol is so darn effective. It is quick, easy, and yummy! I am aiming for drinks on two nights a week (which turns into three, but - hey! - it's an improvement). The more I drink, the more I want. When I cut back, I find I crave it less.

    Most nights, I "treat" myself to selzter with a splash of cranberry juice (I love the bubbles). I have re-arranged my meals, so I have my "dinner" at lunch time (with the meat and the veggies) and then I have my egg and cheese sammich for dinner. The hot, cheesy comfort of it in the evening has worked well for me.

    (also - I am a 36 year old mom, too!)
  • tolkat
    tolkat Posts: 11 Member
    For relaxation have your glass of wine, soak in a tub of hot water, if you must snack, try munching on raw veg. (avoid cheese and chocolate etc...) read a book or something
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    You could eat/drink less or switch to a lower-calorie alternative. If you really like your evening cocktails and treats, it will need to fit into your daily calorie allotment by either having less calories during the day or less in the evening.

    Another option would be to drink a certain number of glasses of water before allowing yourself to have something else. Then you'll know if you really want it or not, because you'll have to drink all that water first. You'll probably feel too full on most days.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    There's really no reason not to have it if you fit the calories in. I found my evening wine/cocktail was more habit than anything. I do sleep better without it though, so I've been working to change the habit.

    I'd also like to add that age is a common excuse for slower metabolisms but it really is just an excuse. You can lose muscle as you age which will slow down the metabolism, and hormonal changes after menopause can change the way we store fat, but really people just tend to be less active. I will be 39 in less than a month and am in the best shape if my life. I did gain a little weight in my 30s but that corresponded with an office job.
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    Do you like beer? I love beer, but generally find that it doesn't go so well with dessert, so I'm likely to lay off the sweets after having one. Also with the carbonation, I can usually only drink one, so my nightcap tops off at about 150 calories :smile:
  • angiek941
    angiek941 Posts: 97 Member
    Oh yeah! I love my evening glass of wine, but then I want another.. ;) So, I've just cut it out completely during the week unless there's a special occasion. Honestly, once I decided to do it (and I don't have it in the house during the week), it just happened. But I don't see the harm in moderation either. Just count your calories and make it work. Some people make room for a sweet, others need a glass of wine!
  • csoderstrom
    csoderstrom Posts: 25 Member
    if you really want to sacrifice the desserts, I find that just not bringing it into the house solves the problem. I will occasionally buy cookies/treats for the kids that I won't eat (if it doesn't have chocolate, I won't eat it). I'm too lazy to drive to the store at 9 or 10 pm when I'm looking for treats. I may then sit there mad about not having it, but the next day I'm glad there was nothing to binge on. If there's turkey bacon made or a cheese stick I'll have that instead.
  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    liznotyet wrote: »
    sometimes a week or two of no alcohol helps a lot. Drink water out of the glass you would normally use for cocktails and ask yourself, is it the booze I enjoy or the ritual? And make sure that when you do have any it is absolutely your favorite.

    Yes. I make drinking tea my ritual.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I am a working mom as well and can relate to wanting to have a glass of wine when I finally "settle in" for the night. Before I started MFP I used to like to have a glass of wine when I got home from work while cooking dinner, then a glass of wine with dinner, and then sometimes a glass of wine after dinner too. Once I started logging and seeing how much that all adds up, I eliminated the before and during dinner drinks and I wait till after the kids are in bed (usually) before pouring a glass. If I wait till then, I usually only have time for one, maybe two glasses, and I'm so exhausted myself that I'm ready for bed. I also just have a small piece of chocolate or something if I want something sweet - if I want something more, like gelato - I usually do that instead of the wine.

    I've lost ~30 lbs and have wine or beer pretty much every day. You can do it, you just need to track everything and fit it into your day. If you want more, work out extra. I found a FitBit very enlightening to help me understand how many calories I expend in a day - before I had one I estimated my TDEE to be about 1,800, but when the steps started adding up, I actually burn more like 2,100/day. That allows me to eat enough AND have room for my nightly treats.
  • BeMel
    BeMel Posts: 4
    Alcohol can lead to greater fat storage, as it is burned in the body first. That being said I love my evening wine. I have decided to only have wine on the evenings that I don't work, replacing it with tea on evenings I do. I look forward to picking out new tasty teas at the co- op, or splurging on teavanna. Cheers!
  • eehoffman242
    eehoffman242 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't know what a fitbit is, but I'm going to find out! Also, before posting this forum, I had no idea you could have friends on here who could help you along the way, And actually see what you're doing. I sure didnt want to have anyone see me log in 3 cocktails, so I just had the one small one. It was hard, because it was one loud and crazy night with two preteen firls and my 6 year old son, but I made it! I just refilled my glass with the sparkling water I usually mix . vodka with, and it worked!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I don't know what a fitbit is, but I'm going to find out! Also, before posting this forum, I had no idea you could have friends on here who could help you along the way, And actually see what you're doing. I sure didnt want to have anyone see me log in 3 cocktails, so I just had the one small one. It was hard, because it was one loud and crazy night with two preteen firls and my 6 year old son, but I made it! I just refilled my glass with the sparkling water I usually mix . vodka with, and it worked!

    A fitbit is an activity tracker, it measures your steps and calories burned. It syncs with MFP so it tells MFP how active you were and your calories are adjusted accordingly. It is best for step based activities like walking and running. If you do a lot of other types of activities, some people prefer Heart Rate Monitors.

    Yes, a support network of friends with common interests and goals (or just random people that you find motivational) can be very helpful here on MFP. You can choose to make your diary public or not public. Personally I keep my diary open and don't care if people judge the way I eat (not at all clean) and drink (a glass or two of wine a day). I choose friends on here who wouldn't judge me for my choices.

  • eehoffman242
    eehoffman242 Posts: 15 Member
    I love the way you think! I will do the same. :)
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    edited January 2015
    OMG yes. Fortunately, I am still nursing so I *can't* drink that much, but I could go to town on a 6 pack of a good double IPA and some chocolates if I wasn't...
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    Also, if you'd like, you can friend me. I won't judge you if you have 3 cocktails ;)