Pissed off Fat lady..



  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    I'm in
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    getting pissed off is mostly how i did it. Strengthens your resolve.
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    Add me! I've been pissed off and on here solidly for 12 days and I think it's working!
  • I just added the bunch of you!
  • jenilla1 wrote: »
    I'm OK if you eat that chocolate bar, but could you just eat the fun size bar instead? (That's what I do when I get a craving, and I've been maintaining at goal weight here for almost 4 years now.) Just make sure it fits in your calories and it won't be the end of the world if you have a little treat now and then. But I like your fierce attitude. You go! (*)
    That's amazing - awesome job!
    For me, I can't eat that fun size bar, because it turns me into a ravenous beast who wants to raid the kitchen, or eat the rest of the bag, or both. >.> True story, that's why I'm here lol. Maybe one day, but not today. Today, I need to learn to cook and eat foods that are healthy, period. Get away from foods that make me crave other foods, that do nothing but cause me to have low energy and a large waistline. That's a big change, and it's going to take a lot of effort on my part, so I need some harsh motivation. The generic nicey-nice isn't going to cut it. Of course, I will be happy to return the favour.

    This is so me - I'm kind of an all or nothing gal. I have to "give it up" as once I start I can't stop. When I'm in the zone I'm in the zone. i've lost 90lb twice now and put it all and much more back on. I need to just accept that i can't eat the "treat" stuff because I can't eat it in reason. I'm trying to get fit so I get to see my kids grow up and have a target date of my 40th birthday (2.5 years) to be at goal and maintaining there.
  • ughbrit wrote: »
    Me! Anybody that is interested in seriously holding each other accountable: please add me! :) I'm going about the 'tough love' approach, too.

    I'm all for tough love - bring it on!

  • woznube7
    woznube7 Posts: 537 Member
    I really love this, because it's how I also feel. And although I don't think I could be harsh and I may take it personal, I know it is out of love. So I will be adding and please feel free to add me. I think it'll help give me some tougher skin also. ;) You really hit the nail on the head.
  • Everybody here hit me up and add me please. I still haven't figured out how to work this site that well. I've got 60 pounds to lose and I'll be damn if I'm going to the beach this summer looking like a friggin beached whale!! I do not want Green Peace called and trying to pull me back in the water!!
  • bigdiz2u
    bigdiz2u Posts: 5 Member
    I can use some motivation as well!!
  • jojo4883
    jojo4883 Posts: 17 Member
    Sounds good! All motivation gratefully received! :)
  • thecraftinista
    thecraftinista Posts: 66 Member
    You guys sound like my kind of people!
    KIZGNARR Posts: 28 Member
    Everyone can add me! LEGIT! :)
  • ShannaLee28
    ShannaLee28 Posts: 1 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    I'm OK if you eat that chocolate bar, but could you just eat the fun size bar instead? (That's what I do when I get a craving, and I've been maintaining at goal weight here for almost 4 years now.) Just make sure it fits in your calories and it won't be the end of the world if you have a little treat now and then. But I like your fierce attitude. You go! (*)
    That's amazing - awesome job!
    For me, I can't eat that fun size bar, because it turns me into a ravenous beast who wants to raid the kitchen, or eat the rest of the bag, or both. >.> True story, that's why I'm here lol. Maybe one day, but not today. Today, I need to learn to cook and eat foods that are healthy, period. Get away from foods that make me crave other foods, that do nothing but cause me to have low energy and a large waistline. That's a big change, and it's going to take a lot of effort on my part, so I need some harsh motivation. The generic nicey-nice isn't going to cut it. Of course, I will be happy to return the favour.

    I am the same way! Give me an inch and I'll take a mile. 1 piece of chocolate or sugar and then I am on a 3 day binder! Lets be friends. I'll tell you to go spit that $*** out!
  • ljones27uk
    ljones27uk Posts: 177 Member
    it was tough love that got me on mfp and losing in the first place so Im up for some tough loving. will add you
  • elleykat
    elleykat Posts: 75 Member
    edited January 2015
    Well I wanted to say add me, and then you posted Misha, so now I'm going to try to figure out how to add you. I am also an all-or-nothing person, and I'd lost almost 50 lbs a few years ago and gained it all back PLUS another 20, and I'm pissed and fed up!! LET'S GET PISSED!!!

    P.S. I used the picture of myself that I did because it was sort of my "wakeup" - like HOLY CRAP, that blob thing is NOT what I look like in my head. No bueno.
  • unifil
    unifil Posts: 39 Member
    could use some honest help as well. I am here fore the third time!!! Yeah, exactly :-(
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Food police doesn't work for me. What if I worked out an extra half hour and adjusted my calories specifically so I COULD have that chocolate bar I've been thinking about for the last two days?
  • Excellent! I'm so good at "telling off" I have 2 young boys to keep in line so I get lots of practice... >:)
  • jmauerhan
    jmauerhan Posts: 82 Member
    Add me. :)