I need to stop drinking... anyone been there?



  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    Try Kava. It will give the relaxed feeling of alcohol without the hangover and the weight gain.

    Do NOT take this advice! Kava is another substance to abuse. It is addictive and dangerous even to a healthy liver, let alone to someone who is already drinking daily.

    It is natural to have a crutch, especially after dealing with a traumatic event. It only becomes a problem when that crutch does you more harm than good. I will readily admit, exercise is a crutch for me -- it is how I cope with a stressful day and helps keep me even keel versus hot tempered. Don't think of it as "giving up" alcohol -- instead think of what you are gaining by replacing it with a healthy "crutch."
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Hey lady, I hear ya. I have a few drinks at least 3-4 days a week, not to deal with any kind of trauma but just because I enjoy the relaxation after work and it's certainly a habit at this point (dare I say addiction :/ ) Anyway, my husband and I have just stopped drinking for at least 2 weeks, maybe a month, as part of getting on the South Beach Diet. I'm glad your husband in on board too - that makes all the difference! When we've done this in the past, we have a SodaStream and will make some lime seltzer water or a nice cup of tea instead of a drink at the end of the day. I do find that having *something* else to drink helps.

    Anyway, good luck! If you are looking for more MFP friends, I'm on here every day and try to be good support for my friends : )
  • holly_wendelin
    holly_wendelin Posts: 11 Member
    I did a search on this topic and found this thread. I'm in the same boat and I'm terrified. My drinking is affecting my health, my exercise, my weight loss, and my relationship. I am going to a counselor today to get some help. If anybody here wants to friend me, please do so, I could use the moral support.
  • bboozer57
    bboozer57 Posts: 5 Member
    mombie2six wrote: »
    So, I really need to stop drinking. About a year ago, I went through something traumatic, and ever since, to deal with anxiety and depression, I've been drinking about 4-5 nights a week. I wait till the kids are in bed and I indulge. The husband and I have at least 2 but usually 3 or 4 drinks. It can be beer, wine or liquor. I have gained 15+ pounds this year and I truly believe it's all the extra calories from the alcohol. I look gross. I have a muffin top now. Nothing fits. I HATE it. I've never drank this much in my LIFE, and I'm 33 years old. I've also NEVER had issues with my weight, and I've had six babies! I can exercise till I'm sweaty and can barely breathe every day and it hardly does anything for me. It's because I'm taking in too many calories, more than I'm physically able to burn off.

    I don't want to do this anymore, but every time I say I'm going to stop, I have a bad day or I'm reminded about what happened last year, and I give in. I've said I just won't buy it anymore, but then I give in. After seeing that I've gained yet another pound today, I've decided enough is enough. I did talk to my doctor and he prescribed something for the anxiety, so I'll try that and see if that helps.

    Has anyone been down this road before? I could just use a couple friends, people who have been down this road that can offer suggestions or just someone to talk to. I know I can do this.

    Please, no judgement. It's hard enough to tell complete strangers this little secret I have, I don't need to be bashed for it. And I don't need to hear "just stop", either, because I've tried.

    Thanks for reading and any advice you might have...

  • bboozer57
    bboozer57 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been there 1st of all your not a bad person u may have a disease called alcoholism . That's up to you to decide but there is no shame saying you have a problem the shame is not doing anything about it . You took the first step and admired you have a problem . My suggestion is contact someone form a a alachaholics anonouse and just get some info we they have all been where you are right now . 1nd pray for guide nice god loves you you are his child and he understands your pain prayer works. Don't beat yourself up everyone has a crutch to fall on . If you love those children get help now it only professes. You r not alone and you r special in gods eyes don't ever forget that . I will pray for u . Make that call aa is super with super nice people who understand