WW convert

tvalerio1980 Posts: 7
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
I thought I'd take a second to introduce myself.
I had been doing the new weight watchers system with little success to I decided to give this a try and so far I have been far more satisfied with this site.
Hopefully, this site will also help me be more accountable ;-).


  • Daddy_Jacob
    Daddy_Jacob Posts: 34
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome to MFP.
    My wife is a convert from WW as well and she's the one that introduced me to this site.
    Have fun and best of luck to you.
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    Cheers to that! Welcome!
  • This site is amazing! I also started my journey on WW, and had some success (11lbs). I felt the system was flawed though and came over here because there isn't any special "formulas" or guessing involved. It's WW without the Pts! I've surpassed my goal I set with WW by 3 lbs, and have a few more to go since I reset my goals! Good luck!!
  • Hi! I"m also a WW convert. I started WW last October and by late November had lost 15 pounds. I loved it. But then the new system rolled out and I GAINED weight. In fact, I gained all of the weight I lost plus another 10 pounds!! I gave up in about March and since then have been doing this that and the other to try to lose weight to no avail. So on Monday I found MFP and so far I love it! I"ve lost three pounds so far (well this morning I gained a pound but that's due to my lovely monthly friend), so I think this might just work!

    Best of luck to you!
  • lilabette
    lilabette Posts: 21
    I'm also a new WW convert to this site...best of luck!
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    from another WW convert, welcome to the club!
  • omatimes8
    omatimes8 Posts: 2
    Did the WW program for two years and got stuck ..and now using this I find I'm doing better again and losing once again .. but it is the same on any program ..accountabilty and logging ..but the best part is this is free and works just as well and for me and some friends even better then WW .. good luck ...
  • i myself tried WW for about a year and it worked in the begining and the after 25 pounds lost it stopped. I found that i was still eating my flex points and saving points and was eating to much processed foods etc . Here i just past my 25 punds lost by 2 pds and i even go over here and there from 1200 cal to 1400 but 1200 cal bench mark has been a great benchmark to keep me focused. On days that i work out if i am hungry ill have a lil more veggies or fruit , when im at a family thing which is not really often i eat in moderation and it has been so liberating . Glad to see you here . :smile:
  • skinnyjuannie
    skinnyjuannie Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a WW convert too and I really love the community here more than anything else. I was successful on WW, I just didn't like paying to lose weight. Hoping to make a bunch of new friends and continue to lose more weight!! Good luck on your journey and we're here for support.
  • turelliax
    turelliax Posts: 2
    I hit my goal with WW so I would never say it Doesn't work. I myself just had to never eat my Activity Points. I chose to switch to this because I wanted to see how much sugar I was eating and my caloric intake.. plus with Strength training I have to watch my protein.

    Tracking is important whether it is here, or with some other program. Be accountable! Good luck.
  • rachielyon
    rachielyon Posts: 56
    I thought I'd take a second to introduce myself.
    I had been doing the new weight watchers system with little success to I decided to give this a try and so far I have been far more satisfied with this site.
    Hopefully, this site will also help me be more accountable ;-).

    I have tried WW a few times and never seem to stick with it longer than a few weeks. I have been on MFP for a few months now and LOVE the fact that "there's an app for that" !!!! You can get the app free for your Iphone, I'm not sure about other smart phones. This site also tells you how much protein and carbs you are eating based off the foods you enter which is really great because that means it helps you keep a more BALANCED diet. Not just carbs in vs. carbs burned :o)
  • jill5280
    jill5280 Posts: 117 Member
    This is my first day where I left WW behind completely and concentrating on MFP only. I sort of tracked in both locations for a few weeks and found that I really like this site better.

    I agree that this is a better way of being accountable for things. There is no proprietary magic points system that cannot be translated into terms that everyone can understand. This is calories, carbs, proteins and fat. It is essential to good nutrition to manage those values in your daily life and this site allows you to see exactly what that means.

    I was having good sucess with WW (24 lbs since January), but just looking for the plan that clearly delineates what I need to know about what is going into my body regularly. I know that WW has sound reasoning behind the construction of a "point" but I want to know exactly how much fat, protein and carbs I am consuming. This site allows for that, WW doesn't.

    I see taking the step away from WW and toward MFP as taking the training wheels off of the bike...I can balance things now, so I need to know MORE than what the point value is.
  • souixz
    souixz Posts: 18 Member
    This site is really cool and the peeps are THEBEST! Let people inspire you, .....and they will!!! Make friends and enjoy:)
    Former WW people will attest to how great WW is and they would be right...but this site offers so much!
    Happy tracking
  • I am also a WW convert. Well, my husband and I are still on the points counting, but I started here on Tuesday and love it!! I do love the fact that it keeps count & keeps you accountable. Plus the free part is good too!
  • Jakeswen
    Jakeswen Posts: 4
    I totally agree. This site is far more useful :)
  • Welcome welcome welcome!!!! Feel free to add me if you want. Can always use a bunch of people to encourage and have encourage me. We are all in this together :)
  • dimplz1965
    dimplz1965 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm also a convert - from 2 or 3 programs ago! While every weight loss program is really a lifestyle change, I found that WW worked for me in the beginning, but not anymore (plus its $$$ I don't have). This is great. I just need to focus more! Please feel free to add me as a friend for support.

  • TamRob73
    TamRob73 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, I am a WW convert too. I only tried it for three months, lost five pounds but I mainly used the Iphone app and paid close to 18 bucks a month for basically what I find here. So it was a no brainer to switch. I think a lot of people have had success of both, but being that this one is free......I switched.

    Only a week so far and have lost 2 puonds!!
  • This site is really cool and the peeps are THEBEST! Let people inspire you, .....and they will!!! Make friends and enjoy:)
    Former WW people will attest to how great WW is and they would be right...but this site offers so much!
    Happy tracking

    I agree about the people here being awesome! I was attacked several times on the WW boards, I didn't feel that they were supportive at all. This site is so much better, the people here are awesome, the site is easier to use and it's FREE!
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