help! wanna loose 40lbs! don't no what to eat?? :0/

charissamcdonald07 Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I'm 29 years old and desperate to loose 40lbs. I currently weigh 208. A few months back I lost 30 lbs juicing, everyday I felt starved. I'm trying not to go over 1200 calories per day. Any suggestions on a health life style? I find my self feeling starved throughout the night time I drink 2 juices a day, and depending how I feel when I wake up I switch breakfast and dinner I drink over 48oz of water a day, before and after meals so I don't feel hungry after.

I also brisk walk around 3.0mph for 30 min to day. I'm starting Julian video from the biggest looser. In the AM I'll have my 16 oz of h2o and I'll have a yogurt and an apple or banana. Then at noon make a green lemonade reboot juice that includes: bunch of kale, 1 cucumber, 2 green apples, 4 celery stalks, a 1/4 of lemon and a nob of ginger, I'll have a fiber bar that has 2g of fiber, since I heard juicing takes out a lot of natural fiber from the veggies.

Last week I lost 1lb. I was hoping to loose a few pounds a week, but I just don't no what to cook on the days I choose breakfast over dinner. Or visversa. For dinner I eat the same thing whether it's chicken salad or a bowl of broccoli. Sometimes I'll have a bowl of edemame because I'm really afraid to eat anything else. I'm trying to stay away from carbs. Last night I tried something new and made 2 portabella mushrooms grilled with broccoli. It was so boring!!! And even with the cheese it was so bland. I'm a picky eater but at this point will try anything so I don't feel starved. I'm probably not doing any of this right, I can use the help.

To makes things a little more challenging I quit smoking. So I feel a lot more hungrier then usual. Please help! :0/


  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Starving is not good. I'm happy to help you sort it out. Feel free to add me.
  • TivonaMary
    Hello feel free to add me also. Like you, I'm trying to loose 40lbs I'm 200 right now. Hopefully we can help each other. Good luck
  • candylarocque
    candylarocque Posts: 21 Member
    Add me. You cannot lose a pound by starving yourself.
  • charissamcdonald07
    Thanks so much! Will Def add! I updated my story to hopefully give you a better insight to my struggles. :0)
  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    i find the juice things dont always work. some of the most important things about fruits and veggies is the fiber that they give you. i always eat whole foods, and try incorporate fruits and veggies in every meal. it'll help fill you up without the calories! add me if you want to see my diary and stuff to help you get an idea of what to do!

    and ps, dont be afraid to eat! you can eat and feel full without scarfing down 3,000 cals a day!
  • oncem0re
    oncem0re Posts: 213 Member
    I'm new to MFP but not new to dieting, I was at 160 when I had my oldest daughter and dropped it down to 130lbs in 4 months. I'm doing the same thing now, however 1 decade later my metabolism definitely change. So I made few changes to my diet. Don't starve yourself or you will fall off the wagon just even before you lost the first 5lbs. I'm eating healthy and I was close to your starting weight at 194.4lbs and I'm down to 188.2 just 8 days. I stay with deficit calories. I drink my first glass of water as soon as I wake up. I make myself a healthy breakfast, egg (half egg yolk, 2 egg whites) with spinach, mushroom, diced onions, shaved ham or turkey and tomato. I too is a very picky eater, mind you I HATE vegetables, but myself on the mirror was an eye opener, I have to eat better or I'm defeated. I also drink my warm green tea with a splash of honey. If I'm still hungry I'll add 1 toast (whole wheat) that will gives you about 300 calories. For lunch I have baked fish, bake chicken or tuna with a dash of pepper and paprika with boiled potatoes and boiled brocolli with dash of pepper and some seasoning MAYBE a pinch of salt and another tall glass of cold Green tea, its about 400 calories I snack on fruits, like apple, oranges, kiwi and grapefruits. For dinner, I have some salads with fish and chicken or whatever I want but within my calorie goal and less fat.

    So you see, you don't have to drink JUST juice - it all depends on your calories intake and calories out. Sensible eating, you dont want to waste your 1200 calories credit for 1 pc of pizza that has 400-500 calories would you? You'll think of a way to stretch it so that you're full. Think of it as Money In your bank - you want to spend it but to as many things as possible... the colorful it is the better it is for you! (Vegies and Fruits)! Good luck! add me! I can be a motivator and you can see my Diary! I eat in portions but I don't deprive myself!