Looking for other 1200 calorie per day friends!

I just started 1200 calories a day a week ago. I've lost about 5 lbs so far in my first week. I'm looking for others who are on low-calorie diets who weigh foods and have an open diary :) Need some food ideas!

My diary is open to friends and I weigh everything.


  • Hi I've just started today I'm on 1200 cals a day. Just eaten last meal and I haven't allowed for any snacks. Been drinking loads of water x
  • I'm also on the 1200 cals a day! Plz add me!
  • blupblup79
    blupblup79 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on 1300 a day because that is minimum MFP allows or else it whines at me :D
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    I'm doing 1200 calories a day eating five meals a day with the first three meals being the bulk of the calories and then two light meals/snacks in the afternoon and evening. I am drinking 4000ml of water a day so I get plenty of small walks in going back and forth to the bathroom!!! I've lost 4.4 pounds this first week. Please add me as a friend.
  • ravlomama123
    ravlomama123 Posts: 49 Member
    I just started yesterday! :) It's perfect. It keeps me from snacking. Hopefully it would help.
  • Add me! I need to weigh everything I think- I'm back here after a long break so not sure if my diary is open but you are welcome to look at what I'm adding..... Good luck
  • msanchez0108
    msanchez0108 Posts: 7 Member
    My diary is open, I limit myself to 1800 calories a day. Ive been to a dietician and she has helped so much. I lost 50lbs, but then I stopped and gained 60lbs. So im back on track to a healthy lifestyle
  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I am also a 1200'er! I am about 6 months in and 50 pounds down! I have an open diary and love to see others for yummy ideas! Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • GymnasticsMommy
    GymnasticsMommy Posts: 80 Member
    1200 a day here!! Add me!
  • Wow! I would love to join... and I would love to stick to this 1200 cal. Plan. I fall off the wagon every night when the kids go to bed... tips would be helpful.
  • gemmahes
    gemmahes Posts: 15 Member
    Ice just started today in the 1200 calorie and some meal ideas/friends would be fab :)
  • ThinByThanksgiving
    ThinByThanksgiving Posts: 115 Member
    I stay between 1200-1300. Would love to have different meal ideas and friends on the same plan.
  • gemmahes
    gemmahes Posts: 15 Member
    Ohh it won't let me add anyone so feel free too add me xx
  • I started a week ago as well. please add me, I can use more friends on MFP to keep me motivated as well as additional tips to stay on track.
  • I started a Fit body bootcamp 6 week challenge less than a week ago and it is going really good. I am a big cheater usually but I have no cravings at all so far.
    It is 50 carbs a day, 120 grams of protein and approx 1200 cal. I have to take 4 tbs
    of raw coconut oil everyday which is easy, I just put it in my coffee and protein shake. I am not good at weighing. I have to send my food log to the instructor. We do a hard core 30min workout minimum 4 days a week. I am trying to do 5. I am finally over being sore. Add me and good luck to everyone!! Stay strong.
  • sarahjob76
    sarahjob76 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm new also doing 1200/day and would like support as well!
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm doing 1200. I've been on fitness pal since April 2013 but slacked a few weeks off and on. Recently recreated a new profile. I love love love to cook and diary is open to anyone who would like to add.

    I sent requests.
  • sheldawn69
    sheldawn69 Posts: 5 Member
    1200 here as well! And like you, I too just finished my first week and lost 5 lbs.! Woohoo! My diary is open so feel free to look around & add me as a friend :smile:
  • musicloverhoney
    musicloverhoney Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ya. Well, I'm trying to work my way back to 1200 a day. A lot has changed in the short time I've been gone and my day to day is all out of whack.
    I believe my diary is open for friends. I was doing 10% carbs, 30% protein, and 60% fat. I lost about 50 pounds and have kept most if it off. But, I know I was healthier eating this way and want to get back.
    Honestly, I think the weight loss product that I use is what allowed me to not gain all the weight back, even over the holidays. Not meaning this to be like a sales pitch, but if anyone is interested, it's all natural and is great for reducing cravings. It's called Skinny Body. Check it out at LivingTheFullest.me :-)
  • adheela
    adheela Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! After doing ww and not being do successful (even with exercise) I thought I'd try 1200 cals! I hope u don't mind if I add u - would love to have some lovely low cal recipes!!