Quick Idea: Make Yourself Walk/Bike for Your Lunch by Pre-paying

ladyoflucky13 Posts: 41 Member
edited January 2015 in Motivation and Support
Just wanted to share an idea that may work to help some people who eat out find motivation to fit in some more activity. I myself recently got a season pass to a nearby theme park that included all season dining and have been walking there everyday of the new year so far to use it (I love a deal and there's nothing like paying $100 for the added season dining to get meals all year). Of course, I am a stay at home wife, so I have a lot of free time on my hands and can handle the 1.5 hrs walking or so the round trip journey takes (about 3.5-4 miles depending on how far around the park I walk). I also sometimes bike there instead, but it is still a nice amount of activity.

However, it occurred to me that others could incorporate a similar system by pre-paying a gift card to a food establishment of their choice that lies half a mile to a mile or so away from their home/work. By having the card pre-payed for say the next few weeks or so, it would encourage them to frequent that business in order to use it for their meals (and if the distance is just right for that particular person and their fitness level and available time, they will feel motivated to walk there instead of driving). Of course, this assumes you like a restaurant that lies an appropriate distance away enough that you would be willing to go there consistently (or you are thrifty or low on cash and are therefore compelled to go there due to the pre-paying feature).

I know a lot of people eat their lunches and sometimes other meals out during the week, so just thought I'd throw this idea out there in case it may be useful for anyone. I think it is always good to find things that work to motivate you taking into consideration what's important to you and your time and lifestyle. Another one I sometimes use (again, because I'm thrifty), is motivating myself to walk to nearby stores to check out their clearance/sale items. Nothing like getting half off delicious store cooked chickens, premium bakery breads, and other such items to encourage me to get some activity. A great deal and also convenient. Trades the time I would spend cooking/cleaning in the kitchen for time burning calories.

Please note that I understand everyone has different calorie/nutrition/activity goals. I assume that anyone who would utilize this suggestion has already figured out how these aspects would work for them personally. I am not encouraging people who already have everything going great for them with home cooked meals to suddenly run out and eat a bunch of fast food or something, just so that is clear. On the flip side, I think it is perfectly acceptable for a person to decide that for convenience/enjoyment/whatever they can fit in eating out into their day. I believe it is all about overall balance and finding what works for you personally.


  • iranianpopper
    iranianpopper Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    This seems a very interesting idea. If one has such strong determination and will power to walk or bike most of the weekdays for couple of miles per day, then this should definitely work. I love the fact that you have meticulously optimized the whole trek such that it has become a multipurpose activity. Smart!!! :D
  • Wives like you are getting extinct these days... :)
  • ladyoflucky13
    ladyoflucky13 Posts: 41 Member
    edited January 2015
    LOL. Thank you. I try to earn my keep. :-)
  • ladyoflucky13
    ladyoflucky13 Posts: 41 Member
    I get the feeling I write posts that are too long for people to want to read...
  • watch Idiocracy.... it will shed some light on why your posts don't get read.
  • ladyoflucky13
    ladyoflucky13 Posts: 41 Member
    LOL. Seriously, that is a funny, but disturbing, movie. :D