20 lbs out journey

Hello there! Looking for getting healthier and left behind those terrible eating habits, who is on the same direction? Let's motivate each others to achieve our weight goals.


  • im_awesome_because_im_me
    LET'S DO THIS!!!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Ready to crush it!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    Hi! 20lbs is my "stretch" goal (15lbs is essential).

    I need to eat better and be better about comitting to regular exercise.

    Feel free to add me!
  • singermomof2
    singermomof2 Posts: 3
    edited January 2015
    I'm on board! I started, today! I have been really skinny, normal & close to "overweight". I'm ready to be healthy & lose 39 by my 39th birthday! I've got 3.5 months to be thin again & stay that way! Let's do this!
  • katekc22
    katekc22 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey there! I've been at it for a week now and hopefully I can keep up the motivation! Ready to motivate and be motivated !
  • kjbrose
    kjbrose Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in. 20 is my # and I'm ready to get my *kitten* in gear. Late 30's=slower metabolism...now it's on me. Always lookn for like minds, feel free to add me.
  • ssssuperkate
    I just started back on my weight loss journey today, 20 lb is my goal! :smile: