Start 30 day shred tomorrow (5/2)



  • Meekah44
    Meekah44 Posts: 34
    I keep forgetting to take my measurments. I'll have to remember before i do it tonight.

    I hate the pushups, I can't do pushups.
  • ingramsm
    ingramsm Posts: 2 Member
    I like JM and her 30DS but, my goodness....the girl really loves her push ups!!! I switch all my dvds up so I get a little variety. My favorites are the 30 day shred, Bob Harpers 60 minutes of cardio (TONS of squats!!), Slim in 6 weeks and the core workouts but Gunnar Peterson done on the stability ball. I also started using the Weight Watchers method of counting points and everything seems to be working for me. I have lost 30 pounds since 12/27/10, so a little over 4 months! It is soo exciting to see results! Keep up the good work ladies! Nice to see everyone's posts!
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Day 5 level 1 done today. Got through the first set of push ups off my toes and did 5 off my toes in the second set before dropping to my knees. Tomorrow's goal is to push straight through the side lunges with anterior raises (today I did all the lunges but half way through did two without the anterior raises to give my shoulders a quick break).
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 done.

    Is anyone planning to do the 30 days without a break? I am thinking about taking tomorrow off...not because I want to .... I don't feel like I need it, but I wonder if my body needs a day off to recoup. Any thoughts?
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    I'm intending (and hoping) to do the 30 days straight without a break.
  • Celeste79
    Celeste79 Posts: 21
    Frats - Understood. :o) I think the design of 30DS is intended to be done consecutively. If you choose to take a day; that's your choice.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    I am out tonight, not because I feel that I should rest by body, but I need to rest my eyes! I am SO tired. It isn't even 9 pm and I am heading to bed. I am kind of p!$$ed at myself for not pushing myself to do it, buy I am too wiped to do anything about it!

    I might try to do two when I wake up and another at my usual time after the kids go to bed.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Day 6 level 1 completed without any breaks and I managed both sets of push ups off my toes (21 in first set and 15 in second set) burning 199 calories.
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
    I generally take Sundays off, b/c my body needs a day of rest.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    I am not sure if this is allowed but I did level one day 6 and 7 today! The guilt from skipping yesterday was too much! I did the first this morning, which I never do, and I loved working out in the morning! so jealous of those of you who have the time in the mornings.

    Katemarjoram, fantastic work with the situps! I can't get past ten!
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    I just did day 7 but I think I'm suffering a bit of a virus so was only able to do it at about 80% intensity (but hey at least I did it).

    I had my BF take a measurement because I was dying to know if I was making any progress and with 7 days of shred and 3 x 30 minute session on the exercise bike and cross trainer (15 mins on each) I've lost 1.5cm or 0.6inch off each thigh this week. Whoop whoop!!!!
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Level 1 day 8 done! I can't believe I only have 2 days ledt before I start level 2...I took a sneak peek at it today and i don't think I am going to like it!

    Hoping to see some results soon but I am too scared to measure myself yet1
  • daniellescsu
    daniellescsu Posts: 101 Member
    Missed 4 days this week of the shred. So I wont get to progress to level 2 for some time. Especially because I am so out of shape level 1 is still really hard (pushups etc). I am very disappointed in myself, but proud of you guys! I fell off the healthy eating wagon too :(
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Sorry you had a bad week. But don't be disappointed in yourself. I am pretty sure that Jillian would say, "This isn't a pity party, you won't lose weight by phoning it in!" What does that even mean?:laugh:

    iI is a new week, once you are feeling up to it, get back on track and you will catch up soon!
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Day 8 done today. Looking forward to moving onto level 2 on Thursday.
  • Celeste79
    Celeste79 Posts: 21
    You guys are awesome. I only managed to Shred one day last week - mainly because DD was being a snot so I skipped going to my spin class but shredded instead. The next day (Thurs.) my back was killing me. Seriously, driving to work I couldn't even take a deep breath - it hurt too much. Ended up going home early and taking muscle relaxers. Wearing a back brace today as my back still isn't 100%. A lot better than Thurs., but I know if I do one wrong move I'll be back to Square One. It feels better to stand than it does to sit; which isn't ideal when one has a desk job. ::::sigh:::: May still go to the gym during my lunch hour and walk, MAYBE do a light jog, and do some stretches. I have to keep moving and not allow myself to get stiff.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    LEvel 1 Day 9 done. My arms felt like lead and my knees are aching. I thought she said it would get easier as we went on. Not looking forwats to level 2!

    Celeste back pain is the worst! I wouldn't rush geting back into it until you feel 100%.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    On to Level 2 tomorrow! Level 1 day 10 was pretty good. The only time I stopped was with the stupid strength in circuit 3 (still hate them, hope to never go back to them again!)..And I squeezed out 16 push ups!

    Hope to see some more action on the thread...I feel kind of alone!
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Hey frats, you're not totally alone - I'm still here :-)

    I spent Tuesday night in the emergency room at the hospital so missed Wednesday's workout :-( I'm going to try and do level 1 day 10 today and depending how I feel afterwards I think I'll try and double up and do day 1 of level 2 as well so I'm back on track.
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    Sorry about that - I hope everything is OK?

    I managed to get through Level 2 day 1 today. I stuck with Anita for a lot of it and still found it toughbut not as bad as I was expecting. Not sure if I will ever got to Natalie's caliber though!