How long until I see results?

usmanali_ Posts: 7
edited January 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there!

I am currently on a self-plan for running (cardio) to shed fat and doing hardcore excercise to gain muscle. I started since 30th of Dec with at least 7-8 workout sessions uptill now. How long until I must wait to start seeing noticeable results?


Also I have been very consistent in logging my details and I am looking to see some activity ... So add me !


  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    Fat loss happens in a caloric deficit, and muscle gain happens in a surplus. Trying to do both at the same time (AKA recomp) will just make it painfully slow on both fronts.
  • usmanali_
    usmanali_ Posts: 7
    edited January 2015
    @Mycophilia‌ painfully slow? Is there a timeframe to that?

    I am on a high protein low carbs diet as well. May be also let you know I am not overly weighted, around 75kgs, and have been trying to maintain my best under 1500 cals. Just want to shed some of that fat, tone and gain muscle... I just need a timeframe... It will help me focus and be prepared instead of being impatient... Thanks...
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    painfully slow as in it's faster to lose the fat first and then focus on building muscle. However, to even do it you need to be eating at maintenance. But since you're at a deficit, muscle gain will not happen. Strength will increase for a while, but that is your central nervous system getting more efficient at using the muscle you already have.
  • usmanali_
    usmanali_ Posts: 7
    edited January 2015
    Interesting but i do know calories can be burnt with intense workouts as well... I still need a timeframe!??!!

    And you are absolutely right.. That's why I should be focussing more on cardio...
  • what does that mean Mycophilia???
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    usmanali_ wrote: »
    Interesting but i do know calories can be burnt with intense workouts as well... I still need a timeframe!??!!

    And you are absolutely right.. That's why I should be focussing more on cardio...

    The time frame for losing the amount of weight that you want to lose depends on the deficit you have set. If you want to lose 5 kg and have your deficit set to lose 0.5 kg per week, for example, it will take you roughly ten weeks to lose what you want to lose.

    As for gaining muscle, there is no time frame for that, currently, because you CANNOT build muscle when eating at a deficit, just as Mycophilia said. You can get stronger, fitter, faster, but you can't BUILD muscle unless you're eating a surplus of calories.

    All the best.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Short answer: Forget it.

    Longer answer: Unless you're a total nOOb and/or obese, you cannot lose fat and gain any meaningful amount of muscle at the same time.

    Rather than doing lots of cardio and a 'hardcore' routine (whatever that is), just aim to lose 0.5-0.75kg a week through diet, do a bit of cardio, and start a beginner's weight routine like Stronglifts.

    If you are impatient you will most likely fail. Timeframe will vary by how closely you adhere to your plan and what your goals are.

    Ha, you beat me to it.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Somewhere between one month and never.
  • Lol @DopeItUp‌

    @Susieq_1994‌ thanks 10 weeks sounds about right! Something to look forward to... And for translating @Mycophilia‌'s fitness jargon lol.... I appreciate it...

    @herrspoons‌ very true, the timeframe will depend on how closely I adhere to the plan... Thumbs up for that one!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    You can benefit from weight training (though, you will really not see muscle mass increase on a caloric deficit to speak of).... Resistance training along with strong protein intake can minimize the loss of muscle mass during the cutting phase.

    The size of the deficit and how much you have to lose is what will determine how fast you will see results. If you are eating at a deficit and exercising then you should see results pretty quickly. Best wishes.
  • Thank you @kdeaux1959‌ . True, sticking to the deficit plan has a strong play here... I guess I should focus on getting lean as my first goal for results.... then along the way gradually gaining muscles.
  • nhiggins64
    nhiggins64 Posts: 3 Member
    It's worth saying that your running times and distances CAN improve though as there are other "systems" in action there that aren't about building muscle. So if you want a fitness related goal to aim for try setting a new distance goal, or a faster time for a regular route. Losing weight will help you to achieve this as you'll be carrying less of it with you.
  • @nhiggins64‌ yes, I am doing exactly that... While needing to burn, I am motivating myself to run longer distance... Enrolled in the 5K plan to start with... Although I shuffle my days sometimes :neutral_face:
  • nhiggins64
    nhiggins64 Posts: 3 Member
    Excellent - stick at it, the 5k plan really works. I started on that a few years back and last year ran my first Marathon.
  • nhiggins64 wrote: »
    Excellent - stick at it, the 5k plan really works. I started on that a few years back and last year ran my first Marathon.

    Nice! I am aiming for my first marathon this year... Need to watch out!!