getting married in July currently doing 5:2 fasting

Hey any1 doing the same xx


  • Hey, I'm on day 1 fasting... I'm STARVING lol! Cousin did it for her wedding last year and looked amazing for it. I stumbled across BBC's What's The Right Diet For You? last night...
    did the online test which came out at over 50% Constant Craver... the boff's on the show suggested the 5:2 diet, so thought give it a whirl! I'm having 3 Herbalife shakes for the 'fasting' days (600-800kcal a day for two consecutive days per week).
    What are you doing food wise on your fasting days? Cheers Laura :smile:
  • Hey I do 4:3 so 3 fast days a week my diet isn't the healthiest as I only drink coffee (50cals) and tea (26cals) and my roughly intake is 300cals on fasting days xx
  • Hey LauraGracePh, very cool link. Thanks for posting! I came out as 47% emotional eater, which actually makes a lot of sense in retrospect. Alfieandtommy, I just heard about the 5:2 intermittent fasting today from an article on NPR. I was thinking about maybe doing that on the days I don't exercise.