RUNNING ADVICE... need quick help



  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Anyway, if you're not already exercising, then I don't know that I'd recommend that you run every day -- you'd run the risk stressing your legs and getting an injury. So, if you're not already exercising, I think I'd recommend that you alternate jogging one day and then walking the next (or spinning, or elliptical), just so that you're not pounding your shins to death every day.

    100% agree with this. Running everyday make you more at risk for injuries and you will get less out of it.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Every day that you run you can do intervals to help increase your speed. Let's say you set your treadmill at 5.0 speed. After a 5 minute warm up go for 2 minutes at 5.1, then two minutes at 5.2 and if you have it in you 2 minutes at 5.3 then back down...5.2, then 5.1 etc (obviously start where you are if you are already running 5.3 start there and then do 5.4, 5.5, 5.6) if 2 minutes is too much at eac faster speed go for 1 that for 2 or 3 days then start the next time at 5.1 for 5 mins...then 5.2, 5.3. 5.4 .5.3, that for a 2-3 days...I hope you get the idea. After one week see if you can get the time you need...if not keep making small start at 5.3,,,,etc etc etc...if the faster speeds feel ok then do them longer than 2 minutes or go one more bump up...the last one you do should be tough, like you can do it but can't wait for the minute or two or three to be done...then the climb back down to your start speed will seem like rest...
    Good luck
  • DTetz
    DTetz Posts: 109 Member
    I am actually not in any sort of fitness program... during January I was doing 1.5 miles every day and it took me 20 minutes with warm up and cool down... but after the beginning of February I had a issue with a really bad ingrown toenail that hurt so bad I couldn't wear shoes or walk, let alone run so I had to get that fixed and healed and I just never went back to my running :( and I gained all the weight back I had lost and some because I went back to my old eating habits as well. I thought my 1.35 in 15:30 was actually pretty bad :( but maybe that's because it doesn't make the requirements I need to pass. Surprisingly the part of me that is sore is my shoulder blades Lol and I didn't do any other exercise aside from running!
    Hmm... Those standards sound really familiar to me ;) (or maybe i'm just assuming)

    LOL -- that was my first thought, too! (Followed by "what about the curl-ups? the push-ups? the BCA?")

    DTetz -- since you were able to get 1.35mi in 15 minutes, I'm guessing you're already in the middle of some sort of fitness program. (If not, then oh-my-goodness, you'll be sore tomorrow! :wink: )

    Anyway, if you're not already exercising, then I don't know that I'd recommend that you run every day -- you'd run the risk stressing your legs and getting an injury. So, if you're not already exercising, I think I'd recommend that you alternate jogging one day and then walking the next (or spinning, or elliptical), just so that you're not pounding your shins to death every day.

    Good luck!
  • DTetz
    DTetz Posts: 109 Member
    Okay thanks for the advice... I will try for 4 days a week and just walk or something else on my off days!
    Anyway, if you're not already exercising, then I don't know that I'd recommend that you run every day -- you'd run the risk stressing your legs and getting an injury. So, if you're not already exercising, I think I'd recommend that you alternate jogging one day and then walking the next (or spinning, or elliptical), just so that you're not pounding your shins to death every day.

    100% agree with this. Running everyday make you more at risk for injuries and you will get less out of it.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'd add mileage too, building your endurance will help you run faster at the shorter distances
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    If you are not doing the test on the treadmill then please do not use the treadmill. Running on the treadmill is a lot different to running on the roads. I find the treadmill does a lot of the work for me. Road running works a lot of different muscles.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    If you are not doing the test on the treadmill then please do not use the treadmill. Running on the treadmill is a lot different to running on the roads. I find the treadmill does a lot of the work for me. Road running works a lot of different muscles.

    great advice - dreadmills are also known for being woefully inaccurate

    if you test is outside or on a track, then that is where you need to train as much as possible
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