Exercise calorie disparity

I tried to post this in technical support but it said I didn't have permission to post in that category.

I just started using MFP, which I've linked to Pacer, a couple days ago and I'm not sure how exercise calories are calculated.

For example, here's this morning's balance, so far:

1750 Goal - 272 Food + 340 Exercise = 1,818 Remaining.

I don't know where MFP is getting 340. According to Pacer, I've only burned 62 calories in walking. I haven't entered in any other exercises. Where is the 278 calories of exercise coming from? It appears to add on a couple hundred exercise calories every day so far.


  • beerdestroyer
    beerdestroyer Posts: 5 Member
    Bump. It seems to add 278 calories of exercise every morning, no idea why.