My scale has an cruel sense of humor!

mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
So, I'm on my 5th day of the 17 day diet, and because I am, I have been weighing myself every morning when I wake up. Now yesterday I weighed in at 209.7. I got on the scale this morning and it said 213.6! I jumped off, and said to myself, let me try this again. I got back on twice and it said 208.9. I swear I heard it laughing at That was a cruel joke, but I'm excited that I am consistently losing weight, which motivates me even more (I am a very impatient person). My clothes are fitting great and I'm going to need to buy some new ones soon, YAY!

Also, another NSV: Still teacher appreciation week, and they bought lunch for us today. Delicious looking sandwiches, chips, pickles and cookies! I grabbed a water and a tuna sandwich, took off the bread and only ate the insides. I am so happy I am gaining willpower. All smiles today :)


  • cdez80421
    cdez80421 Posts: 88 Member
    Dam scales!!!!! Congrats on the willpower, small steps my friend will lead you to victory!!!
  • mrsjcmyles
    mrsjcmyles Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks! :) Then I was just offered a cupcake, aaaahhhhh!
  • K3llyhunt
    K3llyhunt Posts: 9 Member
    Your scale must be related to mine! It did the same thing to me. Keep up the good work!
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    My scale has been laughing at me for a week now.. Working extra hard...sweating more on the treadmill but not budging... in fact it's gone up a few but I'm writing it off to water weight and won't go away for about another week if ya know what I mean LOL Seems like us ladies only have one good week out of the month to weigh ourselves uuuggghhh frustrated . Lost roughly 8 lbs though so far
  • sashaverlene
    sashaverlene Posts: 123 Member
    My scale hates me! lol I'm not kidding when I tell you that I weighed myself 14 times this morning!

    Yesterday morning, I weighed in at 175.6. When I stepped on the scale this morning, it said 174.6. (I was like yayyyyy) A whole POUND in one day and I didn't even go to the gym AND I only drank about 32oz of water instead of my usual 64oz, so I don't think it was water weight. But then I weighed again to make sure and it said 174.6, three more times in a row. I moved my scale to the other side of the bathroom to make sure it was right! lol it said 144.4. I moved it closer to the sink, it said 176.4. (I was like EXPLAINNN!) I wanted to chuck the thing out the window, but instead, I moved the scale closer to the tub. It said 175.6 again (weight from yesterday morning), then I put it back in the original place and got 174.6, three more times in a row. I do NOT know which one to choose. lol there's no way I gained a pound in a day when I didn't overeat. Connnnnfusing!
  • LamsieDee
    LamsieDee Posts: 85
    my scale does this too! I've "gained" or "lost" up to 10 pounds just by moving the scale from one place to another. It can be really frustrating. So I put a second scale there beside the first one and weighed myself on both...yep you guessed it....they weigh is about 4.5 pounds heavier than the other. So I got rid of the heavy one. Maybe I'll buy another??? lol is your scale a digital? I have the Weight Watcher scale and it's digital. I thot maybe I needed a new battery. So I got batteries at Walmart today. gonna check what it says tomorrow.
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    oh my god i can totally relate!
    love the first story.

    i've been weighing myself since the beginning of the year and i just realized yesterday that with nothing on it at all air weighs 3 pounds! (it's not a digital scale). i'm like does that mean i weigh more or less than what it's been telling me......
    i stopped thinking about it but so weird!!!!!
  • LamsieDee
    LamsieDee Posts: 85
    if air weighs 3're actually 3 lbs thinner! yay for you! I put the new battery in my scale and I'm 2 lbs heavier? but I'm adjusting my measurement. I think that scale was off for a long time. so I didn't gain the weight. just fixed my numbers. I'm still down 21/2 lbs for the week so I'm happy about it.
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
    mine does this if I move it just a few inches or an inch I get all different now I keep it in one spot
  • RoseCoreling
    RoseCoreling Posts: 55 Member
    OMG mine is the same way!!!! I have to teach myself not to weigh in so much..because one day it'll say i've lost 3 pounds, the next day it'll say i've gained a few pounds..totally discouraging! I've decided i'm not speaking to my scale for awhile...we're quarreling :p
  • lauralhicks
    lauralhicks Posts: 168
    Great job, I was doing wonderful on the 17day diet, then I fell off at my cousins repast, I gotta get back started, maybe I'll start over on day 1, I was on day 8 and hadn't cheated. I love that diet! Keep it up girl!
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