Is surgery really my only option?

Hey everyone!

I've been significantly overweight for, well... pretty much my entire life. I have a lot of weight to lose (+150lbs) but I'm looking to do it without surgery. It's not that I'm against the people who do get it done, but I want this to be about my over all health, and not just the weight loss. Other than the fact that I don't want to have to pay for it, I want to know if it's actually possible.

I've been looking over the internet, and whenever I search for people who have lost a large amount of weight, it's articles, and youtube videos about lap-bands, and gastric bypass. I know people have been losing weight for years without these technologies, but can it be done naturally on such a large scale. I know it would potentially take me a couple years, and that's fine... and I'm convinced that at 24, my skin should still be young enough to snap back.

Am i dreaming, or should I consider the surgery?


  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    No ... you are not dreaming. Weight loss in any amount can be done by eating properly and excerzising regularly.

    If I were in your shoes, I would only consider the surgical route if your life were in danger and doctor said - loose weight now or you will die in 6 months.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    There are lots of people here who have lost 1-200lbs doing nothing but eating right and exercising. It can be done, surgery to me is just a waste of money because even if you get it, you still have to eat right and exercise to lose the weight and keep it off.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    No ... you are not dreaming. Weight loss in any amount can be done by eating properly and excerzising regularly.

    If I were in your shoes, I would only consider the surgical route if your life were in danger and doctor said - loose weight now or you will die in 6 months.

    ^^ What she/he said.

    Surgery should be your last option.
  • adfranks
    adfranks Posts: 161 Member
    Oh, you are so in the right place!!! Friend me if you want support.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Surgery is the last option. Not your only. There's many people in MFP here that are living proof of that.
  • BriannaSkye
    BriannaSkye Posts: 135
    You can do it 100% without surgery, yup it will take time but it will work. Look at Courtney from the "Biggest Loser" she lost over 100 lbs at home before the show.....I lost 73lbs in 7.5 months with just watching what I eat and walking so YES, it is 100% a reality :)
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    There a tons of people on MFP that have lost that much (and more). Add them as friends and I'm sure they will give you some good pointers. Best of luck!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    It's totally possible to lose the weight without surgery! It'll be a long hard road at first but it gets easier over time :) Surround yourself with a good support system (us!) & commit to the journey :)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    You are in the right place for support ! I have lost 37 pounds so far and have another 70 more to go ! Im sending youa friends request !
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    You can definitely do it on your own. You don't need surgery.
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    HELLO??!?!? any one watch the biggest loser? these ppl loose WAAAAY more than 250 pounds, a few of them were over 400 when they started! come on guys! it might be alot of weight to think about as a whole, but set little goals and befor you know it, ull be down 200 pounds! we're ALLLL here to support each other! girl u can do anything u put ur mind to, NO JOKE! u just have to want it bad enough and be able to do the work ITS NOT EASY!!!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Just follow MFP caloric intake guidelines and measure your food and use a HRM to calculate calories burned from exercise.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Do it on your own before trying surgery. It can be dangerous. Plus you are young enough that if you take it slow and steady your skin will shrink to fit ;-)
  • Nikki_GodzPrincess
    I used to be right where you are, but I was there for "the easy way out" reason. If I had the suregry it would give me the boost I needed to lose the weight. Who wants to work out when they are heavy? Ya know?

    I understand what you are saying though but its like you said. YOU'RE YOUNG. Girl you got this. I have a 150+ pounds to lose too and you know what I am almost 1/2 way there. I have lost 70lbs in 4 months and I want to be able to lose 30lb by June. Thats my first 100 right there:) According to the "norm" with my height 5'7- 5'8 I am supposed to be 150lbs. I actually dont want to be that, I think with my body frame I wouldnt look right that thin. My doctor even told me that one time. HAHA

    You can do this, trust me. I know people say if I can do it you can too. But it is REALLY true, if I can do it YOU CAN TOO. It's a lot of hard work but it can be done. It's not wishful thinking, I promise you. Once I started exercising and was really serious about this journey the weight started falling off.

    My advice, try it the diet and exercise way and if it doesn't work out look into alternate avenues. But surgery is a DRASTIC decision. Weigh all your options. I hope this helps and was encouraging :)
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    I once contemplated surgery when I was at my highest weight - b/c I was really depressed and feeling all hope was lost - but I eventually turned that depression into motivation. There is no reason you can't get the weight off naturally. Especially since you are young!! You can do it and we are all here to help!
  • robbie300
    robbie300 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't think you need surgery. I go to TOPS and there are several members who lost weight with surgery and have regained all their weight back after. . They hadn't learned how to modify their lifestyle with the surgery so they are now having to lose weight the old fashion way. I started my weight loss journey last September at 300lbs and I now weigh 194lbs. My solution is exercise -every day at least 45 minutes of cardio and weight training 3 times a week. Also my diet is low fat, high protein and tons of veggies and fruit. My carbs are all high fiber/sprouted-I don't eat junk.

    Losing with exercise and diet can work, you just need to make the right choices that will work for you.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    Hop on over to the Success Stories forum and you will find MANY examples of people on this site who have lost 100, 150, 200+ pounds by counting calories and exercise. Even people who have weight loss surgery find that they have to change what they eat and how much and use this site to manage it. So, you are in no better place. Track your food. Build your support network. Carry courage and patience with you every day an din 2 years you WILL be walking around with a thinner, healthier body and the skills to keep it that way FOR LIFE.

    Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    You also want to avoid the side effects that come with the surgery! They aren't pleasant. The other thing about the surgery, is you don't end up learning the right way to eat, you don't learn portion control. many gain all the weight back for those very reasons. If you can do it on your own (and with the support you get here, I think you can!), you should do that!!! Please. As was stated earlier, if the Dr. says you are going to die in 6 months if you don't get this weight off right away..then I can see it. But, even then, in 6 months you could lose a substantial amount of weight.
    Please, for your health and happiness, do it yourself. We are all here for you!!
    Best of luck!
  • holli_walker
    holli_walker Posts: 109 Member
    Yes it can be done. I have couple of friends recently that lost 120+. They lost all their weight by eating right a working out alot. I know several people that have had the surgery and just gained it back.
  • aunt_hbomb
    aunt_hbomb Posts: 204
    I'd say surgery should be the absolute last option you pursue. I've heard so many horror stories about people who have had the gastric bypass surgery. It seems that not only the amount of food you eat after the surgery affects the stomach, but also the kind of food. Do more research on the complications of the surgeries you are looking into.