I'm new to this whole weight loss thing, and I need help.

ojell Posts: 748 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I understand if I eat too much I will obviously not lose, but if I eat too little I won't lose either? So, I don't know how much I need to eat? I understand that the more I exercise, the more calories I'm given, but I'm confused. Am I supposed to try and eat all of the calories without going in the red, or is it better to have leftover calories? If so, how much should I leave? I thought protein was a good thing, so is it bad to go in the red? Also, I don't know how some ppl have sodium and sugar on their food log and I don't. Do I need it?

I dunno if it matters or how much it matters, but I am currently taking birth control and antidepressants...I know that both of these could make it more difficult to lose weight.

Also, I carry MOST of my weight in my hips and thighs. I've been working out to Insanity for about 3 weeks now. I lost 5 lbs the first wk, then another 5lbs. Then I was put under a lot of stress and missed 4 workouts, gained 5lbs back. I was eating well so I thought, but lately, I don't feel I have as much energy and I'm starting to crave and feel hungry a lot.

I have changed my diet DRASTICALLY from what it used to be...used to eat nothing but fast food and candy all day every day...drank nothing but soda.

I haven't had candy or soda in 3 wks, been drinking more milk, juice and trying to totally drink water. (don't like water though). I haven't had real fast food either except maybe a salad or smoothie. Today I had a boneless filet from KFC...ordered the grilled, but they no longer sell them. I was starving and it tasted soooooooo good! ugh!

Anyway, I feel like I shouldn't eat too much fruit, but I know I need more veggies.

Please help motivate me and set me on the right track. I'm getting so impatient. I just joined this, so I only have 3 days in my diary...you can look though...I don't mind. Again, I've been craving though, so it hasn't been the best. I really need to understand what I should be eating calorie-wise though.

Thanks a bunch for any help you can offer. Add me as a friend. ;)


  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Put all the info into MFP and it'll spit out the cals you should eat. Once you get used to the site you can adjust them to meet your needs (put them up if you're starving, down if you're not losing any weight... within reason. Sometimes put them UP if you're not losing weight).

    For the first couple weeks I just went with what it gave me and I lost tons.
  • kirstyfromscotland
    kirstyfromscotland Posts: 555 Member
    i always just eat what ever i feel like n if i eat to much i just work out a bit more, u need 2 make sure you dont go into the red if possible but i usually have about 20-40 calories extra left that i dont use, it will tell you at the bottom when u complete each day if you aren't eating enough. Low energy could be caused by not having enough sugar, i allow myself 10 jelly beans most days because if you stop yourself eating the treats you will just crave them more. I also have 1 day per week that i dont go mad but i usually have a few drinks (sometimes a few more than a few!) so i dont count my cals that day but i just dont go overboard. when u store your exersize it will give you more calories that you can eat. I hope i have been some help, gud luk.x
  • hitxgirl
    hitxgirl Posts: 31 Member
    I try to eat to make my numbers between 100 cal. above or below the net cal. MFP says. My choices of what I eat depend on the other numbers. I try to zero the other numbers. I don't worry too much if i am a little over or a little under. It varies every day. I have been told (and have researched it) to eat your exercise cal. I have been doing it and it has worked for me!!! Make sure you are also taking your measurements. Sometimes I lose weight and sometimes I lose inches. Slow and steady is the trick. if you stay persistant you will start seeing results!

    Protien is good if you are using weights. After your workout your body needs to rebuild. It needs protien to do this and if you doen't eat some it will take it from your muscles. Milk and jucies are good for you but will have a lot of sugar. Try to have these in moderation. I have cheese and yogurt (dairy) and fruit (instead of juice). Fruit will also give you fiber! Make sure you log them and you will see where and when you can cut back on them. I also eat a square of Ghirardelli 72% cacao when I have a chocolate craving.

    You can adjust what you are monitoring...add sodium or sugar/remove things you don't want under tools...(I think...)

    Your meds can make it difficult. If you have serious concerns I suggest you talk to your doctor(s).

    I hope this helps.
  • kansasgal19
    kansasgal19 Posts: 21 Member
    To change your diary so that you can see protein, sugar and sodium, go to settings, diary and you can change it there. Also, it will be easier for others to motivate and give feedback if you make your diary public.

    Actually, women need less protein than you might think. I suggest cutting sugar, sodium and increasing fresh produce as much as possible. I think putting veggies in really helps. You can also get protein in less-sodium filled ways like through nuts. I love walnuts and almonds and peanuts. They're higher in fat, so you have to really moderate how many (small handful versus popping them in like popcorn).

    A couple of meals I really love that fill me up:

    Breakfast waffle--whole wheat eggo, topped with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and sliced pears, drizzled with 1/2 tsp of honey. It sounds weird but is really fricking good! Sometimes I sprinkle walnuts or almonds on top

    Breakfast toast--slice of oatmeal bread (filled with fiber!), spread with 2 tbsp of part skim ricotta cheese, a couple halves of sliced apricots on top (from can, drained and sliced) and then broil in the oven for 2 minutes. This is INCREDIBLY yummy

    Sweet potato fries--this is great because it's a super nutritious veggie. Preheat oven to 350. Peel and slice into fry sizes one sweet potato. Lay slices across a baking sheet. Drizzle with 1/2 tbsp of olive oil, 1/2 tsp of sea salt, and sprinkle your favorite seasonings on top. I love using rosemary, basil, pepper and onion powder.

    I'm still working on dinners. I usually make high protein/sodium meals so I understand I need to change dinner, but still struggle, so I feel your pain.

    I also try to exercise for at least 30 minutes 6 days a week. It could be something small like yard work or cleaning, but cardio intense work outs I think should be more frequent than not.

    Best of luck!! You can do it.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    I also meant to ask about Multivitamins...what's the best one?

    I made my diary public...I think. lol

    Again, I've been craving a lot lately, so they're not the best. Eek!

    Suggestions please? I'm all for constructive criticism. :)

    Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of the replies! I'm falling in love with this site already!
  • smileyred2
    smileyred2 Posts: 5
    I love drinking water, but our water sometimes doesn't taste the best (it's been tested fine, just has taste to it). I have found that using Sugar Free Kool-Aid packets or Crystal Light drink mix (both are powders you add to water) helps by making the water taste good. Tastes like juice or "soda" but with only 5 Calories per 8 oz glass! They come in packets to make by the quart or pouches to add to bottled water (or 16 oz. glass of water). I found I drink a LOT more water this way! Hope this helps!
  • I 'm not a big water drinker either. But I have found the sobe lifewaters are wonderful and they come in a ton of flavors. I'm still not up to 8 glasses a day but I'm getting better. There are other flavored waters on the market also. Some have a few more calories than others but they are all less than soda!
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    Yes on the vegetables. I had zucchini with my dinner the other night. It was the lowest-cal thing on my plate, and it was easily the best thing on it. Steam, sprinkle with a little fresh grated parmesan or havarti or even a hard gouda - yum. (And "sprinkle" doesn't mean "pour melted cheese," as much as I wish it did!)

    Stay away from sodium. It's in most processed food in high amounts. And check your soda - even diet soda is loaded with sodium. You don't need that much. If you start feeling like you need salt or electrolytes, stay with something healthy and real. Even a banana might be better for you. (And I speak as someone who loathes bananas, by the way, but I'd rather have a fruit than a pack of chemicals.) If you're concerned about electrolyte balance, see your doctor or nutritionist. I'm neither, but I've never had a situation where I wasn't getting enough sodium, potassium, or other electrolytes.

    Drink lots of water. Put in lemon or orange slices, or cucumber and mint, or other combinations for a subtle flavor if plain water isn't your thing.

    Here's my order of things to eat if I'm hungry and I have choices:

    Non-root vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, squash, celery, etc.
    Fruits, preferably apples, pears, bananas, and then citrus. (I find apples and pears especially make me feel "full")
    Carrots (root vegetable), beans, corn.
    Dairy (yogurt, cottage cheese, feta, and the like)
    unprocessed fish (that is, not canned)
    unprocessed chicken, beef, lamb, pork (that is, not deli meats and such)

    For *me*, I need to stay away from breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, and the like because they seem to be too rich. They are a small side dish rather than a main dish. If I can get away with it, I avoid bread entirely. Pasta, rice, and potatoes are OK in small portions, but as I am used to eating large amounts of these, I just have to be strict to myself, make the portion sizes small, and think of them as "treat" foods that come after my salads, vegetables, and fruits. I don't worry too much about a low-carb diet, because I find that just including the fruits and vegetables I do seems to keep me OK.

    I try to avoid any extra fats such as mayo or butter, as I seem to get enough just from any fish or meats I eat. I'm not trying to go an all-protein diet by any means, but I find that if I keep the vegetables/fruits high my proteins and fats are balanced.

    And I do *not* punish myself. I'm not *bad* for being overweight, so I don't need to eat nasty food. (I weigh too much because I ate too much. I'm not a criminal; just lacked self-control and -awareness.) If I like something, I eat it, but just in smaller, controlled "doses." I was at a deli/market last week shopping for lunch (caesar salad with oil/vinegar caesar dressing instead of dairy-based dressing), and they had an oil-and-vinegar sampling booth. I tried some of the various olive oils, and enjoyed them. I didn't have more than a teaspoon total, and I chalked it up to "flavoring." And then I had an individual salted-chocolate-caramel, about 1/2 ounce total. It was my "treat" for the day, and I enjoyed eating it, chewing it, and savoring it.

    If I get a craving for highly flavored foods, I find that citrus is good for that - oranges, tangerines, tangelos, and grapefruits are good for a strong "burst." (One of the things the deli had was a cherry vinegar made from cherry juice and not from apple juice flavored with cherries. It was incredible, and it makes a great, strong vinaigrette.)

    Food is something we're made to eat. It's usually enjoyable, and sometimes we get cheap enjoyment and entertainment from eating. It's just the way we are; sometimes we need help to get re-balanced when we go too far in seeking enjoyment and entertainment from a single substance.

    So take it easy, keep on trucking, and remember it's a journey and not a race.
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