How did you pick your goal weight and how many times has it changed?



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited January 2015
    I didn't have one. My original goal was to eat healthier to be healthier. Weight loss was a by-product of the healthy eating. When I joined MFP, it asked for a goal and I was like, "Huh. I don't have one." So, I pulled a number out of my asp - my lowest high school weight.

    It is my goal. I'd like to get there. It would also mean I could say, "See me? This is what I lost!" Because I'd have lost that amount of weight. It would be nice, but it's not likely. I probably won't get there. I know it. I don't care.

    I've had a million other goals.

    Get healthy.
    Wear a 22 again.
    Wear a 20 again.
    Get to 220.
    Get to 199!!!!!!!!!
    Get to 175
    Wear an 18 again
    Get to 193, so I know I'll never have to see 2 in the hundreds space again.
    Get to 195, which is halfway to 190.
    Get to 190
    Get to 189
    Wear a 16 again
    Get to 183, so I never have to see a 9 in the tens place again.
    Get to 185
    Get to 180
    Get to 179
    Wear a 14 again
    Get to 173 so I never have to see an 8 in the tens place again.
    Get to 175!!
    Get to 150
    Get to 170
    Wear a 12 again.
    Get to 169

    On and on it goes. In addition, I'm working for the next odd weight down. Like if I'm on 219 or 218, I'm waiting for 217. Because odd weights are better, lol. :)

    I don't set these goals because some guy said, "You should set goals! It will help!" I set them because I actually want those things. Every day, I have a goal I'm close to reaching and long-term goals to keep working for.

    I have no idea what I'll do when I get to the point where I'm like, "This weight loss thing is too hard, I'm sick of it, I am a healthy weight and look good enough."

    Guess I'll need a new hobby! I guess that is my ultimate goal. To finish and live my life as a thin, healthy-eating person who doesn't have to obsess about it. :)

  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »

    Guess I'll need a new hobby! I guess that is my ultimate goal. To finish and live my life as a thin, healthy-eating person who doesn't have to obsess about it. :)

    Love this! :D
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I picked the middle of the bmi. Which was too skinny or I didn't have enough muscle. I'm now maintaining between 160 and 170.
  • megansmcguire
    megansmcguire Posts: 10 Member
    My goal weight is 135 because that was when I felt best about my body, but based on body fat percentage, I'd be at the low end of the fitness range at 145. If I look good at 145, I'll stop, but for now the goal is 135.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    When I started, I weighed 220, so my first goal was to get under 200.

    Once I got there, I decided to switch it to 171, which is the highest weight of the normal BMI range for my height.

    I am 4 pounds away from that now, so I have set my third goal as 150, the exact middle of the normal BMI range.
  • Kelll12123
    Kelll12123 Posts: 212 Member
    I picked 150 because it's a "normal" BMI, then adjusted to 135 because I thought I would be happy there, but when I reached 135 and still wanted to loose weight, I chose 125. I'll probably maintain at 125 and put more focus on building muscle.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I picked a weight slap-bang in the middle of "healthy" BMI (21.5) because it was easy, and now I'm more-or-less there it's actually the right weight for me. I didn't change it and wanted a stretch goal when I started. I was motivated moving between the BMI categories
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'd always been between 260-275 so when I hit 307 (YIKES) it was my goal to at least get back at 270.

    When I started MFP, I weighed 262. 227 was my previous lowest adult weight. So I set my original MFP goal at 220.

    As I had a pretty easy time getting down to 230, 225, etc, I knew I wanted to get to 199...but at that point, I decided 180 was my goal.

    Once I hit 180, I was feeling pretty happy with my body (and still am) but decided not to set more specific goals. I am just barely into the 160s now, and cool with that, but honestly don't care if I stop losing at 163 or 150 or whatever.
  • mymodernbabylon
    mymodernbabylon Posts: 1,038 Member
    I picked a goal weight of what I was when I got married. I started in Nov 2013 and reached my goal in August. I then worked my way up to eating my TDEE. I'm now doing a small cut while weight lifting in order to lower my bodyfat a bit and perhaps lose another 5 lbs or so. For me, it's more about getting fit and strong than anything else.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I looked at a BMI chart and went about 10 lb below the top of a healthy weight range.
    Once I get there, I might want to drop another 10-15 lb, but it will depend on how I feel & look once I get there. I might also decide to stay at that higher weight but increase weightlifting so everything gets sculpted.

    FWIW, my doc (endocrinologist in charge of the weight loss program at the hospital) isn't convinced that even the top of a healthy BMI range is realistic for me. :angry: I think that's what I weighed at 18, and he thinks it's unreasonable for me to aim for that again. What he doesn't realize is that I was at least overweight, if not actually fat, even back then.
    (I have considered that he was trying to use reverse psychology.)

    Of course, he's also somewhat surprised I've managed to lose as much as I have. Apparently even people who have stomach surgery don't usually do this well.
    (And to top it off, my body is completely whole & healthy. No induced lifelong problems with digestion, no lifelong restriction on what or how much I can eat, etc.)

    I did a blog post[/quote] about goal setting, including weight, calories, & macros, with links to resources.

    I've also had non-weight-related health goals:
    - getting my cholesterols into a healthy range (check)
    - getting my waist under 34", since that's been associated with better health (check, currently 31.5"... which is a loss of 11.5" or almost 27%)
    - increasing endurance for cardio activities (check, currently able to do up to 90 min of hills @ 3mph on the treadmill)

  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    I picked the lowest weight that I remembered being healthy at (130), I am currently below that since I have refocused on my body composition. I want to get a bit lower to give myself room for a good bulk so I can build some additional muscle.
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    elsie_fair wrote: »
    I picked the lowest weight that I remembered being healthy at (130), I am currently below that since I have refocused on my body composition. I want to get a bit lower to give myself room for a good bulk so I can build some additional muscle.

    Looking good already. Good luck on your bulk. How long do you plan to bulk for? It was pretty hard for me to do it mentally after putting so much energy into losing the weight and I think I only lasted 3-4 months.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    edited January 2015
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    elsie_fair wrote: »
    I picked the lowest weight that I remembered being healthy at (130), I am currently below that since I have refocused on my body composition. I want to get a bit lower to give myself room for a good bulk so I can build some additional muscle.

    Looking good already. Good luck on your bulk. How long do you plan to bulk for? It was pretty hard for me to do it mentally after putting so much energy into losing the weight and I think I only lasted 3-4 months.

    Thank you! has a transformation challenge that I just started with a good friend of mine and it's 12 weeks long, so I'm going to try and put my all into that, see where I get, then do a short bulk (4-6 weeks) in April so I can cut and (hopefully) see some good gains for the peak of summer. B)

    ETA - this will be my first bulk so I'm being pretty conservative with the time frame lol it will definitely be a mental challenge!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Much like you, OP, I don't have a goal weight. I have goal abs.

    When the 6-pack is looking tight and chisled, I'm there.

    I currently have the 4-pack and am just waiting out that lower row of washboard ... 4, maybe 5 weeks. Then a couple of weeks to make 'em pop.

    I wasn't extremely heavy M 6'0" 204 but it was getting out of control. Currently 160 and probably about 151, 152 when the body fat% gets low enough ... but I really don't care about the number. The goal is the 6-pack washboard.

    Pushing 50, I don't expect to have the discipline to keep 'em exposed long. Maybe a year or two. It's too strict to have to keep fat% that tight. I'd like to settle in between 165 and 175. Will give a lot of wiggle room and still be looking fairly good for an old man, and be in a good healthy BMI range.

    The abs popped before. A lot on time ago. Last seen in 1989 exiting the US Army as a youngling completing his first enlistment and entering the cushy civilian life.

    They were there before and it's a Bucket List item to see them once again.

    Time is short ...
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,510 Member
    I picked 155(BMI 22.9) because it is a nice round number, somewhat more than 10 lbs(13 in fact) less than the highest BMI that falls within the "normal" range for my height . In reality, I will see how it goes as I approach a healthier weight. So far I am down from a high weight of 375.3lbs(BMI 55.4) to 253.8lbs(BMI 37.4).

    I also had/have non-weight related goals. I have my blood pressure down from 130/80 to 110/70, my cholesterol numbers and ratio's are improved across the board(not that they were awful to begin with, but they are better now), I have more stamina and energy, and I have lost so many inches in general.

    It is however, just a number and I really plan to stop when I feel good about where I am. I plan to begin weight training at some point, but have no fixed agenda for that as of yet. So we shall see.

  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    Much like you, OP, I don't have a goal weight. I have goal abs.

    When the 6-pack is looking tight and chisled, I'm there.

    I currently have the 4-pack and am just waiting out that lower row of washboard ... 4, maybe 5 weeks. Then a couple of weeks to make 'em pop.

    I wasn't extremely heavy M 6'0" 204 but it was getting out of control. Currently 160 and probably about 151, 152 when the body fat% gets low enough ... but I really don't care about the number. The goal is the 6-pack washboard.

    Pushing 50, I don't expect to have the discipline to keep 'em exposed long. Maybe a year or two. It's too strict to have to keep fat% that tight. I'd like to settle in between 165 and 175. Will give a lot of wiggle room and still be looking fairly good for an old man, and be in a good healthy BMI range.

    The abs popped before. A lot on time ago. Last seen in 1989 exiting the US Army as a youngling completing his first enlistment and entering the cushy civilian life.

    They were there before and it's a Bucket List item to see them once again.

    Time is short ...

    Unlike you I have never seen my abs. Even in HS when I played soccer year round and weighed 140-145 at 5'-8.5" (yes, that .5" is important LOL). I quickly put on a freshman 25 and around the age of 20 my shoulders really broadened out and I just kept putting on like 5 lbs a year over the next 12 years taking me up to my heaviest 235.

    I don't know if it's my build or what, but I see people who are 6'+ in the 150-160 range and I just don't see how that's possible (at least for me). My brother is one, 6'3" and like 165. Like I think I said earlier, my lean body mass is somewhere between 148-152, so in order for me to even reach 165, I would have to be 8% BF or lose a lot of my muscle, which I don't want to do! And again...I don't even reach a health BMI until I hit 163...that's just crazy!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I started over 260. My first "ultimate goal weight" was 190 because I thought I was big boned and would look crappy at anything smaller cause Im so tall. Then I hit 190 and was like - this is fraking awful. So I changed it to 140.

    I got down to 155 and I was like - maybe 150 should be my goal.

    then I couldnt make goal weights anymore because I realized it was all about my body fat % and now that's where all my goals are and they dont have to change. :)
  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    I picked 155(BMI 22.9) because it is a nice round number, somewhat more than 10 lbs(13 in fact) less than the highest BMI that falls within the "normal" range for my height . In reality, I will see how it goes as I approach a healthier weight. So far I am down from a high weight of 375.3lbs(BMI 55.4) to 253.8lbs(BMI 37.4).

    I also had/have non-weight related goals. I have my blood pressure down from 130/80 to 110/70, my cholesterol numbers and ratio's are improved across the board(not that they were awful to begin with, but they are better now), I have more stamina and energy, and I have lost so many inches in general.

    It is however, just a number and I really plan to stop when I feel good about where I am. I plan to begin weight training at some point, but have no fixed agenda for that as of yet. So we shall see.


    Congrats! Anyone who's aiming to lose more than they'll weigh at their goal weight definitely has my respect and support!
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,510 Member
    McCloud33 wrote: »
    I picked 155(BMI 22.9) because it is a nice round number, somewhat more than 10 lbs(13 in fact) less than the highest BMI that falls within the "normal" range for my height . In reality, I will see how it goes as I approach a healthier weight. So far I am down from a high weight of 375.3lbs(BMI 55.4) to 253.8lbs(BMI 37.4).

    I also had/have non-weight related goals. I have my blood pressure down from 130/80 to 110/70, my cholesterol numbers and ratio's are improved across the board(not that they were awful to begin with, but they are better now), I have more stamina and energy, and I have lost so many inches in general.

    It is however, just a number and I really plan to stop when I feel good about where I am. I plan to begin weight training at some point, but have no fixed agenda for that as of yet. So we shall see.


    Congrats! Anyone who's aiming to lose more than they'll weigh at their goal weight definitely has my respect and support!

    As a funny aside, I have lost more weight than three of my kids weigh and am closing in on surpassing my 14yo daughter (5'9 and 5/8" and 125.8lbs, she just had a check-up, lol).

  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited January 2015
    McCloud33 wrote: »

    Unlike you I have never seen my abs. Even in HS when I played soccer year round and weighed 140-145 at 5'-8.5" (yes, that .5" is important LOL). I quickly put on a freshman 25 and around the age of 20 my shoulders really broadened out and I just kept putting on like 5 lbs a year over the next 12 years taking me up to my heaviest 235.

    I don't know if it's my build or what, but I see people who are 6'+ in the 150-160 range and I just don't see how that's possible (at least for me). My brother is one, 6'3" and like 165. Like I think I said earlier, my lean body mass is somewhere between 148-152, so in order for me to even reach 165, I would have to be 8% BF or lose a lot of my muscle, which I don't want to do! And again...I don't even reach a health BMI until I hit 163...that's just crazy!

    I'm a runner, not a lifter, and have that "runner look." We're ... skinny wirey dudes with no muscle mass, but very little body fat. If you run long enough, far enough, and log the miles over the years/decades ... we all end up looking like this guy.
    (random internet pic)

    Muscle mass for size sake is not fun carrying on a morning 19-miler before breakfast. :)