Need my clothes to start fitting again!

Lacking motivation! Especially being stuck in an office all day with girls who constantly eat and offer food but they themselves dont put weight on. I have put on 3 stone since starting this job


  • ftydd
    ftydd Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Looks like we're in the the same situation. I sit at a desk all day then I feel too tired to exercise. Patients and reps are constantly bringing goodies to the office. I am running out of clothes that fit me!
  • johng1973
    johng1973 Posts: 109 Member
    Same here!!!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    I always look for excuses to walk. bathroom, walking to a coworker instead of emails, etc.

    Also I started the Insanity program and it burns alot of calories.

  • natashajbs
    natashajbs Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in an office job too but the women are also on weight loss programmes which is encouraging!
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I know how you feel. I was at the point where I wouldn't buy any clothes unless I absolutely had to so I had a small section of my closet I was stuck wearing. Of course I stumbled along the way but honestly logging has kept me on track and the motivation from the boards especially the success stories. I'm also in an office setting and what worked for me was not letting myself eat anything that I did not bring in my lunch bag with me.
  • 28stars
    28stars Posts: 6 Member
    Same story here! I have a wardrobe full of dresses that don't fit, it's ridiculous. I'm hoping I can lose the weight and wear them again. I can't afford a whole new wardrobe. Plus I really liked those clothes!
  • Wake up call happened when i pulled out my fav winter ski trousers as the weather here has changed for the worse! I couldnt even get them past my knees! Ha. Devastated, i use to have to wear a belt with them!
    Working in the office has been the problem as i work 9am until 6pm and numerous teas and coffee are dished out during the day(i take sugar in mine) and by the time i get home im too drained to carry out exercise, sitting down to dinner at 8pm BIG NO NO!
    However, no more excuses, its time for change!! Got my friends wedding in june and im not buying a size bigger in dress! Let me know how you all get on with your diets/exercising!
  • jojo4883
    jojo4883 Posts: 17 Member
    I can really relate to all of that!! Patients are always bringing goodies into out office. There are still 12 boxes of chocolates at work that were given to us over Christmas!!
  • Same here!!! I started a new job about 4 months ago (which I love) and I gained about 30 pounds. It's depressing....
  • kalinbeima
    kalinbeima Posts: 28 Member
    Me too! Looking to get back into my skinny clothes, it will feel like a whole new wardrobe. For that I need to loose 60. Anyone can add me :)
  • coffee_man
    coffee_man Posts: 14 Member
    I read this today on a whim. I think if everyone of us gives his advice a go, stopping will not be an option.

    “If you’re not stubborn, you’ll give up on experiments too soon. And if you’re not flexible, you’ll pound your head against the wall and you won’t see a different solution to a problem you’re trying to solve.”
    ― Jeff Bezos
  • Thanks guys its nice to be reminded there are other people in the same boat, its encouraging!
  • Yo tambien!!! Aumente 40pnds :'(
  • Same! I'm in an office all day just sitting...def need to get back into all my clothes in my closet that don't fit! Hopefully this will help! I have used this before but never stuck with it! Good luck to you!
  • Same here! A few people who I work with are also watching what they eat so I'm sticking with them!
  • runeatrunlive
    runeatrunlive Posts: 79 Member
    I feel exactly the same as you. I've put on almost 3 stone since I started my job too! Luckily at the moment everyone in the office is on a bit of a health kick so there's a lot of fruit instead of cake. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • JimmyRoss7
    JimmyRoss7 Posts: 39 Member

    Say no to the food pushers!!!!!!
  • Bellyflap2
    Bellyflap2 Posts: 1 Member
    I felt my back fat jiggle as I quickly ran down a flight of stairs. I have bounce where there really shouldn't be. I think it's time to count calories and accept the fact that I don't have a fast metabolism anymore. I don't know how I will ever give up my pasta. It comforts me. I have the same issues as everyone that has posted above me. I'm giving this a try, though. Good luck to everyone!
  • kshedler
    kshedler Posts: 15 Member
    Same issues here. I sit in an office three days a week. The other two are spent at home with my two young girls. Still trying to lose all my pregnancy weight a year after my littlest was born. I have a wedding that I'm in in Sept and refuse to put on any more weight for fear of having to let it out! I'm hoping the only alterations will be to take it in...a lot!