Glaaaargh! Stupid bladder infection!

Yeah, this is more or less a rant. But I'd love some suggestions or advice.

I have a bladder infection. I'm ducking out to the loo constantly, had to turn down free opera tickets, and feel like I have a razorblade between my legs. I just got antibiotics for it today.

So, I did some light exercising, at a part of the day when I was feeling better...but I hurt way too much for cardio. I hate it when I can't exercise, especially since I didn't exercise much Thanksgiving weekend.

And of course, since I'm sick, I'm craving comfort food. My eyes locked on a bagel in the school caf and I had to walk away. I have no clue what exactly I'm "needing." Ice cream just sounds hella good. I got some nonfat cottage cheese. Maybe I'll whip it up into a dessert.

But glaaargh, I feel crappy.


  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Yeah, this is more or less a rant. But I'd love some suggestions or advice.

    I have a bladder infection. I'm ducking out to the loo constantly, had to turn down free opera tickets, and feel like I have a razorblade between my legs. I just got antibiotics for it today.

    So, I did some light exercising, at a part of the day when I was feeling better...but I hurt way too much for cardio. I hate it when I can't exercise, especially since I didn't exercise much Thanksgiving weekend.

    And of course, since I'm sick, I'm craving comfort food. My eyes locked on a bagel in the school caf and I had to walk away. I have no clue what exactly I'm "needing." Ice cream just sounds hella good. I got some nonfat cottage cheese. Maybe I'll whip it up into a dessert.

    But glaaargh, I feel crappy.
  • Rajuli
    Rajuli Posts: 10
    I have had one of those- ahh I hated it! Well keep resisting it will pay off in the end. Later when you feel better you will be like- "wow I am glad i didn't wast those calories!" I know it sucks hang in there. Good job and feel better!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I had a kidney infection almost 2 years ago...oddly enough, I didn't have any UTI or bladder infection symptoms, and all of a sudden I was in the most intense pain of my life and couldn't stand up straight. I got a shot of lidocaine in my side and some SUPER antibiotics and cried myself to sleep. Don't work out, just drink water and cranberry juice--the real stuff, not the stuff from concentrate. The cranberry may help dislodge some bacteria from the wall of the bladder. Go ahead and eat maintenance until you're better--you need the fuel for a strong immune response.
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks for the advice, guys!

    Yeah, I've had periods where I've had "bladder irritation," with somewhat UTI-ish symptoms...but it always went away with lots of water and time. This though, kept getting worse and word. I was walking slightly pigeon-toed into the doctor's office. She goes "Let me guess...suspected bladder infection?"

    Yeah, I've been drinking lots of cranberry juice. Goooood stuff!

    I just don't want to gain weight. I don't care if I don't lose any, but going in the opposite direction would be depressing.
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    For the pain and discomfort, I would call your Dr. in the morning and ask that they call in an RX for Pyridium...which helps with the pain. If they won't do that, you can get an OTC of AZO Standard. It's usually hidden on a bottom shelf. Ask for help finding it, it's worth it. If I remember correctly, it is the same drug...just 1/2 strength. Check with the pharmacist though. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  • DjBliss05
    I used to be the queen of UTIs back in the day.

    Most uncomfortable things!

    AZO and Uristat are OTC meds that you can take over the counter. They helped me sleep and function like a regular person when I was dealing with one. Just a warning, if you take one, your urine tests get messed up at the doctor and doctor's kind of frown upon it. Made it harder to get anitbiotics when I needed them. But I calmly explained to the doctor that they would have bigger problems on their hands if I didn't have what I needed! :laugh:

    Hope you feel better really soon! :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Yeah, I'm on AZO's right now. The doctor is fine with it.

    But I guess I have one bad@ss bladder infection. I only notice a slight difference. It's better, but I'm still rather uncomfortable.

    I nearly had a heart attack the first time I looked between my legs after taking it though!

    Um...this is perhaps TMI, but it was rather funny when I turned my sample into the lab. It was put on a cart with other samples. Let's just say mine stood out quite vividly.
  • RNLeslie
    RNLeslie Posts: 150
    Nursing student here, and curious to hear what the urine sample looked like...

    Also, cranberry juice really does have its merits. It really does dissolve bacterial pili, which are the little things that they grip on with. So it may be helpful to prevent UTIs if you're prone to them...

    Hang in there!
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    AZO's turn your pee every shade from passion fruit to radioactive banana. At the time of my sample, it was bright orange. Like Tang!
  • tresa1234
    tresa1234 Posts: 796 Member
    Oh yeah ... I just got over my first bladder infection. Let's just say I hope I NEVER have to do that again! Azo helped a little bit but certainly didn't make me "comfortable" by any stretch. And that pee color ... LOL ... wow.

    Hang in there and drink LOTS of water & cranberry juice! Hope you feel better really soon!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Wow, I'm feeling a lot better today. Those antibiotics must be some elite ninja brand. Still uncomfortable, but more irritating than true pain.

    I've been drinking gallons of hot tea. See, I don't like the taste of plain water much anyway, though I drink it because it's so good for me. When I'm sick, though, my dislike of the stuff skyrockets. Ergo, hot tea. Lots and lots of hot tea. And cranberry juice!

    I was bored and decided to mix a bit of rum extract into the juice, since I didn't want to add the real thing (calories, eugh!). YUM. Weird combo, but rather tasty.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    OMG I hate those :angry: I get them often. Once it was so bad I had to go to the emergency room. I've been getting them since I was like 7 years old, was hospitalized for awhile for them because they thought I had gall stones. yuck. What works best for me is drinking TONS of straight water. I'm talking like 4 full glasses at every meal and a few in between. You'll be peeing like mad but it flushes all the bacteria out. Antibiotics are so great :) they work so quick. Did they give you pain meds too? They alwasy gave me these orange pills that turn your pee the colour of orange kool aid (seriously weird) and they actually keep your bladder from contracting (which is what makes you feel like you need to pee so often) hope you're feeling good soon!

    Ps- I vote have the ice cream, just stick to one serving :flowerforyou:
  • HustleRose
    You should pick up some probiotics from your local health food store too, especially if you're taking antibiotics; the antibiotics kill the good bacteria in your digestive system too, and the probiotics will help replenish it.

    If not, at least eat lots of yogurt. 'Sgot probiotics AND it's usually pretty low calories. :tongue:

    By the way, elite ninja brand = awesomeness.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Why don't men have to deal with these kinds of problems? :huh:

    I've had my share of UTIs and orange pee from the meds. :laugh:

    This is the crap that bonds women, and that men cannot begin to understand!! :glasses:
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Haha, yes! Stupid men and their long urethrae.

    WHOA. The probiotic know...I HAVE been craving yogurt and cottage cheese. This morning, I had a parfait and it tasted magnificent. My rhetoric and composition class must have wondered why I looked so blissful as I polished it off. I guess my body knows what it needs, it's just facetious and cranky so we don't understand each other so well.

    Bring on the yogurt!