This year is IT:) looking for friends

Hello guys!!
This IS the year
I will be in the best shape I can be! I vow to respect myself enough to choose what is nutritious (not chemically delicious).

I am a cookie addict (sweets addict) and took to food for pleasure and not health.

I NEED ALL THE FRIENDS and SUPPORT in the world because I will stick it this time, because this time I am doing this out of love for myself (and not the wrong shallow reasons)
ADD ME and post often so that wr help each other make this year different:)


  • AWordyGirly
    AWordyGirly Posts: 32 Member
    Hey there :-) I'm the exact same- vowed to myself that this year would be different so I've started how I mean to go on. I'm also blogging my way through it - Check it out :-)
  • garn64
    garn64 Posts: 231 Member
    I am right there with you. Feel free to add me.
  • 19moto87
    19moto87 Posts: 5 Member
    It's like you're reading my mind! I'm determined to make this the year! Add me is you like. Motivation is key!
  • ferrodani123
    ferrodani123 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Garn! Awesome!!! Add me please that my phone is slow and makes it close to impossible to add friends!
    Aworldlygirly I'll be reading soon!!