C25k....advice please!



  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    Haha, shows my lack of knowledge then! Kind of lucky I had help buying my trainers.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    It's more a case of I don't have much choice lol..

    It's more important to make progress and remain injury free, so I'd say if you need to be taking two days between runs then do that, rather than running on consecutive days. Lots of people in the C25K forum that start doing consecutive days and then disappear halfway through the plan.

    Beyond about three days you start to lose the benefits, but that starts to mean doing a fourth day of each week, rather than anything else.

  • Phoebeg1723
    Phoebeg1723 Posts: 88 Member
    Thing is i don't get a choice of when I can go for a run cause it has to be a day that I have someone to look after my son... Which is Sunday nights, all day Monday and Tuesday and at a push Wednesday morning.

    Thanks for the advice with the shoes that's really helped a lot.
  • sloseph
    sloseph Posts: 157 Member
    i think taking a break between runs is very important to start with, my advice would be to just run twice a week so for example if your free days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then just run Monday and Wednesday, your progress might slower but you'll be much less likley to injure yourself

    or i think there is the option of a running buggy, why not take your son with you?
  • Phoebeg1723
    Phoebeg1723 Posts: 88 Member
    That's a good idea :)
    There is the option of a running buggy but I simply can't afford to purchase one.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Which is Sunday nights, all day Monday and Tuesday and at a push Wednesday morning.

    I didn't parse this correctly earlier, but I'd agree with the suggestion above, run either Sunday, Tuesday or Monday, Wednesday, then add a day to each week, so doubling the duration of the plan.

    It might be worth touching base with user RunnerElizabeth, via the Long Distance Runners forum, as she has similar domestic challenges, albeit she's well beyond C25K now.
  • Phoebeg1723
    Phoebeg1723 Posts: 88 Member
    lol Okies :)
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    You certainly don't have to finish a week of C25k in an actual week! If you feel like having a rest day would help, just do C25k 2 days per week. Sure, it'll take you a bit longer to finish the program, but that's totally fine. I did an "8 week" version of C25k that actually took more like 10-11 weeks for me to actually finish, due to work and vacation and my schedule in general. It wasn't an issue, I got it done, and as hoped for, I could run a 5k without stopping by the end!