5'7" women, what's your goal weight?

I find goal weight setting a very odd concept! Unless you've been there before and since gained weight there's no way to know what will work on you!

I originally had a goal of 147lbs, but reached it and then regained and had to start all over (twice...) this time I have gone with a goal weight of 128lbs, with a maintenance aim of 128-133lbs, this would put my BMI above underweight but far enough away of overweight that I can't just slip in to overweight without noticing!

I think I have a small frame because my wrists are very small, although I have large hands, hip width, feet and shoulders so I'm not overly convinced on the small frame! But I think 128lbs should work on me if I am small-medium framed

What is everyone else's goal weights and why/how did you choose them?


  • kiwiroz
    kiwiroz Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'6" I am aiming for 69kgs (151lbs) that's the top of my healthy weight range according to bmi calcs. I am 2 weeks in to my mfp journey (currently 233 with 4.4lbs lost so far) so a long way to go but I think I will keep reassessing my goals along the way.
  • MissSashaKerr
    Im 5'7 and my goal is 7 and a half stone as that is what I was before I had my son:)x
  • sazrina
    sazrina Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 5'6 and I keep changing mine as I'm still storing fat on my stomach. I agree that goal setting is hard as you don't know what a certain weight will look like on you. I started at 11st and thought I would look how I wanted at 10st, then 9.5st etc. I'm currently 9st 4lbs but I'm aiming for 9st
  • MiaisMIAinMiami
    MiaisMIAinMiami Posts: 196 Member
    I'm shooting for somewhere between 130-145. I think it's easier to know when you get there that you're there. :)
  • WickyDunn
    WickyDunn Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5"8 and aiming for 10st.10lbs, looking back at photos etc when I was this weight I had an AMAZING figure, just which I'd appreciated it more and looked after it better!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I am going for 160 lb as my goal which puts me comfortably in a size 10 (except across my biceps and shoulders ) any lower and my bones start to protrude and i look unhealthy. I think that would give me a 25 BMI i don't use it as I am not average sedentary but also I currently amat 165lb have a 28" waist and a 29% Body fat so I am not worried about BMI. I may reassess at 160 as i am increasing muscle and decreasing fat as my goal at the moment not lbs. sorry for the ramble - it feels like Monday this morning and my brain is not tracking!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'm 5'8 and I'm there or thereabouts at 168lb (12 stone), my goal weight has always been 165lb (11 stone 11) which is a BMI of 25, so I'm probably slowly going to drop these last 3lbs then use that as my bottom weight to fluctuate from within a 5lb margin. I'm a comfortable UK 10-12 (US 6-8)
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    I'm 5'7" and I've reached my GW of 145lbs. I have a fairly large frame. I'm just under my GW at the moment as I'm still trying to find my maintenance level, but I think it's about right for me.
  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm just over 5' 7 and my goal is 160lbs which is just into the healthy weight range for me. That is a loss of 38lbs and right now seems so far off.

    When I get there I might have a rethink :wink:

  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    Lots of range here! 105lbs to 165lbs as goal weights! The lowest I've been is 141.5lbs, I did like that on me but knew there was a little bit to go, maybe my 128lbs might be too ambitious?! I will just have to see as I approach it what I think!
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I'm 5'8 and I'm there or thereabouts at 168lb (12 stone), my goal weight has always been 165lb (11 stone 11) which is a BMI of 25, so I'm probably slowly going to drop these last 3lbs then use that as my bottom weight to fluctuate from within a 5lb margin. I'm a comfortable UK 10-12 (US 6-8)

    You definitely must have a much lower BF% than me! I'm a UK size 10-12 and I'm currently 149lbs!

    That's another thing that puts me off of my goal weight, I'm just getting into weight lifting so I reckon that to get down to a UK 8-10 and be strong my weight will be higher than my goal weight for definite as at some point I'll stop losing weight but just lose inches!

    MissSashaKerr, be careful with that weight! It is underweight and you don't want to be getting osteoporosis or dying young from heart problems due to being underweight! I'm sure it'd be possible to get back to a similar size you were happy at before whilst eating more and being a slightly higher weight, just takes body recomposition, less fat, more muscle, more energy and healthier!
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    I'm 5' 7", and I used to have a goal weight of 135. I'm currently 144 and no longer have a goal weight. I've shifted to the mentality that I don't care what I weigh as long as I'm happy with how my body looks. I came to this realization when I completed the Insanity program and weighed the exact same as when I had started, but my body had totally changed. It's pretty freeing to not care so much about that number on the scale.
  • trianglevision
    trianglevision Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'6.5" and my goal weight is 135. I've always been around 140-142lbs but gained weight after stopped birth control a couple of months ago (went up to 150lbs).

    The lowest I've ever been was 137 and I looked really good...but I had to work reeeeally hard to get down to that. Once I reach 140 my goal weight may change well see :)

    I have a medium frame and a muscular build.
  • iheartdinosaurs
    iheartdinosaurs Posts: 45 Member
    5'6.5 here. CW: 220ish, wearing US size 16-18. Current mid-term goal is to get under 180, though after I reach that for a while, I may push it back to 165, depending how maintenance goes. Last time I was under 180, I felt great - ran a half marathon, was going to boot camp regularly, felt comfortable at my size, etc.

    I've always been heavier than anyone would guess by looking at me, which would only benefit me at one of those carnival guessing games... :wink:

    At my fittest ever (i.e. my intense competitive swimming days 10 years ago) I probably averaged around 165-170, though I had all of the muscles those days. I'm guessing i was wearing US size 10 around that time.

    I won't have access to weights for the next 6 months, though I definitely plan to start lifting again once I am living in a country with access to a stocked gym again. Based on my previous lifting experience, I am okay with the extra weight as long as it's muscle :smiley:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am 5ft 7...my intial goal weight was 165...got there last year in Feb, decided 155 would suit me better...got there went to maitenance for the summer got down to 150 liked what I saw and went for another 5 down to 145. Got there maitenance again...gained over Christmas (about 5lbs) so working my way down again but that's fine with me. if I am between 145-150 I am happy, keeping in mind I lift tho and can carry more weight than those who don't.

    Current size in jeans 4, dresses, skirts and shirts...smalls.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    I started at 145 and am shooting for about 120 or 125, I'll evaluate at 125 how I look and/or feel.

    Note: I have a VERY small bone structure and was a thin-but curvy 115 most of my life, didn't break 120 until I turned 40, except during pregnancy. 120s is low for most women my height, but it works on me.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member

    Im 5'7 and my goal is 7 and a half stone as that is what I was before I had my son:)x

    I weighed about that much in my 20s and carried it fine, but then fell back that low after having children and it was WAY too low. Keep in mind that pregnancy usually leaves you with a more expansive ribcage and wider-set pelvis, and that a very low weight like 7.5 stone can look emaciated on a post-baby body even if it was proportional and petite before carrying a child.

  • emeraldgemini84
    emeraldgemini84 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is 150-175
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I am close enough to 5'8 and have my first goal at 150 then I will decide from there.
  • CamoGirl1985
    CamoGirl1985 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello.... I am around 5'7'' and I would like to get back to when I was looking and feeling my best (which was a few years ago). I think I was about 130 at the time. I am watching the scale right now, just to make sure I am keeping myself on the right track and not slip backwards. However, once I drop some of the weight I think I will focus more on how I look, feel and how my clothes fit. I tend to get obsessive over things, and I think getting stuck on a certain number would be detrimental to my overall goal of just being lean, strong and healthy (and losing the belly pooch and saddle bags! ha ha....) Good luck on your journey! :)
  • insanitystudent
    im 5ft6 and aiming for 130 pounds. im 165 currently so ive set a modest goal of 155 pounds first