How many calories do you burn a day?

Tash_Bgosh Posts: 46 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey All!

So to keep me focused at the gym I wear a HRM and watch my heart rate on the screen and a little tv. I mix it up but I do an hour of cardio in addition to a fitness class (most times). Aside from class, I try to burn at least 300 calories on my own on the treadmill. Do any of you do this? How many calories do you aim to burn when you work out?


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I burn about 300 and then lift for 30-40 minutes...

    I don't count my lifting calories.. one because I don't have a HRM and two, because I just like to consider them freebees.
  • Tash_Bgosh
    Tash_Bgosh Posts: 46 Member
    Hahaha me too. I do strength training and lifting but I dont count it becasue I dont know for sure how much im burning. Good luck on your goal!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I burn about 200 a day for 6 days a week. I rest on Sundays :)
  • skinnyjeans13
    skinnyjeans13 Posts: 179
    I aim to burn between 250 and 300 during a Jillian Michaels DVD, more like 400 to 500 doing elliptical or bike. And on days I see I have more to burn in order to be under calories for the day- I burn enough to cover it!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It depends on how much I feel like eating. If I feel ravenous, I'll put out extra burns just to compensate. If I'm not really hungry that day, I'll do a little less. Though, I set myself to put out at least a 300 calorie burn, but since I'm an overachiever, I'll usually put out at least 500.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have a Body Media fit ... and on days when I dont run I burn about 2800 calories. On days when I run its usually over 4000 total!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    not enough...
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    200 minimum.
    I like to get closer to 500, but that's usually when I do circuit & cardio.
    Or when I do c25k.
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I aim to burn at least 600 because I also aim to burn 3500 a week. 3500 burned = 1lb lost lol so that is my goal. I have a heart rate monitor so in between my weight sets I do jumping jacks and different things to keep my heart rate up so I can count the calories, and I also do 20-30 min of HIIT cardio on those days, the other 3 days I run 5
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    If I hit the treadmill I try to do a minimum of 1000 cal..but on my weight days I do at least 500-600 because weight training according to MFP is very low cal burner and I am to lazy to look up how much I really burn when I hit the weights...
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I have a Body Media fit ... and on days when I dont run I burn about 2800 calories. On days when I run its usually over 4000 total!

    Ummmm, just wow.....that's an incredible burn....
  • I don't have a HRM, but according to what MFP says I usually burn @ 700-800 a day. I don't really like to burn less then 500. I try to do this at least 6 days a week.
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I take classes at the gym...mostly Kick boxing and Zumba I aim for over 400 each hour. Usually I get closer to 500. For lifting classes I burn more in the 250 range. That's per my HRM.
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 357 Member
    I burn at least 500kcal, that is a goal i set for myself, but my average is about 700kcal -1100kcal, depending on the day and what I am doing. And i don't include my weight lifiting. And I do eat all my excersise calaories if I workout in the morning, but if i workout at night, it's next to impossible. But this way I keep my body guessing, i don't want it to adapt to my workout regiment. But Please note, what works for me, may not work for you.
    Good Luck
  • posbey
    posbey Posts: 200 Member
    i thnk it' depends on what i do. when i do the kickboxing thing it's at least 700 calories.
    i try to aim between 500 on my cardio days or over
    i try to aim for 300-400 on my strength training days.
  • malabaugh
    malabaugh Posts: 130 Member
    I aim for 200-300. I can usually make that just walking the dog everyday. 3-4 days a week I try to get a workout dvd in, bumbing me up to closer to 500 on those days.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Anywhere between none and 2000 calories...

    If I cycle to and from work in a day (25.6 miles) I burn nearly 1900 calories :wink:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Depends what I'm doing.

    Centergy (a mix of power yoga and pilates) is 300 something for 60 minutes for me.
    Zumba is over 500 for me, for 60 min

    I aim to take between 2-4 classes a week and I'm always burning more per week than MFP says I *need*. But I know personally what I need to do in order to sleep well, eat well, and just be an overall better human each week. Weeks I miss my classes (at least taking 2 of them) I feel out of sorts.
  • snowflakelaia
    snowflakelaia Posts: 214
    I burn between 700 and 900 kcal a day, 6 days a week. Combine cardio, toning/strength, abs and stretching. Some Saturdays I like to reach up to 1250kcal with extra cardio HIIT, or any ohter activity.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I have a Body Media fit ... and on days when I dont run I burn about 2800 calories. On days when I run its usually over 4000 total!

    Ummmm, just wow.....that's an incredible burn....

    keep in mind, she is talking about BodyMediaFit, NOT "exercise calories".
    You have your daily goal plus exercise calories. BodyMediaFit adds that all together for your TOTAL daily burn from midnight to midnight, even calories burned while sleeping. it gives an accurate representation of your maintenance calories, which is the the number MFP subtracts the deficit from to give you your goal calories.

    Example, if your "goal" is 1500 and you said 1 lb per week, then your maintenance without exercise would be 2000, and if you exercised for 500 that day, your BodyMEdiaFit would be at 2500 by midnight. THESE are the numbers that she is talking about.

    If you are maintaining, all you have to do is eat that number to stay the same. If you want to lose, you just eat a small deficit less than that.

    My total for the day is 1600-2400 depending on what i do that day and I eat 1400-2000 for a deficit of 200-400, or approximately 1/2 pound per week, even though I am maintaining. it gives me play for the weekend when I may go over!
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