i am a university student. So doing essays is kind of essential... But it makes me want to snack on easy food, biscuits, chocolate anything!!!

Help me before chocolate reaches my lips!


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Is there a reason why you can't have chocolate? Just eat it in moderation.
  • YogiPartridgeBear
    YogiPartridgeBear Posts: 19 Member
    Just trying to be good! I don't have long to get fit haha
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    portion out your snacks...enjoy...log it and make it work with the rest of your day. Your weight loss isn't about whether you snack or don't snack or have chocolate or don't have chocolate...your weight loss is about consuming less energy than you need to maintain the status's that easy.
  • YogiPartridgeBear
    YogiPartridgeBear Posts: 19 Member
    @cwolfman13‌ true but chocolate is quick release energy.. And as I'm not off exercising and just doing work.. I need food to keep me going chocolate I know wouldn't be a great snack...
  • irejuvenateme
    irejuvenateme Posts: 96 Member
    breakstone's fat free cottage cheese with some fruit (protein and fiber) - it won't make you tired later and will tie you over. Also I think dark chocolate in moderation is actually supposed to have benefits.
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    20 baked mini pretzels is about 100 calories..dip in salsa. Rice cakes with a light smear of PB with fruit spread or hummus or spreadable cheese is good too. I like cut up banana with grapes. Coconut low fat greek yogurt with a sprinkle of cinnamon. I serving of special K (any flavor).
  • jennylew1212
    jennylew1212 Posts: 18 Member
    I love snacking on cheese sticks, fruit, pretzels or even a lower calorie protein bar sometimes, like the Dark Balance Bars. Trying finding something that you love that's higher in protein or fiber and low calories. It should hold you over between meals.
  • YogiPartridgeBear
    YogiPartridgeBear Posts: 19 Member
    @irejuvenateme‌ I opted for a banana! You're right about the chocolate though! The percentage of the cocoa in dark chocolate can be beneficial! ...all I have is milk chocolate though
  • Tionne31
    Tionne31 Posts: 91 Member
    breakstone's fat free cottage cheese with some fruit (protein and fiber) - it won't make you tired later and will tie you over. Also I think dark chocolate in moderation is actually supposed to have benefits.

    Dark chocolate has wonderful benenfits. I am presently excluding it because if I had to name a vice chocolate would be it. I tried to eat a 1/3 of a bar (the recommended serving size on the product) every night after dinner and that went horribly wrong, I always ended up eating way more than I was supposed to so I made the executive decision not to buy it until I felt my will power was improved lol. So if you are in any way like me Yogi I would say just don't buy it...good luck :-)
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I'm trying out things with protein like almonds, pumpkin seeds, Pistachios but you have to make sure to weigh out a portion first! Otherwise you can go overboard and the fat content is quite high. I'll weigh out a portion, eat them one by one (I'm not going to say focus on texture, flavour and all that crap) it's just so you don't pour the whole portion down in one and want more. Or just try slowing things down, and taking your time. Have one crisp/piece of chocolate/whatever, wait, have another one. You might find you eat less that way.
    I wouldn't say cut things out because you might reach a point where you really REALLY want some chocolate, buy the biggest bar you can find, eat it in one and then beat yourself up about it.
    OR *brainwave* have a bottle of water next to you. I do this at work. If I'm peckish I have a gulp of water that way you will up your water intake as well. Win win! Good luck!
  • I find that having a snack with a little fat and helps. My go to healthy snack when I have the munchies is hummus and fresh vegetables.

    Moderation is key. Dont deny yourself that chocolate because you will just want it more!! Limit to one piece a day. Try buying more expensive chocolate so you feel like you have to budget it because of money too (not just for calories!)
  • I agree with CoachPriscilla. A little bit of chocolate will cut down on the cravings. There is not that many calories in a piece of chocolate. Swiss chocolate does it for me!
  • AnjaliSD
    AnjaliSD Posts: 42 Member
    For the future, if you have access to a popcorn maker, popcorn is a SUPER cheap snack, which is low in calories and high in fiber, so long as you go easy on the butter/oïl or whatever you choose to put on it. Seriously, I bought a pound of kernels a few months ago for 3$ and it's still going!

    Also, as a student I always found that the key was to shop knowing you needed portable, healthy satisfying snacks. Know what you find most appealing. Is it crunchy? salty? savory? sweet? All of the above? Then look for healthy versions, like carrots or whole wheat crackers, hummus and pita, raisins and fruit, etc.

    I like walnuts and pistachios, and although they are a bit fatty and pricey, they are super healthy and keep you satisfied. Veggies, pita and hummus are another good one for that, though I found that I was prone to overeat if I didn't portion out my hummus in advance.
  • YogiPartridgeBear
    YogiPartridgeBear Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you all! Very interesting to hear your tips and techniques!!