Friend wanted

Hello, I am a girl obese who are trying to lose 37 kg. How did I get to weigh 97 kg (being 168 cm high, 5 feet 6 inches)? Simply eating. The food has always been my only friend, my comforter, the one thing that made me feel better when I was being verbally or physically assaulted by my peers, when my dad abused me emotionally and when I felt alone. Now, thanks to psychologists, physicians and a lot of patience, I will no longer siucidarmi or stuffing but I want to act. My knowledge (through college) make me very expert in nutrition but what I miss is the moral support. If you want, add me.
Thank You


  • yokii29
    yokii29 Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi my name is maggie like to be your friend. I think is soo impartent to have friends u can talk to. I want to lose 50pounds. I just want to feel better about myself...
  • wanabefit2016
    wanabefit2016 Posts: 187 Member
    You can do this! Feel free to add me and we can help each other
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Welcome to the site both of you :)
  • yokii29
    yokii29 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok sounds great...
  • beccabee38
    beccabee38 Posts: 12 Member
    You can add me, too! You can do this!
  • deathbybunny
    deathbybunny Posts: 259 Member
    Totally agree, you can do it! Feel free to add. Everyone has a story, none's judging and if someone does....meeeeeeh! Stick with the ones who can say something meaningful and useful. We can all help each other.