I quite literally cannot lose weight



  • holyfenix
    holyfenix Posts: 99 Member
    No periods in 8 months.... Are you pregnant? *not srs*

    Seriously though it does seem like there is something really wrong going on, and there are a few diseases that actually can stall weight loss (they are rare but exist). Especially if you are truly being honest with yourself and have really ate less and really are exercising as much as you say. Time to see a physician
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    goldfish29 wrote: »
    Need2Exerc1se - I've never been tested to see if it's actual fat. I'm guessing at least part of it is but some could be water retention.

    I would discuss this with your doctor. Rapid weight gain is often water, which is why is it so concerning to medical professionals. And a calorie deficit will not help with losing water. You need to find and treat the cause.
  • goldfish29
    goldfish29 Posts: 44 Member
    I've had blood pregnancy tests in a clinic. Twice! I am not pregnant! If by some miracle I've gotten false negatives on my blood work I should be getting a big surprise in the next month or two. And if that's the case? I'll be sure to link my episode of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant on here and we can all laugh (or maybe I'll cry) and you can all say you "knew" someone on that show!

    Thank you for all the replies thus far. It's so disheartening and I really appreciate any perspective and advice.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    blbst36 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Surely an ovary scan would help towards a diagnosis of PCOS

    Not necessarily. Polycystic ovaries do not mean a diagnosis of PCOS. I have it, but do not have cysts. It is one of the frustrating things about this syndrome. The name is very misleading.

    Also, having cysts does not mean you have PCOS. All my adult life I'd have cysts on my ovaries that come and go on their own, yet I do not have PCOS.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    blbst36 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Surely an ovary scan would help towards a diagnosis of PCOS

    Not necessarily. Polycystic ovaries do not mean a diagnosis of PCOS. I have it, but do not have cysts. It is one of the frustrating things about this syndrome. The name is very misleading.

    Also, having cysts does not mean you have PCOS. All my adult life I'd have cysts on my ovaries that come and go on their own, yet I do not have PCOS.

    Me too. Ovarian cysts and also uterine fibroids.
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    This is my nightmare (minus the shoulder injury). 2 years and 40 pounds!!! I've been to 4 different doctors (finally found the right one) and had numerous rounds of lab work. It's an elimination game. When they do your lab work, make sure they are testing thyroid (all of the thyroid levels - even reverse T3 and stuff), cortisol, cholesterol, hormones and even vitamins (B12, D, and Folic Acid especially). Unfortunately, a lot of doctors like to write women off and just prescribe anti-depressants. Good for you for going to an endocrinologist. I just got some helpful answers and have begun losing weight. Be patient, but take charge of your medical care! Research, research, research and ask questions!
  • omgsherryb
    I can't lose weight either, so I feel your "pain" I've actually given up on weight loss and am concentrating on eating healthy - which is why I joined. I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you, but you're not alone.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited January 2015
    I question HRM. Every post I see that people use one, all the calorie burns still seem way too high or they're using it the wrong way. I think they account for more than they should. Have you tried wearing it 100% of the time for 1 week without exercise other than daily activity to see what it gives you, then adding your activity back in for a week and calculating the difference?

    That's my only suggestion other than seeing a doctor. I don't even know if I could be right though.

    ETA: Have you tried significantly reducing stress? Your lack of period might also indicate this. Maybe take a diet (and exercise! You're doing so much!) vacation... and perhaps an actual sabbatical if you can from your job. For 2 months just don't think about it. See if you feel better and if things change.
  • Lauren5280
    Lauren5280 Posts: 67 Member
    You've tried a lot. Have you given any one of your options the time to work? 8 months and you've tried 12 different options to lose the weight. It sounds like you should go back to the drawing board and give each change time to see if it will work.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Has your doctor investigated why you haven't had a period in 8 months?
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    I question HRM. Every post I see that people use one, all the calorie burns still seem way too high or they're using it the wrong way. I think they account for more than they should. Have you tried wearing it 100% of the time for 1 week without exercise other than daily activity to see what it gives you, then adding your activity back in for a week and calculating the difference?

    That's my only suggestion other than seeing a doctor. I don't even know if I could be right though.

    ETA: Have you tried significantly reducing stress? Your lack of period might also indicate this. Maybe take a diet (and exercise! You're doing so much!) vacation... and perhaps an actual sabbatical if you can from your job. For 2 months just don't think about it. See if you feel better and if things change.

    I'm pretty sure my HRM is not very accurate. It often says I've burned between 3000-4000 calories in a day (or more), although MFP states my TDEE is 1900. I cheaped out and got a wrist one, though. I switched it to my non-domininate arm after it gave me an extra 60 steps for brushing my teeth :#
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    OP, it does sound like there's something medically going on here. No period in 8 months without pregnancy would suggest that, regardless of the whole weight gain thing.

    Sometimes it can be frustrating when doctors can't come to a diagnosis right away. But keep at it. It might take some time to figure out what the issue is.

    Meanwhile, like others have suggested, try to relax on all the things you keep trying. Eat a reasonable balanced diet, exercise moderately, and try to eliminate sources of stress in your life. It may not fix everything, but it certainly can't hurt!
  • goldfish29
    goldfish29 Posts: 44 Member
    Has your doctor investigated why you haven't had a period in 8 months?

    Yes, this was part of the numerous labs I had drawn. All of which came back normal. After that they told me I was fine.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    goldfish29 wrote: »
    Need2Exerc1se - I've never been tested to see if it's actual fat. I'm guessing at least part of it is but some could be water retention.

    I would discuss this with your doctor. Rapid weight gain is often water, which is why is it so concerning to medical professionals. And a calorie deficit will not help with losing water. You need to find and treat the cause.


    Plus, if you are cutting calories for no good reason, you are putting more stress on your body you don't need. It's possible that is why your period stopped, and it's not directly related to whatever is causing the weight gain at all.

    Another thought - sudden weight gain has also been observed with fast growing tumors/cysts (malignant and non-malignant). So, it may not be water weight and STILL not be fat. Some of these would not be detectable with blood work, only with a scan of the area.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Let me put you in the controlled environment of my choice and you will lose weight.

    You CAN lose weight.

    You WONT.

    There is a difference.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Sounds like you need to have your RMR tested via VO2 test.

  • canoepug56
    canoepug56 Posts: 161 Member
    edited January 2015
    Were you on any meds during the rotator cuff treatment ? I know where you're coming from with the cuff tear,I ripped mine apart when I fell off my bike.Took 18 months before I could train even lightly,and,like you I put a lot of weight on but unlike you it's coming off.Some meds can cause weight gain and stop you losing.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Let me put you in the controlled environment of my choice and you will lose weight.

    You CAN lose weight.

    You WONT.

    There is a difference.

    This woman hasn't had a period in 8 months. There's more going on here, medically and hormonally. So stop with the rude remarks.
  • goldfish29
    goldfish29 Posts: 44 Member
    Let me put you in the controlled environment of my choice and you will lose weight.

    You CAN lose weight.

    You WONT.

    There is a difference.

    LOL for days and days. GTFO.

  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    goldfish29 wrote: »
    I'll have to look into PCOS more and bring it up with the new endo when I see them. My periods have completely stopped so I guess it is a possibility. I had never really considered this before so thank you for sharing info on it. At this point I feel like it has to be medically related. It certainly isn't from a lack of knowledge in eating right or effort. I've been very successful in the past.

    I am not sedentary anymore. I'm a year out from my injury and am back to 100%. I workout roughly 10 hours per week. 5 of those are very light workouts (yoga/pilates) and the other 5 is a mix of heavy lifting or a RIPPED, Combat or step class.

    Definitely talk to doc about PCOS. Your situation sounds exactly like my supervisor. Ironically she could eat like crap and not workout and lose literally effortlessly. It defied all logic. WHen she was calorie counting and exercising like abeast she gained. Now that the doctors have put her on a couple of different meds she has lost well over 60 pounds in about 6 months. She is 6 ft tall and is a size 14/16. I have never askeder weight, but I did watch her transform over these past few months and so much has changed for the better for her. Anyhoo, I wish you the best!