Advice on Getting Up for AM Workouts?!?



  • tinklemar
    tinklemar Posts: 71 Member
    I hit snooze and work out at lunch or after work :)
  • I read an article somewhere, and it first it seemed very silly, but I think it's accurate. A lot of getting up in the morning is muscle memory. Your brain isn't fully engaged yet. So practice your muscle memory. Move your alarm clock across the room. One evening, when you are in your pajamas and all ready for bed, try setting the alarm for 1-2 minutes from that point in time, and lie down. Get up and turn off your alarm clock. Set it again, lie back down, and try it again. Whatever you would normally do after you turn off your clock (go to the bathroom), pretend to do that. It will become like clockwork - I get up, I press this button here, and then I go to the bathroom.

    I know it sounds very weird, but it really has helped me. The practicing kinda retrained my brain. Every now and then, I start having problems getting up in the AM, so I have 're-rehearse'.
  • cheekyraspberry
    cheekyraspberry Posts: 17 Member

    You do know you don't need to work out to lose weight, right? Frankly, sleep is much more important than exercise for weight loss. If the timing just isn't working for you focus on the diet aspect of it for awhile. When you're ready to make fitness a priority you'll find the time to fit it in to your day.

    I know, but I have fallen off the wagon as far as exercise and I always feel better when I am regularly getting exercise in.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited January 2015
    You do know you don't need to work out to lose weight, right? Frankly, sleep is much more important than exercise for weight loss. If the timing just isn't working for you focus on the diet aspect of it for awhile. When you're ready to make fitness a priority you'll find the time to fit it in to your day.
    I know, but I have fallen off the wagon as far as exercise and I always feel better when I am regularly getting exercise in.
    Then there's your motivation. :)

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I am getting old.. My crazy sleep swing gets my butt up 5:00 a.m. rather I want it or not..
  • cheekyraspberry
    cheekyraspberry Posts: 17 Member
    loratliff wrote: »
    tazduffy wrote: »
    I had to buy an actual alarm clock and set it across the room (I would just push snooze on my phone and go back to sleep)

    I'm naughty and will still get up and turn off the alarm and go back to bed!

    Getting enough sleep is crucial. If I've gotten enough sleep, I'll find myself waking up about 15 minutes before my alarm even. If not, there's no dragging me out of bed.

    Program the coffeemaker before going to bed, set out your gear, and go! I will get up, get my cup of coffee and then sip it while I slowly get dressed (a process when you're running in 20 degrees)—that helps me clear up any brain fog. I also find that brushing my teeth first thing or drinking a glass of water immediately upon waking helps refresh me and gives me a little wake-up jolt!

    I'm normally an evening gym/runner-type, so one of my New Year's goals was to shoot for running at least two mornings a week. Runner's World made the good point that just two mornings per week is easier to stomach when you know you have five other mornings to snooze.

    loratliff - I'm the same way -- I will just turn off the alarm! Those are some good suggestions though -- thanks!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    My workouts are in the morning because I am a morning person. If your energy peak is at noon or in the evening, do them then.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    It helps to practice the 5 p's: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. :)
    Basically, I get everything ready the night before - lay out my gym clothes, my work clothes, and anything else I need to get ready for the next day (i.e. hair dryer, flat iron, towel), so that all I need to do it roll out of bed, eat a quick breakfast and go. After my wo, it is back home to quickly shower, hair, makeup, etc. and catch my bus to the train station and the train to get to the office. After doing it for awhile, it becomes a habit and you start to REALLY enjoy/value having your evenings free.

    I do laundry and meal prep on the weekend so that I am not scrambling around during the week. I bring most of my food for the week with me on Mondays so I have less to carry the other mornings.

    Wow, that was probably TMI. Sorry. :o
  • cheekyraspberry
    cheekyraspberry Posts: 17 Member
    It helps to practice the 5 p's: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. :)
    Basically, I get everything ready the night before - lay out my gym clothes, my work clothes, and anything else I need to get ready for the next day (i.e. hair dryer, flat iron, towel), so that all I need to do it roll out of bed, eat a quick breakfast and go. After my wo, it is back home to quickly shower, hair, makeup, etc. and catch my bus to the train station and the train to get to the office. After doing it for awhile, it becomes a habit and you start to REALLY enjoy/value having your evenings free.

    I do laundry and meal prep on the weekend so that I am not scrambling around during the week. I bring most of my food for the week with me on Mondays so I have less to carry the other mornings.

    Wow, that was probably TMI. Sorry. :o

    Not at all. That's helpful! I think a big part of my problem is just not preparing ahead of time.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Good point. My gym bag is prepped and ready to go at the front door.
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    I love to sleep and no matter how much I get I always want more. But I want to achieve my goal more than I want sleep so I set my alarm for 4:30 every morning. When the alarm goes off, the battle starts - "Ugh, do I have to? Yes! Get up! If you don't do it now, it won't get done at all." And that is enough. The reality is that this is the only time I have TO MYSELF to workout. Everyone else is sleeping. I know something will inevitably come up after work to sabotage early evening workouts. It just never fails. I know that if I don't workout, I will feel lethargic during the day and ultimately I cannot meet my goal if I don't workout. Once I'm up and moving, I'm great. Wide awake and ready to tackle anything. The secret is winning the fight while you're still lying in bed. After that, it's super easy. Good luck, friend!
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    It *sucks*. It's honestly my biggest hurdle to making health gains. My alarm goes off, and I lay there thinking about how great my bed is, but then I remind myself that I'll regret it if I don't go, and I'm awake anyway and I won't sleep as well if I try to go back, so I might as well.

    It also helps to fantasize about how much more I can eat through the day if I just get my butt up. Food is a great motivator for me. I'm basically a dog.
  • skinny4me2be
    skinny4me2be Posts: 358 Member
    I love to sleep but I have to work out in the morning, as my schedule doesn't allow me to work out at night. I have found if I wait until later in the day its tougher to work out or I talk myself out of it. So I have to FORCE myself to get out of bed. The first thing I say to myself when the alarm goes off is 'you are not going to make any changes for the better if you don't get up an move'.. the other thing I've done is move my alarm clock across the room so I physically have to get out of bed to turn it off, once I'm up, its a bit easier. I always set out my workout clothes near my alarm, so I have no excuses. I've even heard people will sleep in their work out gear so they just have to brush their teeth/hair and are out the door. It sux getting up so early in the morning, half the time I'm through a good portion of my work out and realize that I'm awake and moving, and by then I'm already feeling so much better and ready to start my day. If you want it you can do it. :-)
  • naparker333
    naparker333 Posts: 16 Member
    I used to cardio-kickboxing religiously 6 days a week, for about 10 years. Class began at 5, it took me 5 minutes to rinse my face, brush my teeth, put my hair in a pony tail. It took me another 15 min to get to the studio. I had it timed to the second! I'd sometimes sleep in the workout pants I was going to wear, and hastily throw on a sports bra and t-shirt as I ran out the door. I'd also leave everything laid out and ready for shower/work preparations, so I wasn't beating myself up about being late. It wasn't easy and I ultimately stopped....which is how I ended up overweight again! But if I could go back and re-do the time I quit, I'd have gotten better organized and kept at it!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    I started doing challenges and I would be accountable in fitness groups. If I didn't do my workout in the morning, I would be exhausted and not be able to complete it after work - I'm like a walking zombie after work. So, I started getting up at 6 for 30 day shred and 21 day fix, then 5:30 for Insanity and now I'm up at 5:50 every morning for Insanity Max 30. Just find accountability somewhere - somewhere you don't want to be seen failing and you'll be motivated to show up, lace up and get it done!

    Maybe this is why I can't do it. I have to get up at 5:45 just to get to work on time. I'd have to get up at 4:15 or 4:30 if I wanted to go to the gym.

    Lol, I'm at the gym by 4:30 M-Th.

    My mantra has always tricks and no gimmicks to getting up early. Either you want it or you don't
  • cheekyraspberry
    cheekyraspberry Posts: 17 Member
    oxers wrote: »
    It *sucks*. It's honestly my biggest hurdle to making health gains. My alarm goes off, and I lay there thinking about how great my bed is, but then I remind myself that I'll regret it if I don't go, and I'm awake anyway and I won't sleep as well if I try to go back, so I might as well.

    It also helps to fantasize about how much more I can eat through the day if I just get my butt up. Food is a great motivator for me. I'm basically a dog.

    That may be the best comment yet -- "I'm basically a dog." :p
  • kailibertsch
    kailibertsch Posts: 139 Member
    I've started just the last few weeks. I am trying to start by replacing just one of my workouts a week with an AM workout rather than a PM. It's worked so far. This week I've gotten my butt out of bed twice and worked out in the morning at 5:30. I also sleep in my workout clothes.
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member
    Being a mom of two and also having a husband that likes to work out. The only time I can do anything is in the mornings. I think for me my motivation was if I worked out in the mornings then I was able to spend more time with my kids. My hubby finds it easier for him to work out on lunch. So you just have to find your motiviation and what you want to do.
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    When I use to do morning workouts (5 a.m at the Y) before work and life forced me to become a lunchtime/afternoon workout person, I just liked knowing I would have the gym to myself, I could quickly get through workouts, and by the time I was finished most of the world had barely had their first cup of coffee. It's a good feeling to shower, eat breakfast and realize you've already accomplished more today than most will all day.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    It took me a while to find something that moved me. Having a race to prepare for does it for me. I avoid pain. Being unprepared for a race is like.....SUPER painful. Not to mention embarrassing.