Diverticulis support/experience

Beginning of November I had extreme pain in my left side, no appetite, nausea, fever, shakes. Was started on Antibiotics in a clinic as suspected diverticulitis,and said should feel good in a couple of days. Well, after a couple of days I was worse (pain, not eating, shaking, diarrhea, fever, nausea etc...) so went to ER and diagnosed with Diverticulitis with CT scan. Told to stay on the two medications- flagyl and Cipro, and to do about 3 days of liquid diet. Finished antibiotics, felt somewhat better but still not eating much due to nausea and pain, though pain did get a bit better. Was put on another round of same meds and told to up Metamucil. Which I tried to do very slowly but pain increased so stopped. Finished second round of antibiotics and things improved enough I started to eat a tiny bit. End of November, after about 3 days of feeling somewhat good, I ended up in ER again as the pain and other symptoms all came back suddenly. There they said antibiotics wasn't working so did intravenous antibiotics, saline drip as I was dehydrated, and then send me home with another round of antibiotics - Bactrim? I think it was, and told to do a week of liquid diet to allow intestines to heal and an urgent referral to see a Gastro specialist was put through.

After basically being on liquid diet and not eating much for November, December finally showed some improvement but very slow improvement. I was off of work November and December. I had a fairly good couple of weeks before Christmas, with the exception if I tried Metamucil then pain increased, or if I did too much. I started back to work half days beginning of this month (Jan) and the pain is awful again. Most days it is okay in the morning but by the time I finish my shift the is brutal some days that I come home and sit in my rocking chair with a heating pad on my stomach. By the end of the evening before bed I am so done.

I see my doctor on a weekly basis as I am waiting for my gastro specialist appointment on Jan 21. I am so hoping that he has some insight as to what is happening and why I am not recovering despite 4 rounds of antibiotics, etc. I am waiting for an emergency ultrasound to rule out hernias, etc....... in case we are missing something.

This is taking a toll on my in everyway. I am frustrated and don't know what to do. I am not able to do much for exercise due to the pain. Quality of life is different every day. I pretty much go day to day and sometimes hour by hour as my symptoms change so much. My diet is pretty bland as I am scared to eat a lot of things. I don't have the nausea anymore which is great. I have stayed away from the seeds, nuts, popcorn. I have stopped the Metamucil, and now trying Benefibre as not as gritty so will see how that goes, and I am also taking Baby food prunes. I am also taking align as a probiotic.

Does anyone have any suggestions!!! Anything that has helped with you.


  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    Wow - I don't have any new advice for you, but I hope you have found some relief. I also had diverticulitis. It is so painful, but nothing like you are experiencing. One round of antibiotics and a week of Miralax was all I needed to feel relief. I also take a daily probiotic now. My doctor recommended Align, so that's the one I'm taking. I haven't had a flare up in 4 months.
  • writermindi
    writermindi Posts: 9 Member
    I don't have diverticulitis, but my symptoms are similar. I had surgery in July. Went home and week later presented in ER in massive pain. The surgeon had sliced through my intestines and then closed me up. I had bowel resection and a long recovery. It's almost 6 months later, I still hurt and cannot eat without pain and stomach upset. I drink protein shakes at work to keep up my energy level and avoid diarrhea. That's been my saving grace.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Wow - I don't have any new advice for you, but I hope you have found some relief. I also had diverticulitis. It is so painful, but nothing like you are experiencing. One round of antibiotics and a week of Miralax was all I needed to feel relief. I also take a daily probiotic now. My doctor recommended Align, so that's the one I'm taking. I haven't had a flare up in 4 months.

    This. I have it. Was diagnosed when I was 28. I had the pain for a little while because they first thought it was a kidney stone, but after they got it right, i had my pain meds and antibiotics for a week or so and have felt okay ever since with an occasional flare up (5 or 6 in 12 years). I don't even take anything daily for it.
  • Candylou11
    Candylou11 Posts: 19 Member
    Well, I see the specialist tomorrow and I am really hoping that he has some answers or at least a plan. Every day is different with the pain level. Just found out I also have a small inguinal hernia as well, so doc figures I am dealing with two different things. I am only working half days as the pain can be brutal by the time I finish my shift. Last week was okay/tolerable, but this week pain has increased probably because I have been more up/down to go to the fax ext. the last couple of days. Pain increases with activity. So frustrating. Getting tired of it.
  • Candylou11
    Candylou11 Posts: 19 Member
    Well just a bit of update. Been along time. It's been almost 2 years from my first diagnosis and it's been a roller coaster. I am currently recovering from my 7th round of diverticulitis from what the doctors can say. Last year I could only work 1/2 days for half the year, and still had 4 flare ups. Last August I was in the hospital for 5 days. The residual pain/discomfort is always there and rules my life. I have never completely recovered. I have done counselling, worked with my nutritional counselor the daily discomfort was almost gone only to have another flare up in June and after getting my activity level back up to a level I was excited about then bang out of nowhere my recent attack a month ago. This one came on all of a sudden. Usually, I have a few days of not feeling well before and usually I try the liquid diet and antibiotics etc... This one hit me after a workout. Before that I was feeling great for the most part. . I am getting frustrated and and really feeling lack of motivation as I feel that I work really hard on my diet and try to rebuild by activity level after each flare up only to be kicked down again, and the whole process starts again. Right now, flare ups are ever 3, 4, or 6 months in between each other. I am on daily probiotic, gluten free/dairy free, no seeds, no nuts, no corn for diet. Not sure what else to do. Family doctor says to be patient with myself, I will recover etc... Yes, I will but only just in time till my next round. Suggestions??