Before and after pics for MOTIVATION!!!!!



  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member

    This shows a difference of 114 pounds.

    you look amazing, how did you do it?

    Thank you! But I haven't done anything special. Calorie deficit! I haven't given up anything. I eat whatever I want in moderation. I'm pretty strict with portion control. I weigh/measure everything. I've been able to go out to eat… including at carb heavy places like Olive Garden and Mexican restaurants. I've had ice cream, brownies, pizza, hamburgers, etc. Those aren't everyday things… but I have given up nothing. I eat whatever I want… but I do have to say that what I want has changed over the past 8 months. For instance, carbonated beverages make me miserable these days. And fast food literally makes me sick. I know it's old news, especially on a site like this… but for me it really has all come down to the calorie deficit.

    The macros that work best for me (both mentally and in terms of hunger) are carbs 50%/ protein 30%/ fat 20%. My days aren't always perfectly in line with those… but the average is pretty consistent. My carbs are usually from fruits and whole grains. I still struggle with veggies. They actually make me hungrier. But salads are my friend, so that is my only saving grace when it comes to veggies.

    I workout 6 days a week, with a brisk 30 minute walk on my rest day. Workouts include weights and cardio. Cardio is usually steps and walking… but I'm currently doing couch to 5k right now to ease myself into jogging. I rarely eat back my exercise calories… but only because I would be uncomfortably stuffed if I tried. I have the energy I need to do what I want… I'll eat when I'm hungry, and my body is happy… so I don't feel the need to eat back my exercise calories just because they are there.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Still a work in progress. Started at 224 last picture is 184.

  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    You all look so amazing!!!!!
  • Vossii
    Vossii Posts: 45 Member
    Where is the "LIKE" button? All of these before and afters are amazing! Definitely getting me motivated.
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    TayMCoop wrote: »

    You may have responded, it's hard to go through all of the posts to see and then find your post again... lol. Do you mind sharing your weights in the pictures?
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »


    Wow! Awesome, you look younger also!
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    You all look fantastic. Nice work! (*)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    All of your transformation is amazing!!!! Great motivation :)
  • THenry8
    THenry8 Posts: 62 Member
    Here's me at 430 pounds:n08sqfr4yn1h.jpg

    Here's me now at 235 pounds:
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    Just at a year now

  • JunipersBohoMama
    JunipersBohoMama Posts: 4 Member
    OMG!!! You're all AMAZING!!!!! JUST AMAZING!!! I've been at it 2 weeks and I'm already down 5 lbs! Starting weight 188, currently at 183, GOAL 145 (or better!) I hope to have the same success as you all. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • savannahdougherty7
    savannahdougherty7 Posts: 23 Member
    wow, these are all so inspirational! i just got back on the weight loss band wagon and have 60+ pounds to lose. I am at 228.5 right now and will need lots of support from mfp friends! I had to create a new account-come friend me! I am a good encourager too, the motivation and help from others goes both ways! :) great work all of you!!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member


    I lost a little more than 60lbs from May 2013 to December 2013. I maintained through most of 2014, but I've regained some since being put on high-dose steroids in September (and, let's be honest, coping with winter boredom/chronic pain by eating too much). These photos are my progress shots from when I was doing my absolute best -- I want to keep my pride in them and remind myself that I'm good at this, I can be successful at this, and I'll be back at fighting weight soon enough. I think I'll try to take a new "before" this evening...

  • Jennicia74
    Jennicia74 Posts: 31 Member
    I am blown away by all of these amazing transformations! I applaud you all for sharing your photos and stories....truly been motivational for me as I have just begun my journey! Continued success for all of you!
  • kittylala
    kittylala Posts: 11 Member
    Wow!!! Not sure what else to say to all these fantastic results!!! I will have to look at these daily (sometimes twice a day) but what motivation. Thanks to all!!!
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    I love these kinds of posts, I can't wait until I've got before & after pictures.
  • kiwi_gros
    kiwi_gros Posts: 30 Member
    Still a work in progress. Started at 224 last picture is 184.


    This is the progress i hope i get you look amazing! !!

  • whoopsazz
    whoopsazz Posts: 8 Member
    I started in March of 2014. Just this past weekend I hit the 110 pounds lost mark. Would still like to go another 30 and see how I feel.
  • Superwoman79
    Superwoman79 Posts: 61 Member
    Looking good everyone! :)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    the middle picture I was my largest 208 lbs, the other one and this years Christmas picture, 155 lbs.
  • kelfromco
    kelfromco Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you all so much for posting your pictures. Makes me want to go home and take my before picture so that I can share my after. Inspiring for sure!!!
  • aprila81
    aprila81 Posts: 6 Member

    holy crap! diffrent person!! Fantastic!
  • joez71
    joez71 Posts: 8 Member

    Lost about 60lbs in 2014, goal for 2015 is to be able to run a 5K and add 2kgs of muscle :)
  • yagrtpo3d7jy.jpg
    This is me from when I was at my heaviest and now.

    Job well look great..thats something i have to do is join a gym!
  • erojoy wrote: »
    chuck636 wrote: »
    Can't claim after yet...let's say before and during
    Well I think you look hot! Congrats, you've made an amazing change!
    I need to go to your gym lol
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    Over 100lbs gone in 1 year from clean eating and walking.
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