Advice on Getting Up for AM Workouts?!?



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    It took me a while to find something that moved me. Having a race to prepare for does it for me. I avoid pain. Being unprepared for a race is like.....SUPER painful. Not to mention embarrassing.
  • Freedm16
    Freedm16 Posts: 14 Member
    The most helpful thing I've found is going to bed early to make sure I get 8-9 hours of sleep and having coffee set and ready to go in the AM :)
  • Sassiesue86
    Sassiesue86 Posts: 21 Member
    I know if i eat a lite dinner and go to bed at reasonable time i am excited to get up and eat some breakfast! Hope that helps;)-chels
  • quiltermn
    quiltermn Posts: 6 Member
    chriscolh wrote: »
    I've been doing my workouts in the mornings for 6+ years now. I've made new friends at the gym that make it more fun to be there... even if it is 3 hours before the sun comes up...!
    I've been getting up at 5a.m. for the last 11 (6 of them as a retired person now) years, and driving 18 miles to work out. Am I a morning person, definitely not, but if I don't do it in the morning I don't do it at all. I set an alarm in the bathroom so I have to get up and walk out of the bedroom to turn it off. I get my things ready the night before. I've met some really great people and my 3 closest friends (2 also retired), ride herd on me if I don't show up for a few days. I also find if I say, "see you tomorrow" that's another motivation to make sure I'm there.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    Honestly, the reason I workout in the morning is that's when lap swimming is scheduled in the pool. But I prefer to work out in the morning because I make too many excuses at night not to. So, it works for me. If you find you're less inclined to make excuses at the end of the day or after work or something, work out then.

    Otherwise? Don't give yourself time to decide. Prep the night before and just program your morning zombie brain to pick up the gym bag and go.
  • clyn27
    clyn27 Posts: 102 Member
    hahahaha you're funny! Morning work outs, that's a good joke. Seriously tho I have just now started to get out of bed in time to make me and my kids a healthy breakfast (low calorie for me) instead of feeding them sugary cereal. Not to mention those extra 15 mins I have in the morning is my only a lone during the day, I don't even get a moment of piece in the shower. The kids need something, the dog tries to jump in cuz the kids don't leave the door closed or my boyfriend wants to come in and have some sort of important conversation that just couldn't wait. I spend those few moments of quiet relaxing!
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I've been going strong with early AM (at the gym @ 4am) for a few years now and it's not always easy but here are some things that I do.

    1. Go to bed at a reasonable time, for me that's 9pm, no later
    2. Make sure your nutrition is good, which is something you should have anyway
    3. Move your alarm clock / cell phone across the room so you're forced to get out of bed
    4. The supplement ZMA before bed helps me wake-up feeling better. I know clinical research is a little mixed on the effectiveness of it but for me it's a must have. Most people could use a little more Zinc and Magnesium anyway.
    5. I got this from Dr. Lonnie Lowery actually... put a bottled water and caffeine pill next to your bed. First alarm take the caffeine pill and hit snooze for 10-min. Second alarm, get up.

  • loratliff
    loratliff Posts: 283 Member
    oxers wrote: »
    It also helps to fantasize about how much more I can eat through the day if I just get my butt up. Food is a great motivator for me. I'm basically a dog.

    I thought I was the only one. LOL
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Really good advice has already been given. The only thing I'll add is, once you get the preparation part done, DON'T wait for or expect motivation or a desire to be magically there. Don't give yourself time to think about whether you WANT to do it or not; just do it. Automatically. You'll always feel better afterwards.

    And, scratching a big "to-do" item off your daily list first thing in the morning is a great boost to the rest of your day.