Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?



  • slimfast35
    slimfast35 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi trying to really do it the right way and lose 50 lbs .. I know I can do if I stay focused .. Ugghh fat is not cute for me
  • jenellison30
    jenellison30 Posts: 5 Member
    Really tired of this extra weight I have been carrying for the past 4 years. Ready to get back in a shape other than round. Starting at 199, goal is 149. Please send me friend requests to help keep me encouraged. My husband is the worst person to be around when trying to lose weight. He constantly sabotage my efforts while telling me he likes me the way that I am. Unlike him, i am not 6'4 and with a super fast metabolism. I love him and want to duct tape his mouth all at the same time. Wait, maybe I should duct tape my mouth instead?!
  • Lose25now
    Lose25now Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, back again how do you friend request some one? Feel free to friend request me anytime, thanks.
  • mek4ever
    mek4ever Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I just started today and I'm at my highest weight ever at 223 and am aiming for 170, feel free to add me.
  • GardenLady01
    GardenLady01 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! If you are still looking for friends, I started 3 months ago at 208. I'm 176 as of today. I'm heading for 140.

    Wow that's great to hear! I started then stopped and now I'm back with it again. Looking for 50-60 lb loss but just these past weeks have really been educational realizing how much calories I was eating. What an eye opener. Haven't added consistent exercise yet but need to.
  • GardenLady01
    GardenLady01 Posts: 3 Member
    I just got started on the first and I'm looking for a few more fitness pals with similar weight loss goals.
    My start weight is 209 & goal weight is 149 lbs.


    Me too! Looks like a lot are in the same boat. I wasn't aware of this community part of the MFP. It's cool to help support each other's goals.
  • carmenliciaga
    carmenliciaga Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, names Carmen, and I am not new to MFP, but I always give up. My current weight is 235, which is the biggist I have ever been. Trying to get some friends on here so we can motivate each other. I'm currently doing the herballife shakes and I lost 5 pounds last week. My body looses weight pretty decently, but I also gain it back with much more speed. I can gain a pound just by looking at food, lol. Hopefully this time around will be different. Wishing you all much success, and please feel free to add me. I would add you but I've never learned how to do it :/
  • angiebsz
    angiebsz Posts: 6 Member
    Hello!! I started 72 days ago at 236. I am now at 206. My goal is to be about 145-150. I've been using MFP for a while but just in the last few days starting talking to others that share the same goals. Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Same boat here! Started at 203, last weigh-in at 175, and another weigh-in due tomorrow. Goal 130-140.
  • Hi! I'm a beginner also and just logged my food for the tenth day. I'm 175 seeking to be 155 by June! Please add me :)

  • Good morning Iam looking to lose 50 to 60 pounds and Im sure that it will not be easy however Iam so ready to get started. I look forward to giving support and receiving it as every bit helps! Feel free to add me and take care .
  • thecraftinista
    thecraftinista Posts: 66 Member
    I sound like I'm in the same situation and weight range as most of you!
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    I am in same boat as you all. Started at 224 down to 186 would like to be 150 by summer. Add me if you would like. Good luck to you all.
  • shaena112
    shaena112 Posts: 2 Member
    I am tired of being heavy and ready to do this!! I would also like to be included in your group. I need all the motivation I can get. I'm starting with the 10 day cleanse. Wishing you luck on this journey.
    Shana (Shaena)
  • ashleighpashlyy
    ashleighpashlyy Posts: 4 Member
    Me! :#
    I started at 215 lbs, I'm currently 206 lbs and Im trying to get down to around 145 lbs :D
    (I'm 5 ft 9 B) )
    Good luck!
  • ahopson214
    ahopson214 Posts: 9
    edited January 2015
    As of this morning I'm 167.8 lbs as of this morning (yeah, I'm gonna count those decimals!). Looking to get down to 130 - 135. Only 33 more lbs. minimum to go! I started seriously tracking and adding exercise on the 7th and I've already lost 1.6 lbs. Everyone, anyone, feel free to add me!
  • Me! I am new to MFP and would love to be part of this group! I have about 50 pounds to lose.
  • Hi. Please add me as a link, we all need support & encouragement & kick in the butt once in awhile;) Was 218 when I started, currently at 210.8. My immediate goal is to break 200 (it has been years since I was in the 190s), then go in 5 or 10 lb increments. I think I will cry with happiness when I can go clothes shopping & buy what I want as opposed to what will fit me. So enough is enough, I am determined to be healthier & feel happier this year. My overall goal would be between 150-160. But, it's been so long since I've been even close to that weight, that any progress towards it will make me more & more determined. Love this app & good luck to all.
  • amywilkes35
    amywilkes35 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes!! I started at 207 and goal is 150! I'd love to do it in 9 months to a year!!
  • natalie_171994
    natalie_171994 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started my journey. I need all the motivation I can get. I currently weigh 221 and would love to get down to 150.