Anyone else just getting started and have about 50-60 lbs to lose?

I just got started on the first and I'm looking for a few more fitness pals with similar weight loss goals.
My start weight is 209 & goal weight is 149 lbs.



  • sharonhouse81
    sharonhouse81 Posts: 20 Member
    ME!! I'm 200 and my goal is 150! I need constant pushing, motivating, and coaching.... so message me constantly and ask me if I've ran and eaten right!! lol I'll do the same for you!
  • RaeC42
    RaeC42 Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to join you! I had been up as high as 205. I'm just shy of 5'5" and am currently at ~198. I haven't completely decided on my goal weight yet. I would love to be back at my high school weight of ~125. But am thinking for now I should shoot for 150 as that will put me just back into the normal BMI range. So I guess for now I am wanting to lose about 50 pounds, but ultimately might want more. :smile:

    I just restarted Zumba today and will start logging food tomorrow.
  • sizesixorbust
    sizesixorbust Posts: 114 Member
    209, aiming for 140 here! got down to 159 a couple years back, but i can do it again! feel free to add me!
  • Amanda682015
    Amanda682015 Posts: 68 Member
    I am 209 aiming for 150 for this next year for my first goal, and then to seriously get in shape, tonned up, and ready for whatever weight I am after that!! I would love to work at this with you!!! Add me? bradfield2015
    BL3SS3DFITN3SS Posts: 40 Member
    Yayyyy so many of you with similar goals! I'm sending friend requests :-)
  • sharongen191
    sharongen191 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! If you are still looking for friends, I started 3 months ago at 208. I'm 176 as of today. I'm heading for 140.
  • ilovethefeenycall
    ilovethefeenycall Posts: 12 Member
    Oooh, thats me! I have spent most of the last few years right around 210, and my highest is 219. I ultimately want to be around 150 but I am currently going with under 175 so I dont give myself a lofty/unrealistic goal. I will reassess when I get down that far. Looking forward to the journey, though I know it will be super difficult!
  • Hey, I'm currently just over 200lbs & would love to be down near the 150lb mark, getting me a healthy bmi. Feel free to friend me as i need all the motivation I can get!! :)
    BL3SS3DFITN3SS Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks soooo much ladies, I sent all of you invites. Let's do this!!!
  • scmom2boyz
    scmom2boyz Posts: 6 Member
    That's me.... just started AGAIN! Currently 225 goal is 160. Add me please ;)
  • nikkistuhlmiller
    nikkistuhlmiller Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am just getting started. I am at 214 ( down from 234) and my goal is 125. Add me please!
  • bliles84
    bliles84 Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2015
    My current weight is 204, my goal is 140. Please feel free fo add me.
  • I am just like all of you. I am a little over 200 my goal is 180. Once I hit 180 I will give myself a new goal. I am afraid if I set a larger goal I will get frustrated and give up. So I have decided to do small steps this time around. Feel free to add me also, I can use all the support and give it back in return!! :smile:
  • nicholewilcox94
    nicholewilcox94 Posts: 1 Member
    Im new. Was on low carb before n lost really good. So starting again and eating rite. Im 270lbs. and first goal is to loose 50lbs then on from there. In need of some new recipes and some people to help me stay encouraged :D
  • bermequeen
    bermequeen Posts: 57 Member
    Me, I am currently at 234 though I don't look it, I am working to get around 170-180. Just started setting 5lb/month goal for myself. I'd love to link up with people with similar situations/goals like myself. Feel free to add me.
  • Hello everyone! Me too! Doctor's suggestion 3 years ago! Lose 60 - 70 pounds. I have good intentions but that's it! I am 192 and need to get to about 125...I am setting small goals of 5 pounds, maybe 10, because that is how my mind works. Good luck everyone:)
  • npima2013
    npima2013 Posts: 1 Member
    I started at 201 and want to get down to 150. Over the past year I lost 26 pounds, but gained much of it back when my daughter had emergency surgery and a prolonged recuperation. Now I am having a hard time starting again. I need support! Please add me to your group so we can all support each other.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I havent just started but anyone is welcome to add me as a friend but these are a must for me.
    you log regularly on mfp
    you give support back for the support you receive form me
    that you comment on post and do not just use the like button
    good luck on your journey
  • SarahMS79
    SarahMS79 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi I'm trying to lose about 40 pounds. Last year I started my weight loss journey around 200 pounds. I lost about 40 pounds using MFP. I have fallen off the wagon the last few months and the weight is starting to pour back on... I don't even want to get on the scale because I know I'll be depressed. I don't have many friends and I'm looking for active members to keep me accountable and constantly remind me to exercise and LOG my food...I'm really bad at that! lol... add me for support!
  • Me! I am aiming to lose around 4 stone! Confident in my body shape but starting to impact on my strength and clothes size so checked the scales and got a shock! You are not alone :)