Looking for accountability buddies

I'm Lisa. I'm looking for accountability buddies. This is my story. I've been overweight all my life. I have type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and I damaged my heart from my crummy diet. God was tapping on my shoulder to make a change, but I was ignoring Him. You can only ignore God so long before He gives you a kick in the backside. I weighed 327 lbs. and I got that kick. After being rushed to the ER, I vowed to eat healthy and I lost 130 lbs. That summer I started swimming laps even though I am a crummy swimmer, and in the winter I was walking, but only a mile 3 Xs week. After I broke 200 lbs., I decided I was going to "maintain" for awhile even though I still had not made it all the way to my goal of 150. For awhile I was doing great but I started slipping gradually. Constant knee problems made it hard to walk and right now, I haven't swam laps since the summer. I vowed I was not going to allow myself to regain all my weight back so here I am. I weighed myself January 12 and I have gained back almost 50 lbs over the last 2 years! (I thought I gained back about 25! How we live in denial! ) I almost hit the floor. I have kept a food journal when I lost weight before. It was in a notebook, but this time I'm trying this and hope having friends will help me to achieve my goals of getting healthy and staying that way! I support your efforts, feel free to add me and maybe we can help each other! And anyone else who reads this is welcome to add me!


  • Jkrn20061
    Jkrn20061 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been overweight most of my life also. I was told by my doctor recently that I have metabolic syndrome and that I will become diabetic if I don't change my ways. It is very scary to me that I let my body get in such horrible shape. I HAVE to make these changes! I will help you if you will help me.
  • lisa_5815
    lisa_5815 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a Lisa, too, trying to get back on track. Several years ago I managed to lose about 60 lbs on WW, but then life happened and I got off track, and slowly the weight crept back on. I had rejoined WW but just wasn't feeling connected and their new program just hasn't been working for me.So now I'm trying to refocus my efforts, hoping MFP can help me to lose 75-85 lbs and keep it off for good. I love the idea of having accountability buddies.
  • ahopson214
    Hi Lisa! I'm April. 29 years old, Type 1 diabetic. I have gained about 40 lbs since August. Long story short, I was being treated for Type 2 diabetes and only found out I was Type 1 (thankful for my knowledgeable endo who did a type test) this past August so everything I ate was being discarded by my body as waste... I could basically eat anything and not gain a lb. Once I got on the right medications/insulin, my body is using what I'm eating so the weight crept on (it does that when you go from eating junk and not using any of the nutrients to eating junk and suddenly it's being absorbed). I have 33 lbs to lose to get to a healthy weight. Like yourself, I need someone who can hold me accountable (I've fallen off track so many times since August).
  • div9diva44
    div9diva44 Posts: 151 Member
    Love to be added to help modivate and cheer u on! Keep up the good work!