Weight loss is for the mentally stable........ :(

so I was diagnosed with sever depression and anxiety disorder in 2009 and when I'm off my meds I go into a total shut down. I've experienced (what felt like) 2 nervous breakdowns in the last 3 years. I think this has something to do with why I cant stay on track when it comes to eating healthy. I'm sooo weak mentally. The words "will power" dont mean anything to me. I do sooo good for about three days then totally blow it off. It really doesn't help that I live with two other adults that have no desire to change and eat what ever they want. That really messes me up. Im at a low point and I don't want to give up. Because I know I have to do this I really want to do this!!! does anyone know of any books or websites I could read or go to? Shoot any words of advice or stories would also help. Thanks guys HHHeeeeeeeeLLLLLpppppppp


  • makeachange22
    makeachange22 Posts: 151
    oh and IF YOU CHEAT, then you cheat :) forgive yourself. and work past it, sorry to hear about your problems but you can do whatever you set your mind to, you just really have to work past it ! <333
  • jdg1mfp
    jdg1mfp Posts: 103
    Two steps forward..one step back... its still all progress.
    Just gotta keep moving forward.
    I'm wishing all the luck in the world for you.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    You didn't mention if you are exercising, but It really helps. I have been struggling with situational depression for about a year (finally getting close to being normal-thank you God). I found that exercising and getting the endorphins release (I started by taking long walks) really helped me focus and regain some of 'me' again. God bless and good luck getting a new lease on life.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Don't let one bad choice lead to multiple. Treat every choice as a new opportunity to make a good decision. So if you blow off a workout, don't use that as an excuse to eat a really heavy breakfast. When we think we have to be perfect to be thin or healthy, it is very easy to get overwhelmed. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, even if those mistakes were 10 mins ago, and love yourself enough to make a good one when you have the chance.

    You are in the right place!! We are all here because the help and support of others is what we needed. Good luck with your journey to health of all kinds. And be proud of yourself for taking the initial steps!!:flowerforyou:
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    A strong support group. Some one you can talk to, some one to listen to your anxiety.
    You can do this!
  • kerri76
    kerri76 Posts: 45 Member
    Hang in there, I will post more in a bit. I'm in a similar situation.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    so I was diagnosed with sever depression and anxiety disorder in 2009 and when I'm off my meds I go into a total shut down. I've experienced (what felt like) 2 nervous breakdowns in the last 3 years. I think this has something to do with why I cant stay on track when it comes to eating healthy. I'm sooo weak mentally. The words "will power" dont mean anything to me. I do sooo good for about three days then totally blow it off. It really doesn't help that I live with two other adults that have no desire to change and eat what ever they want. That really messes me up. Im at a low point and I don't want to give up. Because I know I have to do this I really want to do this!!! does anyone know of any books or websites I could read or go to? Shoot any words of advice or stories would also help. Thanks guys HHHeeeeeeeeLLLLLpppppppp

    First of all you are NOT WEAK, mentally or otherwise!!!! Second, this new way of living does not come to everyone easily. Third, we all struggle...we just pick up the pieces when we fail and try again. I was diagnosed as being "manic depressive" a long time ago, so I do understand what you are feeling and going through. Add, me if you want and I will be your cheerleader, motivator, pusher, and friend. We can do this!!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I highly encourage you to find a counselor that you can work with. I've been seeing one for awhile (after I realized I was depressed and unhappy with my life) and it is really helping to keep me from falling too far off the wagon. There is nothing wrong with seeking professional help, and the professionals have tools that can be very helpful in our journies toward health. I particularly encourage you to see someone who uses cognitive behavioral therapy - it help you re-train your brain (for lack of a better description) to focus on the positive thoughts and to follow through on the path you want to go on rather than give-in to self-doubt, negativity and whatnot.

    Most health insurances cover this type of thing, and if you don't have insurance, most cities have clinics or even individual therapists who take sliding-scale fees. Don't look just for psychologists/psychiatrists, but for Licensed clinical social workers as well (I'm seeing a LCSW).
  • Divaslimm
    Divaslimm Posts: 13 Member
    I absolutely LOVE this site! You guys are all awesome and I take your kind words straight to the heart.
  • ColeyCannoli
    ColeyCannoli Posts: 147
    For one, stop calling yourself weak! Look at you! You are alive and still getting up in the morning despite all that - it is a bigger achievement than you might realize. I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 (with severe depression) after being hospitalized over a year ago. I was very sick and it was then that I gained about 20lbs very quickly. Don't be hard on yourself. Our mental diseases are much like any other kind of diseases, we have bad days and good days and we have to be patient with ourselves. Take care of yourself and remember how amazing you are for staying strong. Don't give up.
    Working out has helped me a LOT. It has proven a better therapy for me than any of my meds. Maybe find a trainer?
    I know what it is like to have your own brain work against you so if you want you can also friend me. I'd be happy to support you :flowerforyou:
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Let me start off by apologizing before I get started. I don't mean to offend. I just feel strongly about this. The drive and determination lies within you. There is not a book, CD, DVD, or anything else that can give you anything. You already have it. You have already made the decision that you want to change. You just have to find that drive and determination to take that first step because that is always the hardest. The first step leads to the second and they get easier. As far as the people that you live with, you have to do for you. Let them eat whatever they wanna eat. You buy what you need to eat.

    People make MILLIONS of dollars on books and multimedia selling their own ideas about what should work for people. My Dear, please do not fall victim to this sham. You have drive, determination, and motivation within your heart. You have to dig deep to find it sometimes, but we all do. But the longer you sit around wondering about it, the deeper it falls and the harder it is to find.

    Reading a book isn't going to help you lose weight. Neither is watching a video, or listening to a CD....unless you have found it within yourself to do this while you are EXERCISING and EATING HEALTHY. I wish you the best of luck.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Don't give up. There are tons of great people here who can give you support. Everyone cares about each other here. For each tiny baby step you take toward your goals, you will be adding love to yourself. If you were giving up you wouldn't be here. So we know you want to do this and being here will help you greatly.
  • ColeyCannoli
    ColeyCannoli Posts: 147
    Let me start off by apologizing before I get started. I don't mean to offend. I just feel strongly about this. The drive and determination lies within you. There is not a book, CD, DVD, or anything else that can give you anything. You already have it. You have already made the decision that you want to change. You just have to find that drive and determination to take that first step because that is always the hardest. The first step leads to the second and they get easier. As far as the people that you live with, you have to do for you. Let them eat whatever they wanna eat. You buy what you need to eat.

    People make MILLIONS of dollars on books and multimedia selling their own ideas about what should work for people. My Dear, please do not fall victim to this sham. You have drive, determination, and motivation within your heart. You have to dig deep to find it sometimes, but we all do. But the longer you sit around wondering about it, the deeper it falls and the harder it is to find.

    Reading a book isn't going to help you lose weight. Neither is watching a video, or listening to a CD....unless you have found it within yourself to do this while you are EXERCISING and EATING HEALTHY. I wish you the best of luck.

    Gotta second this ^^ Very true
  • ImmortalWings17
    ImmortalWings17 Posts: 117 Member
    Weight loss is for the mentally strong.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    My advice is to forget about weight loss for now, and try and get some exercise. Clinical trials have shown that exercising for 30 minutes three times a week can be as effective as talking therapies, and who knows if you manage to do it you might even lose some weight as a by-product.

    Now I do know how hard it is to get motivated to exercise, but you don't have to go all out. Start really small, with things that aren't too scary to contemplate, such as a brisk walk to the end of your street. You can force yourself to do that.

    Once you're there you can decide whether or not to walk further. I bet you do. And if you don't, there's always another day. :)

    And well done for making a start by posting this, that was a really positive step!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    My advice is to get back on your meds so you can feel "normal" again... Because you know yourself best and when your not on them you don't have willpower because you aren't yourself. Get on your meds, talk to a medical professional and ask them what you asked us. Also remember that exercise boosts mood so that might give you a little motivation before a work out! You can do this!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    I'm right there with you. Clinical Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, nice to meet you. :smile:

    Some days I literally feel too exhausted to get out of bed. PTSD comes with all sorts of fun symptoms like insomnia and, for me, nightmares of the extremely disruptive variety. It's just one day at a time. Just keep pushing forward. Even if you lose your way now and then or even more often than now and then...it's okay...look at the big picture--you're still making progress. Slow and steady wins the race.

    I would in no way call myself mentally stable, but I've taken off six and a half pounds in the last five and a half weeks. And I have definitely had my days where I just couldn't make it to the gym, where I just had to have extra food, where my willpower was nowhere to be found. But then there are days that it IS there, and those are the ones really worth fighting for.

    Everyone on MFP has your back. You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Weight loss is for the mentally strong.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself, losing weight is hard for everyone and combined with an issue like depression much harder still.

    I really like a booked called "Changing Habits Changing Lives" by Cyndy O'Meara.
    She focuses on changing one thing at a time. So, for one week just focus on eating a good breakfast. For one week, just focus on drinking water.
    For me, this approach is much more achievable that having to do everything at the same time and its easier to see and celebrate small victories.
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    So sorry to hear about your struggles.

    I agree with one step at a time. Make a very small goal, achieve it, and then celebrate that success. Then add another goal. Don't try to change everything at once. I also agree that exercise would be a great place to start making goals. I have episodes of depression, but I haven't had one since starting to exercise regularly (and that was almost a year ago)!

    A counselor or support group would be a good idea as well.

    Hope you find someone/something that helps, and remember to just keep on making better choices one choice at a time...you can do this!!! :flowerforyou: